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Published byHarriet Sullivan Modified over 9 years ago
Drought/Food Security Landslides/Critical Infrastructure Flood/Vulnerable Communities Developing Nepal’s Strategic Program for Climate Resilience (SPCR) Status of Activities under SPCR Work Program Water Availability/ Health Livelihoods/ Social Capital
Drought/Food Security Landslides/Critical Infrastructure Flood/Vulnerable Communities Developing Nepal’s Strategic Program for Climate Resilience (SPCR) Risk Assessment Water Availability/ Health Livelihoods/ Social Capital
Climate Change Outcome Risks Prioritized Climate Change RisksPrioritized Districts /Areas -Enhance glacial melting -Glacial Lake Outburst Flood(GLOF) -Flood -Landslide -Erosion and sedimentation -Changes in river annual flows -Decrease in river discharge -Drought -Water quality degradation -Drying out of springs/ water scarcity(drinking/irrigation) -Changes in shallow ground water table Risk 1: Water quantity (too little water) (Small irrigation /rural drinking water/ Micro-hydro / water mill /groundwater depletion/ spring depletion) Siraha, Chitawan, Solukhumbu, Acham, Jajarkot, Kalikot, Jumla, Pyuthan, Makawanpur, Rukum, Dang, Rolpa, Dadeldhura, Lamjung, Parbat Risk 2 : Water quantity (too much water) (Flood / GLOF) (Landslide/flood: damage of water source, water supply infrastructures, basically intake and pipelines.) Chitawan, Kailali, Kanchanpur, Mustang Risk 3 : Degradation of quality of drinking water Mustang, Nuwakot, Chitawan, Udayapur Prioritized Risks and Districts by TWG Meeting (Water and Energy Thematic Working Group)
Prioritized Risks and Districts by TWG Meeting (Climate Induced Disaster) Climate Change Outcome Risks Prioritized Climate Change Risk Prioritized Districts - Flood - Landslide - GLOF - Drought - Forest fire - Epidemic - Heat wave - Cold wave - Thunderbolt/ hailstorm/windstorm Risk 1: Flood Jhapa, Udayapur, Mahottari, Kailali Risk 2: Landslide Sankhuwasawa, Panchthar, Udayapur, Makawanpur, Bajura Risk 3: DroughtSiraha, Mustang, Kapilbastu
Climate Change Outcome Risks Prioritized RiskMajor Impact - Landslide - Drought /drying out of springs - Forest fire - Appearance of new insect and pest in forest / vegetable/ cash crops - Problem in human health (Increased cases of unexpected dieses) 1. LandslideDamaged residential buildings, washed out of cultivated land, roads and irrigational cannel 2. Drought / drying out of springs Scarcity of water for drinking and irrigation 3. Forest fireBiodiversity lost, increase in soil erosion, prompt depletion of water resources District Level Climate Change Risk Analysis at Panchthar District
Community Level CC Risk Analysis at Imbung village (Damai Community) Panchthar District Climate Change Outcome Risk Priority RisksMajor Impacts -Landslide -Drought -Health problems ( increase the cases of jaundice, diarrhea ) - Insects and pests in trees 1. Landslide- 4 household (migrated) - 8 households became homeless -8 households are still using the severely damaged buildings. (No disaster shelters) - Ground moving caused disruption of land ownership boundries, at several places, causing conflict among neighbors. - Severe psycological tension - Washed out cultivated land 2. Drought- Decrease in crop production - Scarcity of drinking water 3. Health problems (increase in the cases of jaundice, diarrhea) - Children are sick for several days
District Level CC Risk Analysis at Udayapur District Climate Change Outcome Risk Priority RisksMajor Impacts -Flood -Landslide -Drought -Forest fire -Degradation of quality of drinking water - New insect and pests in agriculture /forestry 1. Drying out of springs (drought) - Scarcity of water for drinking and irrigation - Degradation of quality of drinking water / spreading dieses specially in children - Triggered conflict among water users groups - Decrease in agricultural production - Forced migration 2. Landslide-Washed out of cultivated land, residential buildings, forest area, intake and pipe line of drinking water schemes, displaced peoples 3. Flood- Sedimentation in cultivated land and forest area / river bed level rise - Damaged to infrastructures (transportation, communication,intake and water supply pipelines infrastructure) - Displaced people
