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In Rome, on August 21 1841, Bro. Gabriel is received by the pope Gregory XVI who, on the 28 of the same month, signs the Decree of Approval of the.

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5 In Rome, on August 21 1841, Bro. Gabriel is received by the pope Gregory XVI who, on the 28 of the same month, signs the Decree of Approval of the Institute.




9 To our Venerable Brother ALEXANDRE RAYMOND DEVIE, Bishop of BELLEY. Gregory XVI, POPE Dear Brother, salute and apostolic blessing. Our dear son Gabriel Taborin has come to Our Holy City, and after venerating the holy mortal remains of the Apostles, humbly requested Us to give Our apostolic approval to the pious Society called Brothers of the Holy Family, which he himself founded several years ago under your authority, venerable Brother.

10 their members, living under a Rule already approved by you, and under the direction of Brother Gabriel, Superior, has grown not only in your diocese, but has also spread, with the blessings from heaven, to several places of France and Savoy.

11 This dear son has presented to Us, together with his request, the Rule of said Society, as well as two additional letters given one by you, and the other by Our Venerable Brother the Archbishop of Chambéry, in which you both give a shining witness to this pious Institute and you earnestly request Our approval

12 While receiving these documents We greatly rejoiced in the Lord to find a new help in workers who, without being promoted to the priesthood, but only tied by simple vows renewed every three years, have chosen the humblest part, which is to form the children and youth to piety, to teach them the first elements of sciences, but especially who are eager to help the Parish Priests, and furthermore, in the places where they are called, to commit themselves to other good deeds of religion and charity.


14 Regarding the approval of this Society, we shared these documents with some of our Cardinals who, after diligently and carefully considering the matter, as we ordered them, advised Us to approve right now this same Society, worthy to be recommended both for the holiness of its purpose, the commitment of its members and the benefits of their work which is already recognized in many dioceses.

15 For these reasons, following the advice of these Cardinals, after having seriously deliberated Ourselves, We willingly and heartily approve through the present letters, and confirm by Our apostolic authority, the above mentioned pious Society of the Brothers of the Holy Family, who, commit themselves to all kind of good deeds, but above all to the education of the youth. Thus, We confirm and ratify this decision, disregarding any opposition.

16 Finally we humbly pray to the Lord to spread on you, venerable Brother, the abundance of heavenly graces and to grant you every kind of prosperity, as well as on our dear Son Gabriel and on all the members of this pious Institute, and We give you with all Our heart and with the most tender affection Our Apostolic blessing. Given in Rome, at Saint Mary the Major, on 28th August of the year 1841, the eleventh of our pontificate. GREGORY XVI, POPE

17 Prayer of Bro. Gabriel for the Institute: Lord, may the Institute of the Brothers of the Holy Family always be your work and not a human accomplishment. Bless and protect it, take care of its members always and everywhere. Help all us to do your will here on earth in every moment of our life as the angels and saints do in heaven. Help each one of us to accept your plan of love in our life and to live a life worth of you and useful to our brothers and sisters. We ask this though Christ our Lord. Amen


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