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Welcome to CS113! Academic Strategies for the Business Professional Unit 1 Seminar Prof Linda Watson Course Starts: September 19, 2012 Course Ends: November.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to CS113! Academic Strategies for the Business Professional Unit 1 Seminar Prof Linda Watson Course Starts: September 19, 2012 Course Ends: November."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to CS113! Academic Strategies for the Business Professional Unit 1 Seminar Prof Linda Watson Course Starts: September 19, 2012 Course Ends: November 27, 2012 Attention!! Write this down! You need this information often for your homework! This course is: CS113-01 Section: 01

2 Instructor Information Hello, I’m Linda Watson. Please feel free to call me Prof or Prof Linda on the Discussion board and in seminars. Today’s seminar will be different than the rest of our seminars in that we will cover the “how to” of our class work. That way everyone knows what is expected. I like a nice, easy and relaxed atmosphere in all of my classes! I want us all to have a good time while we learn. Is that a deal? I promise, online won’t bite!! Relax, you are among friends! 2

3 How the Seminar is Conducted… First, when addressing someone, always preface your comments with a person’s name. -For instance, when you want to address a question I asked or ask me a question either on the Discussion board or in seminars, preface it with “Prof” to avoid confusion. ;-) Second, Please Note - Everyone should use upper and lower case in responding. Please do not use all caps. Third, if you arrive late for a seminar, please “take your seat quietly” until the floor is opened for questions. We may see you open the door and come in, but we may be in the middle of discussions already… ;-) You are definitely welcome to arrive late if you need to, but please be mindful if class is already in session. 3

4 How the Seminar is Conducted…(cont) Fourth, Please refrain from off-topic and sidebar conversation :-) 4

5 How the Seminar is Conducted…(cont) Fifth, Everyone please note I definitely do not want to overlook anyone’s questions!! If I miss a question here, please post it again or email me later. Sixth, I will open the floor for questions periodically throughout this seminar… The last few minutes are also reserved for general questions about the class. Please save your questions for those times… Seventh, Avoid responses that say I agree and nothing else. Get in the habit of adding value to each and every response you make. 5

6 Eighth, Please avoid ‘slang’ words, especially those that may offend others. Err on the side of caution if you’re not sure. ;-) Ninth, Always contact Tech Support at the time (866 522-7747) if you cannot enter seminar or if you have difficulty finding the chat box to type your comments. Tenth, For future seminars, please review the Seminar Case Study prior to logging into the live session. Having your answers prepared to the Case Study questions will help you be able to participate more and read others’ answers more easily, too. Lastly, We have a lot to cover in our hour today, but I will try to cover all points and answer questions, too. Feel free to contact me later if you have further questions. How the Seminar is Conducted…(cont) 6

7 Ok. You can come up for air now! ;-) 7

8 Any questions about seminar procedure and expectations? -PowerPoint Slides on Doc Sharing -Seminar record available to listen to again later -Be sure to participate during discussions on our weekly case study and unit concepts. 8

9 Make a point to attend seminars WHY? Not only are they mandatory, but: We can get to know each other! Seminars also expand on the readings and add to your understanding of the weekly material. Keep an eye out for those ‘points’ you can save for later coupons! See the Announcement… Remember though you must participate to be eligible for points, particularly during unit concept discussions and Case Studies. If cannot attend such as due to work, etc., be sure to submit Alternate Seminar Assignment to be eligible for points. 9

10 What is a degree worth? Source: Notice that people with a degree have a much lower unemployment rate than those without a degree!! 10

11 Coupons We can have fun finding the coupon that may be a part of the seminars… It’s the ‘hunt’ in finding a great deal! In order to take advantage of them, you must keep track of them and send me an email when you want to redeem them for a specific Discussion or Assignment… A form to use to copy into your email will be provided in a special Announcement posting tomorrow… Honor system applies! It’s not only fun finding them, but what a deal for ‘free’ points! 11 COUPON Good for 2 points on submitted and graded Discussion or the big Assignment work, Units 1 - 4! (Not to exceed 30-40 pts.) Expires: Sunday in Unit 5

