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Network Protocol Simulation: A look at Discrete Event Simulation Grant D. Lanterman 5/21/2004.

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2 Network Protocol Simulation: A look at Discrete Event Simulation Grant D. Lanterman 5/21/2004

3 Overview  Network Protocol Example  Simulation  Overview  Why?  Discrete Event Simulation  Why?  Example  Software

4 Example: TCP/IP  Driving force of the internet  Layered protocol

5 TCP/IP Layers  Physical layer  Network access layer  Internet layer  Host-to-host, or transport layer  Application layer

6 Network Protocols  Difficult to simulate activity with small test networks  Dynamic

7 The Answer!  Simulation  Imitating real-world situations  Two types  Analytical modeling  Computer simulation

8 Analytical Modeling  Use of mathematical equations to represent a network  May lead to oversimplification  Can’t effectively model the dynamic nature of a network  Less Practical

9 Computer Simulation  Preferred simulation type for networks  Can adapt to dynamic nature of networks  Use of a computer to simulate what will happen in real-world events  Discrete Event Simulation usually used  Example:  What would be the effect of adding an extra cashier to a bank

10 Simulation Terminology  Simulation Model  Attributes  Entities  Activities  Delays  States  Events

11 Simulation Model  Set of assumptions about the system being simulated  Includes assumptions based on:  Algorithms  Mathematical equations  Conditions imposed by the system  Simplified  Replace real parts of the system by concepts

12 Entities  Objects that will participate in the simulation  Part of the model  Examples from a Bank Simulation:  Customers  Employees  Managers

13 Attributes  Properties of entities within the system  Examples from Bank Simulation:  Gender of a customer  Name of an employee

14 Activities and Delays  Activity is a duration of known time  A delay is a length of unknown time  Can change state of system  Activity Example:  A customer checking their account balance  Delay Example:  Time it takes for n customers to enter the bank

15 States  The current configuration of the system  Sate variables represent the current system  Example:  The length of the line of customers in the bank

16 Events  Instantaneous in time  Often change the state of the system  Example:  A customer enters the bank

17 Simulation Process

18 Discrete Event Simulation (DES)  Asks the questions:  What events are possible and do they change the state?  What activities and what are their duration?  What events begin/end each activity?  How are delays defined?  How do we start the simulation?

19 DES  Models a system as it evolves  Represents changes as separate discrete events  Simulation executive  Next event  Time slicing

20 DES Approaches  Event  Commonly used  Describes an instantaneous change  Activity  Examines as a duration of time  Easy to understand but not efficient  Process  Groups activities to describe the life cycle of an entity  Most efficient and effective but difficult to impliment

21 Event Types  Primary  Scheduled at a specific time  New cashier comes to work  Conditional  Triggered by a condition  Customer moving from the line to a cashier

22 Event List  Often called the FEL or future event list  Main data structure of a DES  Ordered in increasing time of event notice  Contains only primary events  Contains all information needed to execute the events in it  Efficiency of simulator depends on efficiency of FEL

23 DES Algorithm  Remove first event(l, E) from FEL  Advance simulation to time t  Update sate variables according to E  Insert new events into FEL according to E  Compute statistics

24 Bank Queuing Example  Owner asks: What would the effects of adding another cashier to the bank have?  Customer wait time  Bank congestion

25 Bank (Cont.)  Can use DES to simulate the randomness of customers arriving  Calculate wait times with n cashiers  Gather statistics on multiple runs

26 Network Simulators  Many software packages available  Example:  OPNET  Assist in building simulation model  Run simulation and collect results

27 Questions?  Comments?  Hearing None…

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