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WELCOME TO DATA PROCESSING 12 Presented by Clare Cormier, Ava Davidson & Norma McDonald November 5, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO DATA PROCESSING 12 Presented by Clare Cormier, Ava Davidson & Norma McDonald November 5, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO DATA PROCESSING 12 Presented by Clare Cormier, Ava Davidson & Norma McDonald November 5, 2004

2 Source of Outcomes for Data Processing Vision for the Integration of Information Technologies Based on the five components of the learning outcomes framework for technology and in compliance with the essential graduation learnings.

3 Data Processing Outcomes Basic Operations & Concepts Productivity Tools & Software Communications Technology Research, Problem-Solving, & Decision Making Social, Ethical, & Human Issues

4 Software Used Microsoft Office Word PowerPoint Excel DataBase Microsoft Front Page WebPage Design

5 Assessment and Evaluation AssignmentsBeg-Med Term Mark Mid-Final Term Mark Tests25% Assignments (Class work)30% Major Project30% On Task Class Activities10% Class Mark5% Final Mark Term Marks 70% Exam Mark 30%

6 Data Processing Learning Activities

7 File Management Tutorial Course File Setup

8 Word Processing Tutorial of Basics Desktop Publishing Documents Personal Brochure (EP)

9 Presentation Software Basic Tutorial / Application Exercises Autobiography using Advanced Features

10 Web Design Tutorial Riverview News Website

11 Spreadsheet Tutorial Application Exercises Career / Ed Costs Research & Analysis

12 Database Tutorial Application Problems Class Database on Careers / Institutions

13 Major Assignment Electronic Portfolio –Personal Learning of Course –Example

14 Student Examples Tables (activity) Hiking Trails (activity) Brochure (electronic portfolio) PowerPoint (electronic portfolio) Millennium Celebration (tutorial)


16 Checkout our Website: Thank you!

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