12 Kaplan Classes Classes are 10 weeks in length (The last unit does not have a seminar.) Each week comprises 1 unit. (Week 1 = Unit 1) Units begin on Wednesday and end on Tuesday. Each week usually includes the following: -Readings and Activities -Discussion and Participation -Learning Activity/Web Exploration -Assignment -Quiz or Exam -Seminar or Alternate Seminar Assignment 12

13 OUR SEMINARS Every Wednesday ?? What Time ??? ET (please adjust to your time zone) Yes! 12:00 pm 13

14 Campus Tour and Academic Tools Please take the campus tour as soon as possible! It is located on your student home page. It will guide you through the basics of class. The Academic Tools tab located under the first page of each Unit start page has a wealth of information to help familiarize you to the online classroom. Be sure to also check out the Gradebook Guide and Dropbox Guide directions there, too! 14

15 Course Home Page Everything you need for class is on this page. On the left are the Units with all of the information underneath Announcements are in the middle of the page—Please read!!!! 15

16 Units… See how everything needed for each unit pops up to the right… 16

17 Units… Academic Tools: All tabs have great information. Pay particular attention to Gradebook so you know how to read grading comments. Great Writing Center information, too! 17

18 Case Study 18

19 What is Due for Unit 1??? Readings Discussion and Participation Learning Activity/Web Exploration Assignment to the Dropbox Quiz Seminar or Alternate Seminar Assignment 19 TIP: Start to look at the upcoming unit before it actually begins!

20 Week 1 Discussion and Participation Introduce yourself. Be sure to include the following in ONE post… Part 1: Tell us briefly something about yourself and why you chose your major. Also include a few sentences on what you learned from taking the Keirsey Temperament Sorter II Personality Instrument (including the personality type given) and the Myers-Briggs Personality Quiz. Additionally, please include your home state/country and whether you have ever taken online classes before. Part 2: Discuss the qualities of empowered learners you read about in the Unit 1 reading. Which of these qualities do you enjoy and which are you hoping to enhance over the coming ten weeks? Did we leave any qualities out that you think should be included? Motivation is such a powerful positive energy; share your motivation for school! Participation Post at least 2 other messages in response to your classmates’ answers. Don’t forget the class rules for responses to our discussion forum. 20


22 No Purchase Necessary 22

23 Myers-Briggs 23

24 Be An Empowered Learner 24 Responsibility Self-motivation Self-management Curiosity Independence Interdependence Self Awareness Emotional Intelligence

25 Web Exploration / Learning Activity Three-part Web Exploration I. Topic/Explanation: Identify a topic covered in the assigned Reading and/or Activities section from the unit. … Explain your initial reaction to the topic you selected and comment on why you selected this particular topic for your weekly exploration (in a minimum 3 complete sentences). II. Website Summary: Conduct a search of your own …that enriches your understanding of the topic you selected. …Google would be a great place to start. Provide a brief summary of the site (in a minimum of 4 complete sentences). Make sure to list the correct URL for the website so that your classmates and instructor will be able to access the information. TIP: Please visit the Doc Sharing area of the course for helpful information regarding online search techniques and website evaluation strategies. III. Value Statement: Explain why the information you have gained from this exploration has enriched your understanding of unit topics/concepts (in a minimum 3 complete sentences). 25

26 Sample Web Exploration Entry I. Topic/Explanation: I selected online student success as my topic for the Unit 1 Web Exploration activity because I am interested in making sure that I am a successful online student. The topic was covered in a great article in the Unit 1 reading, 7 Tips from Successful Online Learners. I wanted to see if I could find other articles that would offer me additional helpful advice. II. Website Summary, title and URL: How to Succeed as an Online Student This article focused on several important success strategies for online students. The author, Stephen Gatlin, explained that time management is critical to success in the online world. He also noted the importance of balancing personal obligations, creating an effective study environment, and asking questions. The author concluded his discussion by explaining that the more you give to the course, the more you will get out of it. III. Value Statement: The article helped me to understand that my success as an online student is going to depend on my ability to manage my time well and to balance my many different school and personal commitments. I now see that it will be important for me to treat school much like a job. I will have to schedule time for all of my weekly assignments and make sure to stick to my schedule. 26

