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Design of a Rotational Stability Measurement Device Kara Wagner Stephanie Bechtold Katie Dillon, Mentor: Thore Zantop, M.D. Individual Project Update February.

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Presentation on theme: "Design of a Rotational Stability Measurement Device Kara Wagner Stephanie Bechtold Katie Dillon, Mentor: Thore Zantop, M.D. Individual Project Update February."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design of a Rotational Stability Measurement Device Kara Wagner Stephanie Bechtold Katie Dillon, Mentor: Thore Zantop, M.D. Individual Project Update February 15, 2005

2 Recap Development of a rotational measurement device for axial movement of the knee. Determine best ACL reconstruction method Single vs. double bundle Apply clinically to determine success level of reconstructions.

3 Goals Fabricate prototype for accurate rotational measurements. Validate prototype Determine best NOB sensor placement Create a set of baseline data Create leg immobilization device, which can be set at various knee flexion angles.

4 Completed to Date Measurement device prototype

5 Completed to Date Corresponding Matlab code Torque and Rotational Displacement output Optimal Sensor Placement Determined Distal Femur Proximal Tibia Leg rest prototype

6 Area of Personal Focus Design and build an ergonomic leg rest Lateral Decubitus Position difficult for patient/doctor Immobilizes the upper leg Prevents hip joint movement Allows for adjustment of knee flexion angle (30, 45, 60, 90 degrees)

7 Leg Rest Prototype

8 Leg Rest Prototype II Lower leg needs to be friction free Adjustable wedged leg rest placed under the upper leg Lower leg remains at horizontal

9 Work to be done Test and optimize leg rest/boot prototype Obtain International Review Board Approval (IRB) to begin human testing Redesign boot prototype for clinical use. Inclinometer/Tilt Meter Potentiometer Digital Measurement readout on boot Hand held torque bar Shorter Boot



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