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Published byFay Miles Modified over 9 years ago
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting1 Summary of 3 rd CDF B Mixing Workshop Joseph Kroll (Penn) & Franco Bedeschi (Pisa) Mixing Analysis Coordinators B Meeting 14 October 2004 Outline: 1.Reminder of Ingredients 2.Summary of Progress 3.Schedule of Tasks Fort Ebey, Whidbey Island, WA, in the Puget Sound 90 miles from the Pacific
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting2 Reconstruct B s signal with adequate signal to noise –semileptonic: lepton + D s –hadronic: D s , D s Measure B s Lifetime –resolve lifetime problem in semileptonics –demonstrate lifetime measurement in SVT-biased hadronics Identify B s Flavor at production (flavor tagging) –challenge: estimating D for SST in B s (for limit) Demonstrate technique with B 0 mixing ( m d ) –use this step to calibrate opposite side flavor tags for B s –require unbinned likelihood fit now Measure (place limit on) m s B s Mixing Ingredients also have the equivalent B 0 & B + signals calibration/check is B 0 & B + lifetimes From B Meeting 9/16/04
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting3 Highest Priority Items 1.Unbinned likelihood fit for m d exploiting fully power of flavor tags, event by event t, S/B in different modes, etc. 2. Resolve lifetime problem in semileptonic modes (l D s ) 3. Measure lifetime in SVT-biased hadronic modes (D s , etc.) to accomplish 1. we must in parallel with 1, 2, 3 4. Study SSKT – determine defensible D from data and MC From B Meeting 9/16/04 14 Oct 2004 Our Priorities remain the same 1 st Street Ocean City, NJ, Feb. 7 2004
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting4 Summary of Progress: Signals & Data Sets Signals – source of concern –modest progress (B s ! D s , D s ! & B ! D ) –power of tracking in 5.3.1 has not been fully exploited e.g., 2 3D, event by event PV, L00 see M.D. Shapiro @ BPAK on 8 Oct 2004 –still only data up to 13 Feb 2004 – no post COT recovery data Data Sets – source of significant concern –B hadronic skim only 70% complete up to 13 Feb 2004 no post COT recovery data available –B Sntuples need to be remade with new OSTs and other improvements (e.g., PID) future improvements cannot be exploited – must remake –Many other private data sets and ntuples
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting5 Summary of Progress: Lifetimes (1) Semileptonic Lifetimes –dedicated core of people: Clark, Farrington, Tanaka, Ukegawa, Uozumi –set up list of tasks on 8 September 2004 –already covered significant fraction of those tasks – continued steady progress since the workshop –still have not found the problem – direct charm background appears to have been eliminated as a candidate –SVT efficiency bias? Background model? Combination of two?
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting6 Summary of Progress: Lifetimes (2) Hadronic Lifetimes – “Monte Carlo free” approach –have overcome many technical obstacles to produce viable method –limited progress, however, since last presentation in July 2004 –Dedicated group of people now back in action: Azfar, Boudreau, Huffman, Rademacher, Rahaman –clearly defined tasks within this group – schedule defined –Do we get the right answer? Is this approach viable for mixing? Hadronic Lifetimes – SVT efficiency approach –limited progress since last presentation in July 2004 –Dedicated group of people being assembled at FNAL to attack: DaRonco, Donega, Giagu, Giolo (Lucchesi @ Padova) –need to define a more detailed list of tasks and schedule –Same burning issue: do we get the right answer in B +, B 0 ?
