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Eurostat Overview of the MIP dissemination ESTP course - MIP Luxembourg 1-3 December 2015 Iliyana Savova.

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Presentation on theme: "Eurostat Overview of the MIP dissemination ESTP course - MIP Luxembourg 1-3 December 2015 Iliyana Savova."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eurostat Overview of the MIP dissemination ESTP course - MIP Luxembourg 1-3 December 2015 Iliyana Savova

2 Eurostat Overview Overall picture: Dissemination of policy relevant indicators MIP dedicated web section Strengths Focus on users The way forward … Focus on data

3 Eurostat What is the MIP dedicated web section about? Presents statistics under the MIP governance; Introduces cross-cutting issues in a comprehensive manner; Communicates to the general public the information related to the domain; Combines indicators stemming from different domains  MIP Scoreboard.

4 Eurostat

5 What is the MIP Scoreboard?MIP Scoreboard It is composed of:  14 Scoreboard indicators  25 auxiliary indicators Combines different indicators in the context of a policy framework; Allows user-friendly and comprehensive presentation.

6 Eurostat ScoreboardScoreboard characteristics Headlines and auxiliary indicators; 2 * 28 pages accessible by country selection; Last 6 values as default; Full screen with the last ten years displayable and downloadable; Download data by country – annual, quarterly and all data; Improved layout and presentation.

7 Eurostat Overall picture MIP dedicated web section - access Focus on users Strengths The way forward … Focus on data

8 Eurostat Where to find the MIP dedicated web section? Eurostat HOME page: MIP dedicated web section: imbalances-procedure/indicators

9 Eurostat

10 Overview Overall picture MIP dedicated web section – structure and content Strengths Focus on users The way forward … Focus on data

11 Eurostat The MIP dedicated sectionMIP dedicated section Up-to-date statistics; Static data, published in the previous policy exercises; Flexible dashboards; Information on methodological issues – including tailored metadata files for the MIP indicators; Legal basis; Publications – AMR; SA; Eurostat press releases; Links.

12 Eurostat The left-side navigation panel: an easy navigation of the sub-pages Statistics Illustrated Indicators Background Methodology Legislation Publications

13 Eurostat INDICATORSINDICATORS  main page Multi country and multi frequency presentation; Metadata information – indicator specific; Link to the last AMR report (with a disclaimer about possible differences); Bulk download functionality; MIP Scoreboards.

14 Eurostat METHODOLOGY Improved presentation of the information on indicators; Sub-section on the underlying statistical methodology:  BPM6;  ESA2010; Links to related pages:  Eurostat;  External.

15 Eurostat Improved services for users Regularly updated FAQ; 35 questions on:  General information on MIP;  AMR; MIP scoreboard and indicators;  Broad policy framework – European Semester; Accessible from the different sub-pages; Inter-linkage among the questions.

16 Eurostat Accessibility and Clarity: availability of metadata files Indicator specific; Tailor-made; Linked to the source metadata files; Regularly updated; Provide supporting information on collection methods, data treatment, classifications and definitions.

17 Eurostat Where to find the metadata files? Under this icon: In the INDICATORS page In the Data Navigation Tree

18 Eurostat Overall picture MIP dedicated web section Focus on users Strengths The way forward … Focus on data – MIP data tables

19 Eurostat Characteristics of the MIP data tables Longer time series; Short descriptions; Tailored metadata information; Full TGM functionalities (downloading, maps, graphs…).

20 Eurostat Tables, Graphs and Maps (TGM) - 1TGM A tool for downloading and printing tables, graphs and maps; Various download formats and functionalities; It provides full size TGM window view depending on the screen resolution.

21 Eurostat Tables, Graphs and Maps (TGM) - 2 Table: Three dimensional data presentation in predefined tables; Display/hide the footnotes, flags, labels and codes. Graph: Possibility to modify the type and the scale of the graphs; Improved display of pie charts. Map: Improved navigation; Detailed display of regional statistics.

22 Eurostat Where to f ind the MIP data tables? MIP dedicated web section MIP dedicated web section  Main tables /eurostat/web/macr oeconomic- imbalances- procedure/indicator s/main-tables /eurostat/web/macr oeconomic- imbalances- procedure/indicator s/main-tables Data Navigation Tree: /eurostat/data/data base /eurostat/data/data base

23 Eurostat Overall picture MIP dedicated web section Focus on users Strengths The way forward … Focus on data – downloading data

24 Eurostat

25 More demo tourstours

26 Eurostat

27 Overall picture MIP dedicated web section Focus on users Strengths The way forward … Focus on data - enlargement of the indicators coverage

28 Eurostat Why more indicators were published…  All indicators available at one place  Additional indicators used for the economic reading  To facilitate the policy-makers and data users

