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Map Projections.

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1 Map Projections


3 Map Projections How we present our round Earth on flat maps
All map projections have some distortions Size Shape Distance Direction

4 Cylindrical/Compromise
Shows the entire earth on one map

5 Cylindrical: Mercator
shape and size is distorted at the poles and compressed at the equator direction is correct, so used for naval navigation Can also be used for anything close to the equator



8 Cylindrical: Homolosine
“interrupted map” Correct shapes and sizes


10 Cylindrical: Robinson
nearly true size and shape of continents and oceans Landforms near poles appear flat Everything is distorted, but just slightly. Used for overall view of the globe (textbooks, National Geographic, etc.)


12 Pseudocylindrical: Mollweide
Area of land is accurate Everything squished at the poles


14 Conical Most accurate along lines of latitude where it touches the globe Retains almost true shape and size where it touches Edges of the map are distorted Used to show large areas going east and west


16 Planar/Azimuthal Touch the globe at one point Shows true direction
Distorts size and shape


18 Quiz What projection will you find on the following pages? p. 643
P. A16-A17

19 Great Circle Routes The shortest distance between any two points on a globe To find, you need a globe or a planar/azimuthal projection P. A4-A5 If you’re flying from Mexico to India, what countries would you cross? Is that the shortest way there?

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