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting7 Summary of Progress: Flavor Tagging OSTs –OSTs defined (SLT(e), SLT( ), JQT) – in repository –next step clear: define combined OST & measure D 2 in data –no further development expected for Winter 2005 SS(K)T –ambitious plan outlined to estimating D from combo. of data & MC –dedicated group: see list in later slides under “schedule.” –progress on several fronts & short term goals defined: particle id around B mesons measured in data comparison: fragmentation particles around B’s in data vs. MC establish B ** signal – at least at PR level –Particle id crucial – TOF calibration a concern, dE/dx in good shape
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting8 Summary of Progress: Likelihood Fits Two groups working independently –MIT/Cantabria/Karlsruhe presented likelihood fit with SST on J/ K *0 data ambitious program to extend to l + D and B ! D , D next step: add OSTs and measure combined D 2 (with D bins) lifetime is necessary intermediate step –ANL/CMU full likelihood fit exists for \Delta m_s (see CDFNOTE 7170) extending to m d on l + D (sample composition, implement OSTs) Basic functionality of fit demonstrated with toy MC next steps: signal optimization, add OSTs, evt-by-evt vtx, L00 lifetime is necessary intermediate step
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting9 Summary of Progress: m s One presentation specific to m s : proposal for blinding –preferred option: randomize B s flavor at decay with (-1) event no. –need to follow up with written proposal that is approved at B meeting Discussion of need for common input file for various fitters –need to follow up with written proposal that is approved at B meeting –seems trivial, but will serve as a method of making sure we are speaking a common language
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting10 Schedule We have put together a list of tasks Each task has –list of people doing the work these people are considered “responsible” for delivering –the venue where they report the results of their work specify the subgroup or B group –the various near term tasks including time estimates –long term tasks have more vague time estimates Weekly status reports –we want status reports at subgroups on key tasks every week –does not have to be full presentation, can be one slide on previous week’s activities
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting11 Data Sets Data set definition –5.3.X –all data up to August 2004 shutdown except COT compromised Good run list –Furic & Nahn –reports at BPAK –by 4 November 2004 Skim of SVT two track data set –Belforte, Casarsa, Delli, Fella, Lucchesi –reports at BPAK –2 sections of the data up to 13 February 2004 after COT recovery Skim (continued) –Status of data up to 13 Feb 2004 B s ! D s , D s ! K*K or K S K complete finish other 7 modes by 4 Nov 2004 B - ! D 0 -, D0 ! K + -, K + - + -, K + K -, + - B 0 ! D - +, D - ! K - + + B 0 s ! D s - +, D s ! , –post COT recovery data processing in parallel with above complete by end of November 2004 –Some modes not included e.g., B ! D * & D can be added – no time estimate
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting12 Data Sets (continued) B Sntuple –Paus –reports at BPAK –based on 5.3.1 –includes all modes –will include all data to Aug 2004 –J/ K by 18 Oct 2004 –lepton + D by 26 Oct 2004 –B hadronic by 8 Nov 2004 Direct access to data (datlists) –Furic & Paus –reports at BPAK –available 1 Dec 2004 Comments –must do better for Summer 05 & beyond need to start organizing this now volunteer (BPAK) needed –for Winter 2004 success of datlists is critical –B sntuple no update of TOF possible event by event PV, L00 not included in present production –1 Oct 2004: Ch. Paus reports 30 pb -1 data bad due to CMX – use anyway?
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting13 Signal Optimization Hadronic modes –Casarsa, Lucchesi, Squillacioti, Shapiro –reports at B Hadronic –complete by 4 Nov 2004 Semileptonic modes –Gibson –reports at Semileptonics –update on 26 Oct 2004 –schedule for finalizing not established Concern: inadequate personnel and coming too late
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting14 Lifetimes Semileptonic –Clark, Farrington, Tanaka, Ukegawa, Uozumi –reports at Semileptonics –near term (by 4 Nov 2004) Tanaka x-check of l + D + d 0 cut on D * (D +, D 0 too?) generate more c-cbar MC result in 8 GeV (no SVT) –long term (no estimate) have to see results of near term to decide how to proceed Hadronic “MC free” approach –Azfar, Boudreau, Huffman, Rademacher, Rahaman –reports at B hadronic –fitting test and refinement Azfar, Rademacher B + ! D 0 + in progress –stripping & ntuple production (data & MC) Azfar, Rahaman B + ! D 0 + done B 0, B s, & b modes in progress complete by 4 Nov 2004
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting15 Lifetimes (continued) Hadronic “MC free” continued –Systematics alignment (Boudreau, Rahaman) SVT eff. (Azfar, Rademacher) background parameterization (Huffman, Rademacher) all in progress already for B + mode – done by 4 Nov 2004 others follow later Hadronic – SVT eff. method –Da Ronco, Donega, Giagu, Giolo, Lucchesi –update SVT curves by 4 Nov 2004 –preliminary result (lifetime okay or not okay) by 22 Nov 2004
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting16 Opposite Side Flavor Tags Validation of blessed Summer 2004 SLT( ), SLT(e), JQT –Kravchenko –reports at Semileptonics –means putting taggers in repository & verifying we get the same results –complete by 19 Oct 2004 Creation of simple combination of above tags –Kravchenko –reports at Semileptonics –determine tag overlaps and combined D 2 (including binning) on J/ K report on 19 Oct 2004 –evaluation of more sophisticated combinations (max D, diff. classes) time scale not established
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting17 Same Side (Kaon) Tag Further development of SS(K)T –Bedeschi, Catastini, Punzi, Scuri, Squillacioti –reports to Semileptonics –compare SS(K)T algorithms in data & MC using J/ K samples use combined dE/dx & TOF particle ID report by 4 Nov 2004 Study particle species produced around B +, B 0, B 0 s –Heijboer, Jones, Kroll, Usynin –reports to Semileptonics –Measure particle species in data initial report using private TOF calibration in July 2004 further progress requires updated TOF calibration and B Sntuples –MC production in parallel – estimate Dec 2004
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting18 Same Side Kaon Tag (continued) Comparison MC & data, tuning fragmentation –Ben-Haim, Maksimovic, Pursley –reports to Monte Carlo & Semileptonics –update on 4 Nov 2004 B ** –Ben-Haim, Maksimovic, Pursley –reports to J/ & B hadronics –signal in B + ! J/ K + (update 4 Nov 2004) –signal in SVT hadronic samples (December?)