Community Level Climate Change Risk Analysis at Asari Village / Community) Udayapur District Climate change Outcome Risk Priority RisksMajor Impacts -Drought /drying out of springs, dug wells and tube wells -Flood -Soil erosion -New insect and pests in plants 1. Drought /drying out of springs, dug wells and tube wells -Scarcity of water for drinking, animal feeding, and irrigation. - Water quality degredation - Health problems 2. Flood- Washed out of an intake of a drinking water project.(4 times in 17 years) - Inundation, siltation and erosion 3. New insect and pests in plants Decreased in cereal production
Risk Prioritization Name of TWG: Forest and Biodiversity Climate Change Outcome Risks as Mentioned in NAPA Documents Prioritized Climate Change Risk Prioritized Districts 1.Increased Forest fire 2. Change in precipitation patterns 3. Increased temperature- 4. degradation of ecosystems and habitat/ habitat shift/ change in phenology/ morphology Degradation of wetlands Degradation of NTFPs and MAPs in high hills pressure to critically endangered species (both plant and animal) 5. Flash floods 6. Prolonged drought: e.g. increased tree mortality Risk 1: Increased Forest fireDistrict 1: Sindhupalchowk District 2: Doti District 3: Nawalparasi Risk 2: wetland degradationDistrict 1: Chitwan District 2: Kaski District 3: Kailali Risk 3: Degradation of NTFPs/MAPs District 1: Dolpa District 2: Sankhuwasabha District 3: Salyan Risk 4: Habitat degradation (wildlife / IAS) District 1: Chitwan District 2: Rupendehi District 3: Bardiya
Risk Prioritization Name of TWG: Agriculture and Food Security Climate Change Outcome Risks as Mentioned in NAPA Documents Prioritized Climate Change Risk Prioritized Districts 1.Decreasing soil-moisture availability 2.Prolonged drought – winter / monsoon 3.Floods 4.Soil erosion 5.Increased disease prevalence, vector borne and parasitic diseases 6.Heat and cold waves 7.A reduction of discharge of water in shallow and even deep tube well 8.Evolution of weeds/ insect/pest dynamisms (plant & animal) 9.Erosion of agro-biodiversity/ degradation of ecosystems 10.Hailstorms/wind storms / Decrease in incidence of cloudy days Risk 1: Prolonged droughtDistrict 1: Mugu District 2: Jajarkot District 3: Banke Risk 2: Floods (soil erosion) District 1: Kanchanpur District 2: Banke District 3: Sunsari Risk 3: Increased disease prevalence (plant and animal) and weeds Food Security District 1: Mustang District 2: Doti District 3: Chitwan
Water induced disaster (flood, soil erosion/ land cutting)/ Agricultural productivity declining (pest, weed, diseases and drought/lack of water)/ declining food security Ecosystem (including wetland) degradation in Chure and foothill of Mahabharat range (increased invasive species, siltation) Declining water resources (ground water and spring) Health epidemics (e.g. fever and Dengue) Climate Change Risks - Chitwan
Climate Change Risks - Sindhupalchowk Drought/ reduced agricultural productivity mainly from shifting monsoon rain (late) /water spring drying/ food security Floods and landslides/soil erosion Increased frequency of diseases/ emergence of diseases all round the year in human, animal and plant Forest fires/Ecological shifting
Climate Change Risks – Dhotar, Shindhupalchowk (downstream) Agricultural production decreased (due to lack of water/drought)/ food security Water sources drying up/ floods Increased plant and animal diseases / emergence of new weeds (in every 4-5 years) Forest fire
Climate Change Risks – Kiul/Helambu, Sindhupalchowk (upstream) Reduced agricultural productivity (both quantity and quality)/ food security Increased plant diseases (crops and NTFPs/MAPs) Low productivity of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) Increased numbers of landslides NTFPs: Non Timber Forest Products; MAP: Medicinal and Aromatic Plant
Climate Change Risks – Gardi/Madi, Chitwan (downstream) Floods from Riu Khola increased infestation of insect and diseases / food security Water scarcity (drought and drying out of springs) and water quality degradation
Risks – Shaktikhor, Chitwan (upstream) Increased infestation of insect and diseases (decreased crop production)/ food security Increased soil erosion from sloped land (from Chepang community) Decreased forest food products (e.g. Chiuri and Mango)/food security Declining water sources (drying out of spring and competition of using water for irrigation, drinking water and livestock)
