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Digital Media Technology Week 12. □ Remaining SQL theory □ MySQL □ Data visualisation Today’s lecture.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Media Technology Week 12. □ Remaining SQL theory □ MySQL □ Data visualisation Today’s lecture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Media Technology Week 12

2 □ Remaining SQL theory □ MySQL □ Data visualisation Today’s lecture

3 □ Database Design □ Data Retrieval □ Implementation □ Data Entry □ Data Visualisation

4 □ Relation model developed by E.F. Codd in 1970E.F. Codd □ SEQUEL implemented by Chamberlin and Boyce in 1974; Design driven by “the need for linear notation, and the need for readable programs that are easy to maintain and modify”. SEQUEL □ First SQL-based RDBS, Oracle, launched in 1979 □ ANSI-standard in 1986 and ISO- standard in 1987 SQL

5 Open standards □ Adopted and maintained by an authorised standisation organization □ Documentation is fully available □ No constraints on the use or the re- use of the standard (interoperability) Proprietary standards □ Risk of “vendor-lock in” □ Migration and system integration is often complicated Open vs. Proprietary Standards

6 The year of the oldest treasure in the database SELECT MIN(YEAR) FROM TREASURE ; 1560 Query: Result:

7 The number of countries in the table CREATOR SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT COUNTRY_BORN ) FROM CREATOR ; 8 Query: Result:

8 The number of persons for each country in the table CREATOR AT BE DE FR GB IE IT NL 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 SELECT COUNTRY_BORN, COUNT(*) FROM CREATOR GROUP BY COUNTRY_BORN ; Query:

9 Libraries that are represented by two or more treasures. SELECT LIBRARY, COUNT(*) FROM TREASURE GROUP BY LIBRARY HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 ; 62 Query: Result:

10 Joining tables □ After “FROM”: Mention the two tables that you want to join □ After “WHERE”: Explain HOW the tables are related (PK = FK) □ INNER JOIN May result in a loss of information

11 Subjects that have been assigned to two or more treasures in the database SELECT S.SUBJECT, COUNT(*) FROM TREASURE T, SUBJECT S WHERE T.SUBJECT = S.CODE GROUP BY S.SUBJECT HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 Query: Result: Art and architecture4 History3

12 □ MySQL: open source RDBMS □ Extensive documentation on MySQL website □ Databases are built using SQL queries

13 □ MySQL may be used via command prompt; □ Database can also be accessed, for instance, via PHP (PHPmyAdmin)

14 PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor




18 Public interface

19 Visualisation code libraries □ D3.js □ Google charts

20 Visualisation of BTCP data □ Line charts Line charts □ Bar charts Bar charts □ Georeferencing Georeferencing

21 BTCP Database

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