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What’s Up With NCLB and Its Impact on the K-12 Markets? Steven Pines, Executive Director Education Industry Association March, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s Up With NCLB and Its Impact on the K-12 Markets? Steven Pines, Executive Director Education Industry Association March, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s Up With NCLB and Its Impact on the K-12 Markets? Steven Pines, Executive Director Education Industry Association March, 2008

2 About the Education Industry Association (EIA) The leading trade association for private providers of K-12 education services, products, curricula and supplies.  Advocacy and public relations  B2B ventures, networking, professional development (EDVentures Conference, July 21-23, San Diego)  Special interest groups –SES-tutoring, Schools, Special/Alternative Education

3 Key Players In SES US DoE issues guidance/regulations SEAs determines and notifies LEAs with Schools in Needs Improvement status SEAs approve SES providers, monitor, collect data, evaluate and remove Providers from State list LEAs contract with providers; local administration Parents select providers, through informed choice. Providers, including LEAs, market and deliver services- great variety in ratios, pedagogy, intensity, experience

4 SES Market Up to 15% of Title 1, or about $2 BB, annual opportunity (5% set-aside for transporation for Choice) About $600-700 MM expended in 2006-2007; will rise dramatically Enrollment levels up sharply (about 500,000 last school year) as more school are in Needs Improvement status Over 3,000 approved providers-great variety PPA ranges between $900-$2,200

5 Potential SES Opportunities At SEA level: –Assessment/accountability for AYP –Evaluation design to isolate SES effects –Develop student information/data collection/reporting system

6 Potential SES Opportunities At LEA level: –Develop data collection/reporting system –Customer service survey design and execution (principals, parents, etc.) –Evaluation

7 Potential SES Opportunities At Provider level: –Use of research-based content and methods –Staff development (Spec. Ed and ELL) –Data collection and reporting –Evaluation strategies –Sales/Marketing to districts and enrollment management to parents (e.g. call centers)

8 Key Issues in SES/Re-structuring Provisions  Higher standards for provider approval and program evaluation  Funding: 20% (or less) of Title I set-aside for SES or Xtended Learning  Re-allocation of unspent funds remain available for SES  Use of highly qualified teacher definition for tutors  School districts as SES providers  House draft eliminates role of for profits to manage schools and caps # of schools for restructuring

9 NCLB—Where we are Today  Senate currently drafting bill-April Mark-up?  Bipartisanship is required (different from House)  Cynicism continues on role of private sector  Push for flexibility in school district AYP accountability measures (like House)  Reduces # of schools and students for school improvement by making it easier to “make AYP”  Greatly reduces potential demand for SES, school restructuring services, etc.

10 NCLB – Where we Are Today:  House Discussion Draft: Eliminates role of for-profits from most of the services just described Dilutes LEA accountability through multiple measures (not just reading and math assessments to make AYP) Fewer schools and students identified for school improvement services Introduces additional interventions  Draft criticized by all; under revision pending progress by Senate

11 Presidential Candidates Views on NCLB  Senator Clinton —more influenced by AFT/NEA  “Rewrite it”  Opposes choice provisions like vouchers  Called SES providers Halliburton-like  Emphasis on teacher quality/PD/mentors  Universal Pre K  Senator Obama :  “Improve it”  Assess higher order skills besides Reading and Math for AYP  Open mind on vouchers based on research findings  New grants for teacher corps, PD/merit pay  State grants for voluntary Pre K  Senator Mc Cain :  “Just tweak it”  Full support for competition by private sector (innovation)  Parent empowerment through expanded SES and Choice-programs  Merit pay for teachers; alternative certification; more PD  No federal role in Pre K—role of better parenting

12 So……?  Perfect storm of:  Short legislative calendar  Higher Education Act now going to Conference Committee  3 candidates on Senate HELP Committee, and  Presidential election  NCLB already extended one year. Status quo through 2010 school year likely scenario  Still vital to get best language in draft bills-benchmark for future  If no new legislation, USDoE, through pilots/waiver authority or regulations, may:  Expand pilots for SES (flip and LEA as provider)  Restrict unused SES carry over funds  Focus on ELL, Spec. ED and Title I for high school  And ….?

13 A Call to Action  Join a trade association to amplify the industry’s message- We are currently out-spent by teacher unions  View public schools as partners, not customers  Perform at highest standards: ethics and program quality  Focus on accountability provisions; not simply your special interest section in the Act  Engage Members of Congress with the message that you deliver results for students and schools. Education Industry Association 800-252-3280

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