Drought/Food Security Landslides/Critical Infrastructure Flood/Vulnerable Communities Water Availability/ Health Livelihoods/ Social Capital Prioritisation of Risks ( Urban Settlement and Infrastructure) CC Outcome Risks Prioritized risks Prioritized municipalities/ districts - Drought, Unusual variability leading to pollution - Storm flood in the cities Risk 1 : Drought, unusual variability leading to pollution D1 : Cities, KTM Valley D2 : Dharan (Sunsari) D3 : Ghorahi ( Dang), HQ, Baitadi - Access to urban services challenged - Limited dilution period - Post event diseases outbreaks Risk 2 : Storm flood in cities D1 : Nepalgunj ( Banke) D2 : Cities, KTM Valley D3 : Itahari ( Sunsari) - Landslides, damage to infrastructures and buildings Risk 3 : Post event disease outbreak D1 : Nepalgunj ( Banke) D2 : HQ, Baitadi D3 : HQs, Siraha/Saptari
Drought/Food Security Landslides/Critical Infrastructure Flood/Vulnerable Communities Water Availability/ Health Livelihoods/ Social Capital Prioritisation of Risks (Health ) CC Outcome Risks Prioritized risks Prioritized municipalities/ districts Heat stroke, hyperthermia Cardio vascular diseases Migrane Epidemics Water borne disease Risk 1 Water borne diseases D1 : Banke D2 : Jajarkot D3 : Baitadi Food borne diseases Vector borne disease Uterus Prolepses Increased ARI incidences Risk 2 : Vector borne diseases D1 : Kailali D3 : Chitawan D3 : Kanchanpur, Sunsari Malnutrition, Stunting Underweight children Mental (psychological) disorder Chromoblastomycosis (peak in summer) Increased incident of poisonous snake bite Risk 3 : Malnutrition ( food scarcity) D1 : Bajura D2 : Jajarkot D3 : Remote Hill Districts
Drought/Food Security Landslides/Critical Infrastructure Flood/Vulnerable Communities Water Availability/ Health Livelihoods/ Social Capital District Consultation District Prioritized Risk BankeDrainage (Pollution) and Sanitation leading to nuisance and water borne diseases Blockage of natural drainage leading to flood Vector borne diseases BaitadiWater borne diseases ( diarrhea), Vector borne disease (malaria) Landslide Haphazard urbanization
Drought/Food Security Landslides/Critical Infrastructure Flood/Vulnerable Communities Water Availability/ Health Livelihoods/ Social Capital Community Consultation Community in Banke Risks IWater Quality (Sludge cleared from the drain lying on the street for several days) No safety tank, direct discharge of feces and urine on the drain Under capacity of the drainage facilities IIWater Quality, No proper drainage Social disruption and Infrastructure damage (Flood leading to severe disturbances in everyday life ) Water Quality (Poor waste management ), Open defecation Human Health (Encephalitis) Water Quality (Contaminated water supply) IIIThe area lies at the lowest elevation compared to neighboring areas and water drains to this area Contaminated water supply Sludge cleared from the drains lying on the street for several days Poor waste collection and management Water borne and vector borne diseases Extreme cold and hot weather events
Drought/Food Security Landslides/Critical Infrastructure Flood/Vulnerable Communities Water Availability/ Health Livelihoods/ Social Capital Community Consultation Community in Baitadi Risks IInfrastructure damage from extreme events (Urbanization without planning ) Water quantity ; Change in the rainfall pattern (absence of winter and pre-monsoon rain) Prevalent drought leading to water shortage Infrastructure damage (Lack of stormwater drainage system leading to road and building damage ) No capacity for risk management (Lack of good governance due to political interference on the development activities ) Absence of a good implementation mechanism Absence of early warning system IIHuman Health (Loss of life and suffering from diarrhea outbreak) WQ and HH (Water contamination due to erratic rainfall and lack of protection of intakes ) Water availability (Reduced water supply in the dry period ), Lack of protection of alternative water source Livelihoods (Sudden loss of livestock) Food security ( Absence snow fall for the last 4 years leading to reduced crop yield )
Key Messages from Field Consultations - Emergency shelter needed in landslide and flood prone areas - Micro-financing / soft loan / insurance is needed. - Water source conservation (integrated watershed management) / water sharing national policy are needed. - Integrated ecosystem (water-agriculture-forest) approach to combat climate change risks is needed. - Improved risk management for infrastructure (guidelines to construct local road, and extract sand & gravel from river bed) is needed -Improve connectivity (small road, bridge, culvert, boat) to have an immediate access to safe sites/hospitals/ schools/food security, and early warning system to better inform climate change risk management.
