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Research Data Management Library and Campus Collaboration to Support E-Research Sandra De Groote, MLIS Abigail Goben, MLS Robert J. Sandusky, PhD on behalf.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Data Management Library and Campus Collaboration to Support E-Research Sandra De Groote, MLIS Abigail Goben, MLS Robert J. Sandusky, PhD on behalf."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Data Management Library and Campus Collaboration to Support E-Research Sandra De Groote, MLIS Abigail Goben, MLS Robert J. Sandusky, PhD on behalf of the UIC Library E-Science Committee

2 E-Research By Definition Collaboration Cyber- infrastructure Photo by Simon Cockell (

3 Then Came the Mandates…

4 Assessment on Campus Survey – 2009 Interviews – 2011 – Part of ARL/DLF E-Science Institute

5 Survey Results: Data Sharing & Storage 26% responded that they were required to share data 2/3 kept their data long term (5+ years) but generally used unreliable approaches and proprietary formats that fall short of preservation Indicated need for assistance in maintaining security and access to data as electronic formats changes over time as well as a need for information on storage methods and preservation Many indicated need for great data storage capacity including secure data repositories to facilitate data access, sharing, and discovery See Poster for more

6 ARL / DLF E-Science Institute Environmental scan Stakeholder interviews SWOT analysis Draft e-research strategic agenda Capstone event (January 2012) Final e-research strategic agenda for UIC

7 Findings from Interviews Health sciences researchers creating new data and also re-using data Old data is available for repurposing but not accessible Datasets don't have a place to be stored or shared locally (for some) One group has a focus on building a clinical research data warehouse Some researchers are interested in using others’ data but reluctant to share own

8 More Findings from Interviews Many researchers have data management needs but do not have the time to undertake or learn about data curation or developing data management plans There is no central place to find faculty research or to determine faculty members' research interests across the entire campus Partial faculty profile system

9 More Findings from Interviews Central high performance computing cluster Excellent bandwidth between UIC and Internet Committing $ to improving research infrastructure New IT governance (ITGC) structure may allow broader consideration of collaboration and improving communications – 4 subgroups – 2 focused on research and infrastructure

10 RDM Best Practices and Library Goals Relationships – ACCC, OVCR, colleges Tools – Research and Subject Guides Data Management Plans – DMPTool DMPTool Pilots – Engage 2 or 3 units in service development




14 RDM Best Practices and Library Goals Services – Data management planning – Metadata consulting – Matching research to data repositories – Campus standard identifier service – Semantic Web – Search and discovery for data

15 RDM Best Practices and Library Goals Education and outreach – Workshops and classes Formats – Face-to-face – Online – Recorded Various duration – 1 hour – Half day / full day – Semester long Standalone or embedded in courses

16 RDM Best Practices and Library Goals Education and outreach – Campus programming E-Research colloquium Lecture series – Embedded librarians – Increase internal library expertise and capacity

17 RDM Best Practices and Library Goals Infrastructure and organization – UIC Research Data Repository – Policy development Stewardship / curation Ownership Access control / data security Selection Retention Researcher practices – Metrics / assessment

18 RDM Best Practices and Library Goals Infrastructure and organization – Faculty / researcher profile system – Scholarly Commons – Organizational structures

19 RDM Best Practices and Library Goals Infrastructure and organization – Sustainability Funding Policy Governance Partnership

20 RDM Best Practices and Library Goals Benefits to UIC researchers – Reduce collaboration friction – Reduce research management overhead – Services for all Benefits to UIC – Cost efficient – Proposal competitiveness – Faculty recruitment and retention – Compliance – Knowledgeable faculty and students

21 RDM Best Practices and Library Goals Benefits: Broader Impacts – Open access to research outputs Reuse  innovation, new knowledge Preserve digital heritage Access to publicly funded research – Reputation

22 Key Partners

23 Research Data Management Triangle IT OVCR LIBRARY E-Research Support Faculty

24 Contact Us

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