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WRA 210: 10/7/13 IMAGES. TODAY’S AGENDA Reminder about Module 8 - test your links!Module 8 Overview of hierarchies, naming How images work on the web.

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Presentation on theme: "WRA 210: 10/7/13 IMAGES. TODAY’S AGENDA Reminder about Module 8 - test your links!Module 8 Overview of hierarchies, naming How images work on the web."— Presentation transcript:

1 WRA 210: 10/7/13 IMAGES

2 TODAY’S AGENDA Reminder about Module 8 - test your links!Module 8 Overview of hierarchies, naming How images work on the web Photoshop tutorials Module 9 activity Module 9

3 RECAP List the file/folder naming best practices Describe the hierarchy of a web server What is the purpose of an index page? How do you open a specific server file? Difference between absolute and relative links / paths? How will you name and store Module 9 files?

4 IMAGES AND HTML FILES Key: images are NOT embedded in HTML Images and HTML files are separate objects HTML files reference image files and display them according to our parameters Ever seen a "broken" image?

5 SEE FOR YOURSELF Copy and paste into your address bar o anahuge.gif anahuge.gif o See how images are their own files? Check out this PW alum's site o View the source and find an tag o See what's happening there? Copy and past the path to the image into your address bar. Broken images occur when image file is missing, can't be found by the browser

6 THE TAG Used to reference an image file Doesn't have a closing tag Required Attributes: o src -> absolute or relative path to the image file o alt -> text to display if image broken, screen readers Optional Attributes: o height -> define the height of the image (in pixels) o width -> define the width of the image (in pixels) o tip: leave undefined, use CSS instead (more later)

7 THE TAG Example: <img src="" alt="This is an image we're using" /> Try this out using Mozilla ThimbleMozilla Thimble Spaces and line breaks for readability src attribute can be local or remote

8 PREPARING IMAGES FOR THE WEB resizing (dimensions) resizing (compression, file size) selecting file type

9 IMAGES SIZES: PRINT VS. WEB Image Resolution o the amount of data in an image file o similar distinction: DVDs played on HD televisions o sharp images require more information Comparison o image saved at raw resolutionimage resized and compressed for web image saved at image resized and compressed for web

10 IMAGE FILE TYPES Many ways to save images 3 formats widely supported by browsers o GIF files o JPG files o PNG files Important to determine which format is right for your needs Important to save PSDs of original designs

11 IMAGE FILE TYPE:.GIF Graphic Interchange Format Deprecated, used less often Heavy compression, ideal for few colors Supports animation

12 IMAGE FILE TYPE:.JPG Joint Photographic Experts Group Optimal for photographs Reduces size by eliminating unused colors Text included in images often looks awful

13 IMAGE FILE TYPE:.PNG Portable Network Graphics Designed to replace.gif (open-source) More versatile, works well with different types of content and colors Supports transparency (big deal!) Example: demonstrating transparencydemonstrating transparency

14 MODULE 9: IMAGES FOR THE WEB Resize the image you brought o 250 pixels wide, proportional height o saved as web-optimized jpeg file Create a header image for your portfolio o Use type and layer effects o Save original, layered file as a PNG o Save copy as web-optimized PNG w/ transparency Save all files to the web o Original and resized photos, header PSD and PNG

15 PHOTOSHOP TUTORIALS Cropping Image resizing Layer styles Marquee tool Save for Web and Devices - YouTube video Save for Web and DevicesYouTube video

16 FOR NEXT TIME Finish Module 9Module 9 Read/watch: o HTML Lists HTML Lists o HTML Nested Lists HTML Nested Lists o HTML Tables HTML Tables o Why we used to use to build layouts but don't anymore Why we used to use to build layouts but don't anymore o HTML tags: reading #1, reading #2reading #1reading #2 o HTML comments: reading #1, reading #2reading #1reading #2 Play! Consider trying experimenting with the stuff you're reading about

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