Drought/Food Security Landslides/Critical Infrastructure Flood/Vulnerable Communities Developing Nepal’s Strategic Program for Climate Resilience (SPCR) Adaptive Capacity Assessment – Sectoral Water Availability/ Health Livelihoods/ Social Capital
Adaptive Capacity – Urban Settlement and Infrastructure Level / issuesKnowledgeMechanismsResourcesImpediments National levelGeneric and superficial Ad-hoc, short- term, non- strategic HR – available but not trained F – weak T– fair Low priority to risks with higher magnitude District levelSome knowledge Weak No elected representative No strong response mechanisms, Resources are shared Community level Weak Very little (or no) Enforcement
Adaptive Capacity Assessment – Public Health Level / issuesKnowledgeMechanismsResourcesImpediments National levelProblems are well identified but not the solutions Ad-hoc, short- term, non- strategic HR – available but not trained F – weak T– fair Low priority to risks with higher magnitude District levelSome knowledge WeakSlightly betterNo elected representative No strong response mechanisms, Resources are shared Community level Weak HR availableImplementation framework
Adaptive Capacity Assessment – Water and Energy Level / issuesKnowledgeMechanismsResourcesImpediments National level (sectoral: Ministry, department/ Non governmental) Good among some of the top bureaucrats Not enoughHR is good but need training Financially week - Policy / processes yet to be set - Knowledge transfer weak - Overlapping of mandates District level Knowledge gap Weak -No elected representative -Week coordination among stakeholders Community levelWeak Very little- No elected representative - No dedicated HR
Adaptive Capacity Assessment – Climate Induced Disaster Level / issues KnowledgeMechanismsResourcesImpediments National level (sectoral: Ministry, department/ Non governmental) Good among bureaucrats involved in DRM Not enoughHR is good but need training Financially week - Policy / processes yet to be set - Knowledge transfer weak - Week Institutional framework / no risk management capacity District level Knowledge gap (govt.) good in some NGOs Weak (some initiation is started in Udayapur) HR, fund, equipments not enough -No elected representative -Response mechanisms need strengthening. -Not enough fund -Week Institutional framework / No risk management capacity Community level Good in some NGOs WeakNo dedicated HR in VDC Week Institutional framework / No risk management capacity
Adaptive Capacity Assessment – Agriculture and Food Security Level / issuesKnowledgeMechanismsResourcesImpediments National level (sectoral: Ministry, department/ Non governmental) Some generic knowledge but sparse WeakHR – weak/fair Finance – weak Technical – fair Policy / processes yet to be set No financial and weak Human Resources, No risk management capacity District levelSome knowledgeWeak (some initiatives in Chitwan) WeakNo elected representative No strong response mechanisms No risk management capacity Community level Weak (little in chitwan but weak in Sindhu) Weak (some initiatives in Chitwan) Very little (or no)No elected representative No risk management capacity
Adaptive Capacity Assessment – Forestry and Biodiversity Level / issuesKnowledgeMechanismsResourcesImpediments National level (sectoral: Ministry, department/ Non governmental) Generic knowledge but still sparse Some mechanisms exist but still short term focus HR – available but not trained Finance – weak Technical – fair Policy / processes yet to be set Knowledge transfer Weak, Weak implementation framework No risk management capacity District levelSome knowledge Weak No elected representative No strong response mechanisms ownership (multiple and/or no) No risk management capacity Community level Weak Very little (or no) No elected representative No risk management capacity
Some Observations Increased social conflict and forced migration (not visible though) due to water resources drying/declining Drought/increased pest/weeds increased food insecurity Upstream downstream relation Social /farmers security systems Connectivity to basic services Community based disaster preparedness – plan developed but insufficient resources to implement Proposed Interventions Water source protections Food security Churia area conservation and management Ecosystems based adaptation/management/ (approach: payment for environment services) Support community based disaster preparedness
Drought/Food Security Landslides/Critical Infrastructure Flood/Vulnerable Communities Developing Nepal’s Strategic Program for Climate Resilience (SPCR) National Adaptive Capacity Assessment – To be Finalised with TWGs Water Availability/ Health Livelihoods/ Social Capital
Drought/Food Security Landslides/Critical Infrastructure Flood/Vulnerable Communities Developing Nepal’s Strategic Program for Climate Resilience (SPCR) Definition of Priority Needs/ Investments Water Availability/ Health Livelihoods/ Social Capital
