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Occupations Related to job Work For example: teacher, doctor.

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Presentation on theme: "Occupations Related to job Work For example: teacher, doctor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Occupations Related to job Work For example: teacher, doctor

2 Accountant One who keeps and examines business accounts Author One who writes books Baker One who makes and sells bread

3 Barber One who shaves and cuts the hair of customers Cashier One who receives and pays out money in a bank Chef A head male/female cook in a hotel, restaurant, etc.

4 Dentist One who attends to people’s teeth Engineer One who plans and build roads, bridges, machines, etc Fishmonger One who sells fish

5 Florist One who sells flower Geologist One who studies rocks and soils Lawyer One who gives advice in matters of law

6 Librarian One who is in charge of a library Nurse One who looks after sick or injured people in a hospital Photographer One who takes pictures with a camera

7 Postman One who delivers letters Scientist One who knows much about one or more of the natural sciences Tailor One who cuts and makes clothes

8 Violinist One who plays on the violin Waiter One who serves at tables in a restaurant

9 Quiz for Occupations

10 Slide A CashierLawyerNurseWaiter

11 Slide B AccountantDentistFloristLibrarian

12 Slide C EngineerFishmongerTailorViolinist

13 Slide D BakerChefPostmanScientist

14 Slide E AuthorBarberGeologistPhotographer


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