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Distillers Grains Use in Dairy Cattle Operations and Effect on production and Milk Characterics: What Does the Research Say? Ethanol Co-Product Storage.

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Presentation on theme: "Distillers Grains Use in Dairy Cattle Operations and Effect on production and Milk Characterics: What Does the Research Say? Ethanol Co-Product Storage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distillers Grains Use in Dairy Cattle Operations and Effect on production and Milk Characterics: What Does the Research Say? Ethanol Co-Product Storage and Utilization In Grazing Systems UNL Ag Research and Development Center Mead, NE June 3, 2009

2 US Cow Population Milk/cow


4 Issues: Corn Milling co-products - Low levels of LYS - High levels of 18:2 - Low levels of starch

5 Research Objectives Understand Nutrient Utilization
Understand Feed Chemical Composition Milk Yield Rumen Microbe Animal Understand Effects of Production

6 Chemical Composition

7 Mobile Bag Technique: RUP and dRUP (Kononoff et al., 2007)

8 Ruminal and Intestinal Protein Digestibility
Feedstuff %DM %CP RUP (%CP) dRUP TT CP Digest. (%CP) Corn Bran 90.7 13.5 20.7 65.8 93.1 Corn Germ 91.0 16.3 16.5 66.8 94.5 WCGF 55.9 26.7 11.5 51.1 94.4 DDGS 86.9 28.9 56.3 91.9 95.4 WDGS 45.6 29.9 44.7 96.9 HP-DDGS 94.7 47.2 55.2 97.7 98.7 SBM1 89.1 49.9 24.3 93.0 N/A Bloodmeal1 90.2 95.5 70.9 80.0 1Kelzer et al., 2007

9 AA Conc. in the RUP [ ] (% CP) 1Kelzer et al., 2007

10 NDF and rumen fermentation
Rate, %/h NDF Digestion (24 h) NDF Digestion (48 h) Bran 6.2 79.8 86.6 Germ 7.6 83.1 89.6 HP-DDGS 12.0 70.6 84.8 DDGS 6.8 75.6 86.3 Tedeschi et al. (2008)

11 Rumen Biohydrogenation
Bamguard et al., 2000

12 Lipid Fractions of Co-products
1Kelzer et al., 2007

13 Milk Production and Co-Products

14 WCGF and 305 d Milk Yield Objective:
To determine the effects of feeding WCGF during lactation (and the dry period). Experimental Units: 36 Primiparous Holstein Cows 40 Multiparous Holstein Cows

15 Diets Control (%DM) WCGF (%DM) Alfalfa Haylage 17.8 10.4 Alfalfa Hay
12.0 8.5 Corn Silage 29.8 18.9 Soypass 1.7 Corn, ground 20.3 12.5 SBM, 48% CP 6.0 0.45 Cottonseed 8.7 5.1 Blood Meal 0.6 0.5 Tallow 0.7 Urea 0.08 WCGF 0.0 38.0 Mineral/Vit Mix 2.4 2.9

16 ○ WCGF-L ● WCGF-DL ▲ Control

17 Effect of diet on milk production over 43 weeks of lactation.
Treatment P-Value Control WCGF-L1 WCGF-DL2 SEM DIET PARITY T*P3 DMI, pd/d 46.6b 55.9a 52.4a 0.8 < 0.01 NS Milk, pd/d 68.4b 77.0a 76.3a 4.6 0.03 3.5 % FCM 76.3b 85.6a 79.9ab 4.2 0.10 0.04 Milk/DMI, pd/pd 1.50 1.43 1.55 0.09

18 Effect of diet on test day milk composition over 43 weeks of lactation.
Treatment P-Value Control WCGF-L1 WCGF-DL2 SEM DIET PARITY T*P3 Fat, Percent 4.15a 3.94ab 3.74b 0.08 < 0.01 NS Yield, pd/d 2.86 3.15 0.15 Protein, 3.19 3.17 3.16 0.04 2.4b 2.53a 2.42ab 0.13 0.03

19 Body condition score means for the respective treatments over the entire lactation were 3.33, 3.36, 3.34 (SE 0.04, P = 0.84).

20 The Effect of Feeding Increasing Levels of Dried Distillers Grains Plus Solubles to Dairy Cows
4 Dietary Treatments Control, no Dried Distillers Grains 10% diet DM 20% diet DM 30% diet DM Four 28d periods 20 cows DIM Janicek et al., 2008

21 Experimental Diets Control, 0% 30% DDGS Corn Silage 30.05 23.95
Alfalfa Haylage 10.88 9.34 Alfalfa Hay 9.44 Soybean Meal 4.77 Soybean Hulls 10.36 Cottonseed 6.61 DDGS 30.0 Ground Corn 16.28 12.10 Soy Pass 5.60 1.14 Urea 0.26 Tallow 1.04 0.92 Bloodmeal 0.68 Vit/Min premix 2.6 2.01

22 Chemical Composition Control, 0% 30% DDGS DM, % 57.79 61.72
NEL, (Mcal/lb) 0.78 CP, % DM 18.7 18.9 Fat, % DM 4.3 5.17 NDF, %DM 33.7 34.7 P, % DM 0.40 0.42 RUP, % CP 39.8 47.9 Janicek et al., 2008

23 Results - DMI pds/d Linear effect; P = 0.03

24 Results – Milk Production
Linear effect; P = 0.08 Janicek et al., 2008

25 Fat and Protein Yield, kg/d
Janicek et al., 2008

26 DDGS and milk CLA 0% DDGS 10% DDGS 20% DDGS 30% DDGS SEM P-Value Milk
3.70 3.64 3.73 3.55 0.15 0.31 C18:0 15.5 15.1 15.0 14.6 0.44 0.10 C18:1, c9 2.02 2.22 3.19 3.31 0.22 < 0.01 C18:1 t9 24.0 24.6 24.8 0.66 0.33 CLA c9, t11 0.34 0.55 0.80 0.98 0.06 <0.01 C18:2 2.96 3.82 4.78 5.59 0.21 Janicek et al., 2008