Drought/Food Security Landslides/Critical Infrastructure Flood/Vulnerable Communities Water Availability/ Health Livelihoods/ Social Capital SUMMARY OF PRIORITY RISKS: 1.Water Quantity and Quality (Extreme Events and Climate Variability) 2.Food Security (Extreme Events and Climate Variability) 3.Human Health (Extreme Events and Climate Variability) 4.Ecosystem Health (Climate Variability)
Drought/Food Security Landslides/Critical Infrastructure Flood/Vulnerable Communities Water Availability/ Health Livelihoods/ Social Capital SPCR Interventions to Address Priority Risks 1.Water Quantity and Quality a.Upgrading of Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM) services to monitor water quantity/ quality and provide early information to establish early warning systems – Recommended in NCSA/NAPA b.Integrated Watershed Management within priority river system - Recommended in NAPA
Drought/Food Security Landslides/Critical Infrastructure Flood/Vulnerable Communities Water Availability/ Health Livelihoods/ Social Capital SPCR Interventions to Address Priority Risks 2. Food Security (Extreme Events and Climate Variability) a.Remote Community Connectivity to upgrade road/telephone communications and emergency shelters to facilitate access to emergency shelters, agricultural services, irrigation technology and markets for agricultural products/goods/service - Recommended in NAPA b.Establish micro-finance and micro-insurance for vulnerable farmers, communities and households - Recommended in NCSA
Drought/Food Security Landslides/Critical Infrastructure Flood/Vulnerable Communities Water Availability/ Health Livelihoods/ Social Capital SPCR Interventions to Address Priority Risks 3.Human Health (Extreme Events and Climate Variability) a.Integrated Watershed Management within priority river system to address risks from flood, pollution and water/vector-borne disease - Recommended in NAPA b.Build/enhance capacity and improve coordination for climate change risk management - Recommended in NCSA and NAPA
Drought/Food Security Landslides/Critical Infrastructure Flood/Vulnerable Communities Water Availability/ Health Livelihoods/ Social Capital SPCR Interventions to Address Priority Risks 4. Ecosystem Health (Climate Variability) a. Integrated Ecosystem Management to enhance resilience of natural ecosystems - Recommended in NAPA
Drought/Food Security Landslides/Critical Infrastructure Flood/Vulnerable Communities Water Availability/ Health Livelihoods/ Social Capital S UMMARY OF PROPOSED SPCR INTERVENTIONS : 1.Integrated Watershed Management within priority river system to address risks from flood, pollution and water/vector-borne disease - Recommended in NAPA 2.Upgrading of Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM) services to monitor water quantity/quality and provide early information to establish early warning systems – Recommended in NCSA/NAPA
Drought/Food Security Landslides/Critical Infrastructure Flood/Vulnerable Communities Water Availability/ Health Livelihoods/ Social Capital S UMMARY OF PROPOSED SPCR INTERVENTIONS : 3. Build/enhance capacity and improve coordination for climate change risk management establish Climate Change Risk Management Facilitation Unit within MOE and climate change risk management capacity within key institutions (including PAF, Road Board, Water Board, etc) and at sectoral, district, community and municipal levels and within the private sector (Source: NCSA). Financing Long-term Resilience Measures - establish sustainable financing to provide the necessary resources that support short, medium and long-term resiliency measures (Source: NCSA).
Drought/Food Security Landslides/Critical Infrastructure Flood/Vulnerable Communities Water Availability/ Health Livelihoods/ Social Capital S UMMARY OF PROPOSED SPCR INTERVENTIONS /continued: 4. Remote Community Connectivity - upgrade road/telephone communications and emergency shelters to facilitate access to emergency shelters, agricultural services, irrigation technology and markets for agricultural products/goods/service - Recommended in NAPA 5. Establish micro-finance and micro-insurance for vulnerable farmers, communities and households - Recommended in NCSA 6. Integrated Ecosystem Management in vulnerable area to enhance resilience of natural ecosystems - Recommended in NAPA
Drought/Food Security Landslides/Critical Infrastructure Flood/Vulnerable Communities Water Availability/ Health Livelihoods/ Social Capital S UMMARY OF PROPOSED SPCR INTERVENTIONS /continued: PPCR TA – Enhance/Strengthen Fiduciary Management Capacity of Ministry of Environment (MOE)
Drought/Food Security Landslides/Critical Infrastructure Flood/Vulnerable Communities Water Availability/ Health Livelihoods/ Social Capital DISCUSSION
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