27 Assignment 27

28 Assignment Naming Convention Hint: Don’t forget to rename the document as YourName-Unit1- ScavengerHunt i.e. LindaWatson-Unit1-ScavengerHunt 28

29 Dropbox Dropbox is your key to Assignment submission and to review returned work with instructor comments….. Note the little paper Icon that shows that the work was submitted correctly. Now, click on it to check it ~ be sure it is what you meant to send. 29

30 Don’t Forget to Take the Quiz! On Unit Readings, Concepts, and Activities 10 Questions Multiple Choice True or False No time limit 30

31 True or False?? According to information found in Unit 1, the way to reduce stress is to use our critical thinking brain. 31

32 How to do well in Discussions PEPO - Post Early and Post Often! Minimum word requirement - generally 100 words Remember - post on three different days - minimum Your initial post must be made no later than Saturday Respond to at least two classmates! Thoughtful note: Just because we set a minimum does not mean this is what you should do. That is for people who are only doing this because it is an assignment, rather than understanding the value of this activity. 32

33 Expectations for All Class Assignments and Discussion Remember – All work is due by midnight on Tuesday. Complete the readings before completing the DQs and other assigned work. College level work with proper spelling and no texting! Try not to wait until the last minute to submit. Plan ahead! You never know what will prevent you from meeting deadlines. Late work may receive a penalty.  Please do not wait until late Tuesday to submit your Discussion Question. We need something to talk about! In fact, DQ answers submitted after Saturday will not receive full points! Follow class motto - PEPO! Back up plan Check out places in your area where you can access a computer and/or Internet. Save your documents often! 33

34 CLASS MOTTO PEPO power!! –Post Early and Post Often!! 34

35 DISCUSSION and ASSIGNMENTS First of all… remember… no texting! Do not use text style message writing for written assignments and responses on the Discussion Board (DB). Also, avoid ‘slang’ words, especially those that may offend others… Check –Did you answer the question? -It is not uncommon for students to get a little off-track and forget to answer all components of the Discussion Question asked. Make sure this does not happen to you as it can affect your grade. Suggestion: Type it in Microsoft Word -This gives you time to think it through and to correct errors in spelling and/or grammar, which also can affect your grade. It will also avoid those pesky ‘time-outs’ on the system! 35

36 Late Penalties All work is due by the last day of each unit. (Remember though your Discussion answer itself is due by Saturday. Discussion, Web Exploration and Quizzes/Exams close at end of unit.) (11:59 pm). Late Assignment penalties apply per Syllabus: 1st week (1-7 days) (20%) so Assignments -8 pts. 2nd wk (8-14 days) (30%) so Assignments -12 pts. No work will be accepted more than two weeks after the original due date! 36

37 Discussion Rubric ( NOTE: Excerpt from Course Syllabus. ) NOTE: Grading Rubrics for Assignments and Seminar are also in the Course Syllabus… 37

38 Assignment Rubric ( NOTE: Excerpt from Course Syllabus. ) 38

39 Assignment Points ~ Breakdown For Unit 1… 39 NOTE: Your numeric score and the instructor's reflective comments are based on the standards which are listed in the assignment/project grading rubric found in the course syllabus. These standards include Content, Analysis, and Style (grammar, spelling, sentence structure).

40 40 Seminar Rubric (Excerpt from Syllabus)

41 41 Web Exploration Rubric (Excerpt from Web Exploration pdf Info)

42 Any questions? 42

43 AIM, Virtual Office, email, phone… Two hours per week dedicated to Office Hours on AIM. Office Hours are generally Wednesdays 3-5 pm, as they are this week. I am often online and logged into AIM. Feel free to take aim at me! AIM: PurpleLinW Be sure to include your name when you AIM! Email: Phone/Text: (616) 516-9780 ET How can you reach me? 43

44 TECH SUPPORT:  866-522-7747 Let me know if you are having any technical difficulties, but always contact Tech Support, too. Remember I am not equipped to help you with all technological issues. Tech Support is awesome though! NEED MORE HELP? 44

45 45 It was good officially meeting you! I hope you had a good time! I know there was a lot to take in. Just let me know if you have any questions, ok? See you back here the same time next week. Before then, I’ll see you on the Discussion Board (DB). ;-) Have a wonderful day!

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