27 Dairy Rations that Maximize the Inclusion of Corn Milling Co-Products
Objective: To determine nutritional strategies that support maximal inclusion of corn milling co-products in dairy rations. Experimental Design: 5X5 Latin square 40 cows fed 5 diets during 4 periods Experimental Measures: Daily Feed Intake Milk Production Nutrient Digestibility

28 Modified WDGS DM = 45.6 NDF = 30.8 CP = 30.2 Fat = 13.5 Wet Corn Gluten Feed DM = 55.9 NDF = 36.9 CP = 23.1 Fat = 5.1

29 Control MWDGS WCGF 15% Blend 30% Blend Modified DGS --- 15.0 7.5 Corn silage 28.0 25.5 23.0 24.3 24.0 Alfalfa haylage 9.8 9.0 8.0 8.5 3.5 Alfalfa hay 8.9 Brome hay 3.0 6.0 Ground corn 17.5 13.5 14.5 14.0 9.5 SBM 5.5 4.5 3.2 Soy Pass 4.0 4.3 Cottonseed Soybean hulls 10.0 10.2 10.1 Tallow 1.0 0.5 Urea 0.24 Vitamins and minerals 2.1 2.0 2.8

30 Control MWDGS WCGF 15% Blend 30% Blend CP 18.5 18.7 18.6 RUP, %CP 39.2 43.0 37.8 40.4 41.8 NDF 35.0 36.6 35.8 37.0 Starch 23.7 20.4 21.6 21.0 18.8 EE 4.0 5.8 4.9 5.6

31 Dry Matter Intake (pds/d)
Observed Difference: P < 0.05 Gehman and Kononoff (2007)

32 Milk Production (pds/d)
Observed Difference: P < 0.05 Gehman and Kononoff (2007)

33 Digestibility, % Observed Difference: P < 0.05
Gehman and Kononoff (2007)

34 Purine Metabolism Dietary Nucleic Acids Degraded Degraded
Microbial Nucleic Acids PD Liver Duodenum Rumen Excreted in urine Crawford et al., 2005

35 Purine Derivatives, mmol/d
Observed Difference: P = 0.04 Gehman and Kononoff (2007)

36 All generalizations are false, including this one.
Mark Twain

37 New Dry Milling Process
Bran Endosperm and Gluten Germ Corn Fermentation Still Stillage Coarse Grains Distillers Grains High Protein Dried Distillers Grains Solubles/Syrup Ethanol Grind, Wet, Cook, Yeasts and Enzymes

38 Control and Treatment Diets
Treatments Ingredients (%DM) Control HPDDGS Corn Silage Alfalfa Haylage 31.4 15.6 28.2 14.1 Corn Grain 13.7 Brome Hay 12.3 12.2 Soybean Meal 9.66 --- Soybean Hulls 9.03 9.01 Bypass Soy 5.64 Vitamins and Minerals 2.39 2.59 20.0 Chemical Composition CP, % DM 18.5 18.6 NDF, % DM 37.3 38.9 Ether Extract, % DM 3.4 3.80   Lys:Met 3.41:1 1.96:1

39 Results Milk production and composition Control HPDDG SEM P-Value
Intake, lbs/d 50.2 47.1 1.64 0.06 Milk, lbs/d 70.2 74.2 4.68 0.02 Fat, % 3.85 4.08 0.19 0.12 Protein, % 3.05 3.02 0.08 0.47 Fat, lbs/d 2.67 0.18 0.01 Protein lbs/d 2.11 2.22 0.11 MUN, mg/dL 112.8 14.6 0.66 < 0.01 FC1 1.47 1.73 0.09 1Feed Conversion = 3.5% FCM/DMI

40 Dairy rations and co-products
Co-products may be included and rumen biohydrogenation may not affect milk fat yield Co-products are low in LYS but high levels may not affect milk protein Energy contribution from starch may be replaced with fat, fermentable fiber

41 CHO Composition and Bacterial Growth
Ingredient High NSC High SC Alfalfa 39.3 36.1 Barley 38.6 . Corn 20.0 SBM 9.7 8.2 Brewers Grain 12.6 Beet Pulp 20.7 Molasses Blood Meal 0.8 Min/Vit 2.5 2.4 NDF 26.1 34.1 aNDF1 22.0 29.2 NFC (STA)2 47.8 (26.7) 40.3 (17.7) 1 aNDF = available NDF = NDF – (lignin X 2.4) 2 NFC= 100-CP-(NDF-NDIN)-Ash-EE, STA =Starch Hristov and Ropp (2003)

42 CPM vs Observed Microbial Protein Flow (g/d)
CPM Difference: 2233g/d – 1985 g/d = 248g/d Observed Difference (not statistically different): 2125 g/d – 2006 g/d = 119 g/d Hristov and Ropp (2003)

43 Acknowledgments Nebraska Corn Board Cargill Corn Milling
Poet Nutrition ADM UNL Dairy Research Unit Undergraduate Students Anna Geis Christina Heine Kristina Hubbard UNL Dairy Nutrition Graduate Students Amanda Gehman (PhD candidate) Brandy Janicek (MS) Jolene Kelzner (MS) Kim Mahacheck (MAg candidate) Ezequias Lopez (MS Candidate) Hugo Rameriz (MS Candidate)

44 Thank-you

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