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Modeling and Simulation Introduction 1 TA. May Almousa Princess Nora Bint Abdul Rahman University.

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Presentation on theme: "Modeling and Simulation Introduction 1 TA. May Almousa Princess Nora Bint Abdul Rahman University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modeling and Simulation Introduction 1 TA. May Almousa Princess Nora Bint Abdul Rahman University

2 2 About the Course 2  Number of credits: 3 lecture – 2 hours practice – 1-2 hours  Pre-requisite courses: -Linear algebra and differential equations – MaSc 223 -Probability and statistics – MaSc 263

3 3 Schedule of Assessment Tasks : 33 Assessment weight (%) Due week The nature of the evaluation function 5% Practical assignments and quizzes. 5%Week 14 Practical project 20%After Week 15 Final exam (Practical) 30 Total

4 4 Keywords 4  Model  It is a simplification of the reality  A (usually miniature) representation of something; an example for imitation.  Simulation  It is an experiment in a computer where the real system is replaced by the execution of the program  It is a program that imitates the behaviour of the real system

5 5 Example 5 Models of the System

6 6 A Few Example Applications War gaming: test strategies; training Flight Simulator Transportation systems: improved operations; urban planning Computer communication network: protocol design Parallel computer systems: developing scalable software Games

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