29 Eurostat Enlargement of the indicators coverage BEFORE Headline and auxiliary indicators Some quarterly data NOW Components of the headline and auxiliary indicators Basic statistics used to compute scoreboard indicators Indicators used in the In-depth reviews More quarterly data

30 Eurostat BEFORE Corresponding to the structure of the Scoreboard

31 Eurostat Enlargement of the indicators coverage BEFORE Headline and auxiliary indicators Some quarterly data NOW Components of the headline and auxiliary indicators Basic statistics used to compute scoreboard indicators Indicators used in the In-depth reviews Enhanced quarterly data

32 Eurostat Now Organized by statistical domains Scoreboard indicators - an individual folder

33 Eurostat Structure of the data navigation tree - 1  Scoreboard indicators – easily accessible;  Thematic folder for each statistical domain:  Annual and quarterly data – mirroring tables;  Data presented in % of GDP and national currency.

34 Eurostat Structure of the data navigation tree - 2  Financial accounts data Financial sector liabilities Private sector debt Private sector credit flow  Only annual data published Exception  Consolidated and non-consolidated data - mirroring tables

35 Eurostat Financial Accounts – quarterly data  The aggregates are not available in Eurobase:  Data available only by sectors:  S11- Non-financial corporations;  S14 & S15 - Households; non-profit institutions serving households;  Data available only by instruments:  F3 - Debt securities;  F4 – Loans;  Technical issues and the format of the files e.g. Household debt securities are sent by some countries as "not available“.

36 Eurostat The new MIP data navigation tree  About 100 new tables were created;  All tables have short descriptions in EN, FR and DE;  Published 11/2014- 04/2015.

37 Eurostat Overall picture MIP dedicated web section Focus on users Strengths The way forward … Focus on data – data platform

38 Eurostat MIP data platform Presents the data as published in the previous SA; 5 vintages; Interactive interface to visualise data; Easy to process and work with data; Metadata information; Published on 21 September 2015.

39 Eurostat Functionalities A tool to extract data; Easy to use for all types of users; The default table can be customized in an interactive and dynamic way:  Selection (or un-selection) of elements that you want to see (or not) in the table;  Possibility to hide or display selected rows and columns;  Possibility to interchange rows and columns;  The data explorer offers advanced functions for professional users and various download formats for tables: xls, txt, html, spss, pc axis...

40 Eurostat

41 Overall picture MIP dedicated web section Focus on users - dashboards Strengths The way forward … Focus on data

42 Eurostat MIP dashboards  Dashboards for each headline indicator;  About 40 dashboards;  Linked to Eurobase;  Dynamic data visualizations;  Published in April 2015;  Updated in November 2015.

43 Eurostat Why did we create the dashboards?  Communicate complex messages in an user-friendly and comprehensive manner;  Display the freshest data in the MIP context;  The data are shown with the respective thresholds;  Easy to use.

44 Eurostat MIP Statistics Illustrated home page  Easy navigation;  User-friendly and concise presentation of the information;  Provides information on the MIP;  Links to relevant documents.

45 Eurostat Contents of the dashboards pagesdashboards pages  Short text providing:  Information on the indicator;  Link to the reference metadata file;  Information on the thresholds;  Links to the online data tables, MIP dedicated web section and technical documents.  The dashboards

46 Eurostat Visualization - MAPS

47 Eurostat Visualization – BAR CHARTS

48 Eurostat Visualization– BAR CHARTS

49 Eurostat Visualization – LINE GRAPHS

50 Eurostat Visualization – LINE GRAPHS

51 Eurostat Overall picture MIP dedicated web section Focus on users – an article in Statistics Explained Strengths The way forward … Focus on data

52 Eurostat Statistics Explained pages An official Eurostat website presenting statistical topics in an easily understandable way; Encyclopedia of European statistics, completed by a statistical glossary;statistical glossary A portal for occasional and regular users alike; Articles drafted by the national statistical institutes.

53 Eurostat MIP dedicated article in SEarticle Introduces the MIP; Provides overview of the past exercises; Information on the policy framework; Information on the indicators.

54 Eurostat Overall picture MIP dedicated web section Focus on users Strengths The way forward … Focus on data

55 Eurostat Up-to-date information; Scoreboard layout with different functionalities:  Expandable menus;  Customisable maps and graphs;  Short descriptions for the indicators;  Metadata information; Advanced download options; Improved services for the users: FAQ; dashboards; SE article(s).

56 Eurostat Overall picture MIP dedicated web section Focus on users Strengths The way forward … Focus on data

57 Eurostat The way forward …  Improvement and maintenance of the web contents;  Maintaining the metadata files;  Articles in Statistics Explained.

58 Eurostat Thank you!

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