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting19 Likelihood Fitting for m d MIT/Cantabria/Karlsruhe –Belloni, Gomez-Ceballos, Kravchenko, Leonardo, Paus, Piedra –reports to Semileptonics –likelihood fit B ! J/ K with SST exists – see last workshop –need to add OSTs –developing fits for l + D & D , D3 –Fully tested with preliminary result on m d by 1 Dec 2004 Argonne/CMU –Giurgiu, Paulini, Tanaka –reports to Semileptonics –full likelihood for m s exists; used for ICHEP 04 projections –developing for m d w l + D incorporating blessed OSTs 1 st version fit working and tested on toy MC – see last workshop working on including tagging & vertexing in data ntuple – report at 4 Nov 2004 run on MC to determine add. K factors: 30 Nov 2004 1 st result on m d by 7 Dec 2004
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting20 Result on m s Difficult to work this far ahead – we can work backwards from La Thuile & draw some conclusions: –24 Feb 2005 last day to bless results for La Thuile –17 Feb 2005 unblind results on m s –03 Feb 2005 prebless results on m s –20 Jan 2005 bless results on m d for m s (Collaboration mtg.) –06 Jan 2005 prebless results on m d for m s Better have full likelihood machinery for m d determination using hadronic and semileptonic samples and OSTs before the Winter holiday – this includes a substantial amount of documentation prepared.
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting21 In Preparation for m s Decision on blinding procedure –Punzi –reports to B meeting –written proposal submitted to B group before 4 Nov 2004 –present at workshop on 4 Nov 2004, sign off at following B meeting Quantities for input to likelihood fit (flat file content) –Kravchenko & Tanaka –reports to semileptonics –written proposal submitted to B group before 4 Nov 2004 –present at workshop on 4 Nov 2004
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting22 Common Tools dE/dx in COT –COT dE/dx group (Giagu) –reports to BPAK group –validation of entire data set up to Aug 2004 shutdown in progress –ready for 5.3.4 release on 29 Oct 2004 TOF –TOF group (Snider) –reports to BPAK group –in process of revising/validating calibration schemes –hope to be ready for 5.3.4 release on 29 Oct 2004
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting23 Common Tools (continued) Combined dE/dx & TOF PID –Ciocci, Morello, Punzi, Squillacioti, Tonelli –reports to BPAK –available now in private version: resolution functions for each particle type separately for dE/dx & TOF –include in public code infrastructure by 18 Oct 2004 – validate –include in 5.3.4 release on 29 Oct 2004 –include combination of TOF and dE/dx for 29 Oct 2004 release –demonstrate utility with examples by 4 Nov 2004 Event by Event Vertexing incl. L00 –Cerri, Lucchesi, Shapiro –reports to BPAK –code available & will be in 5.3.4 rel. –documentation by 4 Nov 2004
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting24 Monte Carlo Production Oversight of Monte Carlo Generation/Production –D’Auria –reports to Monte Carlo –outstanding issues existing MC samples produced by various groups privately not registered only aware of one collaborative effort to generate MC for semileptonics –see talk by Usynin at semileptonics subgroup on 28 Sep 2004
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting25 Some Concluding Remarks We have made progress assigning tasks and making a schedule The schedule needs to be studied further to see if we are on target to have a result for Winter 2005 Particular concern is Dec 2004 – how do we go from 1 st results on m d to documented blessed results by early Jan 2005? Two more workshops planned in 2004 –November 3 & 4 off week – we thought it would help to spread the pain over 2 days –December 16
14 October 2004Kroll/Bedeschi B Meeting26 Calendar on week proposed B mixing workshop Collaboration meeting last Thursday meeting Gasp! now we are here! La Thuile begins here holiday Better get back to work
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