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QIMO A presentation by DANCorp. Overview of network.

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Presentation on theme: "QIMO A presentation by DANCorp. Overview of network."— Presentation transcript:

1 QIMO A presentation by DANCorp

2 Overview of network

3 What is QIMO? Qimo is a desktop operating system designed for kids. Based on the open source Ubuntu Linux desktop, Qimo comes pre- installed with educational games for children aged 3 and up. Qimo’s interface has been designed to be intuitive and easy to use, providing large icons for all installed games, so that even the youngest users have no trouble selecting the activity they want.

4 Reviews Many people are familiar with Edubuntu, the Ubuntu spinoff intended for school and other educational institutions, but you may not know much about Qimo. Unlike Edubuntu, which is designed for a client-server network model, Qimo is intended for a sole desktop user – in this case children 3 years old and up. It uses a customized version of the XFCE desktop, with large icons and simple menus, to make it easy to navigate. Included are many of the top titles in kids software for Linux, such as GCompris and TuxPaint. Today we’ll take a look at what Qimo has to offer, and submit it to the ultimate test: a real live toddler.

5 Advantages Qimo is fast, simple and reasonably lightweight It has programs to teach toddlers and young children how to use the mouse and keyboard Qimo can be run off a CD ROM

6 Disadvantages May not work with proprietary applications eg. Microsoft Lacks compatibility for advanced applications

7 Future outlook for QIMO Children are using computers at a much younger age, therefore there will be a continued need for OS’s for infants Based on the Ubuntu OS which has long term support Can be used on a variety of hardware platforms due to its low power requirements

8 Summary QIMO requires little technical support and will work on a range of new and old hardware QIMO has education programs specifically designed for elementary school environments

9 Questions?

10 References kids/2010/08/26 kids/2010/08/26

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