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Intent to Raise Questions From November 10, 2015.

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1 Intent to Raise Questions From November 10, 2015

2 B. de Oca whether Parking Services would consider offering a free bus pass to all parking permit holders. This could encourage drivers to take an occasional day off from on campus parking and use the bus instead.

3 B. Monsma Years ago, there was something like a task force (organized by Therese Eyreman and the President's Office) looking at possibilities for working with the city of Camarillo for a bike path between campus and town. At the time, threat of traffic was identified as an important barrier to people choosing to ride bikes to campus, and a path separate from traffic could solve this (think UCSB). Is this effort still active? If not, what were the reasons for it ending? Could it be revived?

4 K. Vose, L. O’Conner The Active Shooter on Campus Scenario advises that if there's an active shooter on campus, we should 1) run 2) hide or 3) fight. Given the architecture of some campus buildings (like the library) where hiding might be the most viable option, what, if anything is CI doing to ensure that all classroom doors can be locked from the inside, and all classrooms have lights that can be turned off? 1) where I should place my students within the classroom to best protect us from an active shooter, and 2) how can I lock the classroom doors from the inside? I’d really love if the campus police could put together a list of all of the classrooms we teach in with this information for each of the classrooms.

5 B. Aquino Would it be possible for faculty to receive advance notice of emergency tests and evacuation drills so that we may plan accordingly (most importantly to avoid interruption during exams )?

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