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John Fitzgerald Kennedy By: Joshua Laboy. Background Kennedy was on March 29, 917 in Massachusetts and grew up in the out skirts of Brooklyn, New York.

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Presentation on theme: "John Fitzgerald Kennedy By: Joshua Laboy. Background Kennedy was on March 29, 917 in Massachusetts and grew up in the out skirts of Brooklyn, New York."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Fitzgerald Kennedy By: Joshua Laboy

2 Background Kennedy was on March 29, 917 in Massachusetts and grew up in the out skirts of Brooklyn, New York. He spent most of his childhood recuperating from multiple sicknesses like Scarlet fever, Whooping coughs, measles, chicken pox, bronchitis, tonsils, appendicitis, jaundice and a bad back. Kennedy went to Harvard University from 1936-1940 and majored on Political science. Kennedy was married to Jacqueline L. Bouvier in a Roman Catholic Church, due to Kennedy was Roman Catholic

3 Life Achievements Kennedy served the navy from 1941 to 1945 and was awarded the Purple Heart honor due to his injury in war Then two years later, he became a united states representative from 1947 to 1953 U.S. Senator from 1953 to 1961 Kennedy won the Presidential election on November 8, 1960 by a hair to Senator Richard Nixon.

4 President Kennedy He was the youngest president to ever be elective, he was forty-three. Kennedy was president during the Bay of Pigs, in which Kennedy try to overthrow Fidel Castro in Cuba. This plan was unsuccessful due, Kennedy really did not tell the air force exact orders, and this failure really embarrassed him, Kennedy was very close to launch a missile crisis if the soviet did not back down later President Kennedy established the Alliances for progress in which United States provided billions of dollars in aid to Latin America. the Peace Corps was established in March 1961 as agency of the state department, to enlist volunteers in teaching and providing technical man power to under developed countries.

5 Kennedy Beliefs Kennedy took part in the law of equal employment for the black and white. In a way, Kennedy supported the Black Movement and believed that African American should be treated fair. Kennedy encourages the idea of putting a man on the moon. Kennedy also ratified the twenty-third amendment in 1961, which gave the district of Colombia the right to vote in the presidential election. During the Vietnam War, he sent over a thousand advisers to South Vietnam to fight communist government.

6 Assassination On November 22, 1963 a tragedy occurred, at 1:00 pm, Dallas Texas, in Park Land Memorial hospital John F. Kennedy died He was assassinated, one bullet hit his neck, and the other bullet took the bullet back side of his skulls. Lee Harver Oswald shot him. While Oswald was being transferred under Custody to the County Prison, was shot to death at point blank range by Jack Rudy.

7 Assassination Clip

8 Conclusion President Kennedy did a lot our lives and country. He is one of the greatest Presidents of all Times.

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