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Tim Daley Northwest Climate Change Partnership Climate Change Adaptation in the Northwest.

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Presentation on theme: "Tim Daley Northwest Climate Change Partnership Climate Change Adaptation in the Northwest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tim Daley Northwest Climate Change Partnership Climate Change Adaptation in the Northwest

2 What is Climate Change? Long term changes in weather patterns – 30 year trends

3 Source: IPCC The temperature of the world is changing

4 As is the UK’s…

5 …and the Northwest of England’s Source: Met Office data for Ringway weather station

6 What is the problem with Climate Change? Complex Impacts directly upon local activities Impacts indirectly on the activities of suppliers, labour supply and external markets

7 Impacts in the Northwest


9 Impacts and Opportunities

10 What are our options? 1.Do nothing 2.Act now Mitigation Adaptation Mitigation – dealing with the causes of climate change - reducing emissions from our current activities Adaptation – dealing with the effects of climate change – reducing vulnerability to risks associated with climate impacts

11 Why can’t we mitigate now and adapt later? 3 main reasons Mitigation takes time to work…..

12 Why can’t we mitigate now and adapt later? Vulnerability is not solely related to climate impacts…

13 Why can’t we mitigate now and adapt later? Adaptation now is cheaper than later…

14 How does an organisation adapt? Through risk management Assess exposure to climate related risks (or rather the impact of climate change on existing sources of risk) Decide on vulnerability to those risks Review options and implement actions Review implementation in light of changing conditions – climate risks will continue to present moving goalposts

15 What role is there for the new projections? How likely…. Offer the opportunity to your organisations to “quantify” the risk to your operations.

16 What are we doing in the Northwest? “Transforming action” in the Regional Economic Strategy (RES)

17 What are we doing in the Northwest? North West action plan for climate change Vision for a low carbon economy and well adapted region by 2020 Action plan developed by a range of advisory groups and partners Actions on Mitigation Actions on Adaptation Focused largely on building adaptive capacity

18 What are we doing in the Northwest? Using UKCIP projections to assess the exposure of different sectors to climate-enhanced risks

19 What are we doing in the Northwest? Incorporating enhanced coastal and river flooding into current risk management strategies with partners Assessing the economic cost of increased flood risk

20 What are we doing in the Northwest? Assessing the role for Green infrastructure and forestry in alleviating direct impacts

21 What are we doing in the Northwest? Assessing the exposure of our natural environment to direct impacts and the effect on our use of ecosystem services.

22 What are we doing in the Northwest? Engaging with businesses through existing delivery partnerships to encourage assessment of climate risk to those activities

23 What are we doing in the Northwest? Assessing how the region’s health and health services will be impacted upon

24 The Next Steps….why we are here… Embedding the new projections into everyday management of risk

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