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RD53 Analog IP blocks WG : developments and plans at CPPM M. Barbero, L. Gallin Martel (LPSC), Dzahini (LPSC), D. Fougeron, R. Gaglione (LAPP), F. Gensolen,

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Presentation on theme: "RD53 Analog IP blocks WG : developments and plans at CPPM M. Barbero, L. Gallin Martel (LPSC), Dzahini (LPSC), D. Fougeron, R. Gaglione (LAPP), F. Gensolen,"— Presentation transcript:

1 RD53 Analog IP blocks WG : developments and plans at CPPM M. Barbero, L. Gallin Martel (LPSC), Dzahini (LPSC), D. Fougeron, R. Gaglione (LAPP), F. Gensolen, S. Godiot, M. Menouni, P. Pangaud, F. Rarbi (LPSC), A. Wang, A. Rozanov CPPM - Aix-Marseille Université

2 Pixel configuration memory  Previous tests on the LBL chip :  Good results in term of tolerance to SEU  Design based on standard cells from ARM library  Some issues with dose effects  A new design is now under development  Design tolerant to a total dose of 1000 MRad  Minimize the effect of glitches  Test of new structures (based on Hamming code …) to reduce the memory cell area December 18, 2013IP Blocks 65 nm design2 Datain Latch1 Latch2 Latch3 Majority Logic sel tt 2t2t

3 Generic ADC for monitoring  General purpose ADC  Inputs are slow variation signals :  Temperature, leakage current …  Power supply = 1.2 V  Sampling rate: (10 -100) ksample/s  Architecture : Successive Approximation Register (SAR)  Precision : 12 bit (LSB ~ 250 µV)  DC accuracy :  Integral linearity error : +/- 1 bit  Differential linearity error +/- 0.5 bit  Operating input voltage : 0-Vref  Conversion time : 12-14 clock cycles  Tolerance to a TID of 1000 Mrad  Need of a very stable Voltage Reference December 18, 2013IP Blocks 65 nm design3 out 12 bit SAR ADC Analog MUX Vin start status clk inputs select enable

4 December 18, 2013IP Blocks 65 nm design4 Bandgap reference  Bandgap Reference for general purpose provide voltage reference for :  Biasing, DAC, ADC …  Power supply = 1.2 V  2 Voltages : to be defined (0.8 V? and 0.6 V?)  Temperature : from -50 °C to 120 °C  Temperature coefficient : 400 ppm/°C max  Voltage coefficient : TBD  Start up circuit  CLoad MAX = 20pF and RLoad = 10 MOhm  Noise < 20 µV RMS  Radiation hard : 1000 Mrad  Base current compensation (others structures)  DTMOS structure  Avoid trimming ? M2M2 M3M3 M1M1 R A1 R1R1 R A2 R B1 R B2 R3R3 D2D2 D 1 =M*D 2 V OUT N1N1 N2N2 N3N3 N4N4

5 December 18, 2013IP Blocks 65 nm design5 Multi Purpose Op Amplifier  General purpose operational amplifier  Power supply = 1.2 V  Rail to rail input and output  High output driving capability  CLOAD MAX = 10 pF  DC gain > 70 dB  Gain-Bandwidth product GBWP > 10 MHz  Slew rate : TBD  Phase margin = 70°  CMMR : TBD  PSSR :TBD  Irradiation tolerance : 1000 Mrad inn inp en Vdda Gnda out Vbn MPOA

6 Temperature Sensor  Precision : +/- 1 °C  Functional temperature range -40 to +60 °C  Sensitivity better than 0.6 mV/°C  Radiation tolerance : 1000 MRad  Correction of the irradiation effect  Output value digitized by the GADC December 18, 2013IP Blocks 65 nm design6 en Vdda Gnda out Vbn TempSens

7 December 18, 2013IP Blocks 65 nm design7 Conclusion  Deliverables  Virtuoso OA database : Schematic, symbol and layout views  Post layout netlist (RC parasitics)  Documentation including the main DC levels, simulations et test results  Next submission  The design of some IP blocks is in progress  We would like to submit some design blocks at the beginning of 2014  We are looking for partners to share a MPW

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