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NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION FALL SEMESTER 2014. Fee Information After August 25 th $50.00 late fee starts After the 10 th day of class – September 8 th $100.

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Presentation on theme: "NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION FALL SEMESTER 2014. Fee Information After August 25 th $50.00 late fee starts After the 10 th day of class – September 8 th $100."— Presentation transcript:


2 Fee Information After August 25 th $50.00 late fee starts After the 10 th day of class – September 8 th $100 late fee starts Special petition needed

3 Payment Plan Will pay tuition, class fees, insurance, and housing. Can select 3 or 4 month payment plan via CASHnet in Bengalweb (Finance Tab) Requires 25% down $30 processing fee No interest

4 Loans Subsidized vs. Unsubsidized Loans $500.00 Book Loan after tuition is paid Apply at Finance and Administration Rm 124 – Contact Chris Ford 282-2292 Must have a source of repayment Commuter Bus, computers, books and tools Must be paid back within 90 days or end of semester whichever comes first.

5 Student Health Insurance You are automatically enrolled in Student Health Insurance (SHIP) if you have 12 or more credits Part-time students (less than 12 credits) are not eligible Complete an on-line waiver if you have insurance DEADLINE to waive September 8 th Cost: – $1251 per semester – Spouses and dependents are eligible for an additional rate CHECK YOUR BILL!!!!!!!!!! Did you pay for insurance?

6 Do you have your own INSURANCE? You MUST complete waiver or you will be charged!!!

7 Financial Aid (FAFSA) PELL GRANT = FREE $$$$$ SCHOLARSHIPS = FREE $$$ Loans = Pay back 6 months after leaving school (If getting married, apply afterwards-if under 24) Work Study will be in Bengalweb Dependent until age 24 some exceptions apply

8 Scholarships Scholarship postings and applications are available in the Student Services office. Applications are also available on-line at:

9 Adding Classes Adding most classes allowed during the first ten days Extra fees may apply 18 credit limit

10 eISU Fees - Regular fees plus $35/credit for online eISU classes. Non-resident fees will be waived for non- residents taking only eISU on-line classes. ONLINE CLASS Fees

11 ADD/DROP/CHANGE SECTIONS Dropping during the first ten days : No record on your transcript August 29 th = Early 8 week classes September 8 th = full semester classes October 24 th = Late eight week classes After the first ten days: A “W” appears on the transcript if you withdraw ADD/DROP/CHANGE SECTIONS

12 A “W” will appear on your transcript September 26 th - last day to withdraw from early 8-week courses October 31 st - last day to withdraw from individual full- semester classes October 31 st - last day to completely WITHDRAW from full semester courses November 21 st - last day to withdraw from late 8-week courses Withdrawing from Class

13 Dropping/Withdrawing Classes (Cont.) Drop vs Withdraw Financial Aid looks at a “W” the same way it looks at an “F”, i.e., you did not complete the class successfully A change in credits may affect Financial Aid REFUNDS – – First two weeks 100% – Third week 50% – If you withdraw early you may have to repay money back to Loans and PELL

14 Some Financial Aid Rules 67% Rule – 67% of ALL credits attempted must be passed successfully 2.00 Rule – Cumulative GPA must be 2.0

15 Computer Usage BengalWeb is your link to student information Used for class registration Access grades Moodle and library access are free Computer lab and wireless = $35per semester Summer account is $30

16 General Education Requirements Associate of Applied Science degrees require at least 15 credits of general education Do you have your degree plan mapped out? What classes are required for your program? Some certificate programs also require general education classes.

17 Academic Classes Academic classes = free tuition if you are a full time, full semester student. (12 cr.) Note: f/t fees are reached at 10 credits) Some classes may have an additional class fee. CHECK YOUR BILL! You are limited to 18 credits (must petition to take more than 18 credits)

18 Probation and Dismissal Low GPA for first semester = Academic Warning (13 credits) Low GPA for the second semester = Probation 1 (9 credits) Low GPA for the third semester Probation 2 (6 credits) Low GPA for the fourth semester DISMISSED from ISU GPA rules depend on total credits

19 Grade Point Average Rules Students must have a 2.00 GPA to remain in Good Academic Standing ISU students are required to have a 2.00 GPA to graduate Low Grade Blocks/Petition to Continue

20 You MUST PASS your classes to advance! If you fail your classes or a class – You can lose your spot in your program – You might have to wait a year to repeat the semester you failed. – Your 2 year degree may turn into a 3 or 4 year degree

21 Registered for classes… Now what? Student ID Buy Your Books Purchase Computer Account/Wireless Buy Parking Pass Commuter Bus Pass Housing

22 STUDENT PARKING Parking Passes are required to park on Campus (including Holt Arena) Reduced Fee Parking: in the NE/NW corners of the Holt Arena parking lot for $50/year General Lots: $70/semester or $100/year Reserved Lots: $215/semester or $300/year Cars are towed off campus if the person has $50 or more in fines Student Services meters are for visitors only Shuttle buses Day permit $4 Parking fines range from $20 (meter violation) to $105 (Parking in Disabled Parking) Not paying fines will result in Registration Holds Monthly pass $30 Yellow Lots

23 Important Reminders Make sure that the classes you are attending are the same classes that you are registered for. Check your transcript each semester!

24 Keep your address and phone number current in BengalWeb. Update Your Information!!!!!

25 WHY check your email daily? Faculty (cancel class, important info, scholarships) Financial Aid Registration Information Important dates On-Campus Activities/Events Combine email accounts

26 Campus Resources Center for New Directions Adult Success Center Disability Services Success Workshops & Tutoring Computer and Internet Student Health Center Veteran’s Sanctuary Early Learning Center ISU Credit Union

27 Activities Outdoor Program Theatre Concerts Movies Bowling, pool, games Reed Gym Student Recreation is FREE

28 Harassment Zero Tolerance Can be present in a wide variety of areas such as: Gender, Religion, Age, Disability Can be reported to faculty, department chairs, or to the Affirmative Action Office at 282-3964

29 Who Can Help During the Semester? Faculty – Office hours or make an appointment Student Services – Knowledgeable staff that can assist you – Meet with an advisor by appointment Peer Advisors from Student Services – Email:

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