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E-MARKING Isabel Millar e-marking at SQA Benefits of e-marking What you can do to assist Q & A Aims.

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Presentation on theme: "E-MARKING Isabel Millar e-marking at SQA Benefits of e-marking What you can do to assist Q & A Aims."— Presentation transcript:


2 E-MARKING Isabel Millar

3 e-marking at SQA Benefits of e-marking What you can do to assist Q & A Aims


5 Delivery and collection of paper scripts is greatly reduced Administrative burden is greatly reduced Environmental impact is reduced Ease of use by markers Greater security Practical Benefits

6 Quality Assurance is front loaded Detailed feedback to markers Ongoing quality checks allow any issues to be identified and addressed throughout the marking period Elimination of clerical errors Personal details removed from responses Responses are randomly allocated Item level data for analysis Quality Assurance Benefits

7 The Standardisation team sets the marking standard Markers are carefully selected and trained Markers are assigned to a marking team under the supervision of a team leader Practice and Qualification scripts are marked before work on live marking. Setting the Standard

8 There is full visibility of live marking Marking accuracy is continually monitored using seeded scripts Support and detailed feedback is provided to markers Responses are marked accurately, to standard by end of marking process Monitoring the Standard

9 Invigilators should issue the correct answer booklets and package them as instructed for return Candidate should use blue/black ink and write their SCN legibly What can you do to assist?

10 Example of a completed front page

11 e-marking Has a robust front loaded quality assurance model that checks that all markers can apply the national standard prior to marking live scripts Provides greater quality control throughout the marking process Ensures that marking is consistent with the national standard across the cohort of candidates In summary

12 e-marking Provides item level marks to inform grade boundary decisions Significantly reduces the likelihood of clerical errors Maximises efficiency, effectiveness and security. Is environmentally friendly as it reduces the number of script journeys and procedural meeting In summary

13 For further support contact the CfE Support Team

14 Questions

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