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Continental Claciation

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1 Continental Claciation
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5 Continental Glacier


7 Outwash Plain - Large areas of glacial sediment deposited by glacial streams.

8 Outwash Plain

9 Horicon Marsh


11 Glacial Drift Loose and unsorted rock debris distributed by glaciers and glacial melt waters. Two types: till and outwash

12 Till – unsorted drift

13 Outwash – glacial drift in layers

14 Erratics – Large Boulders left behind by glaciers

15 Moraines: a build up of sediment transported or left by the glacier

16 Ground Moraine – sediment deposited under moving ice.

17 End moraine - Perpendicular to glacier
Dumps sediment at the edge of the glacier. Marks the end of the glacier


19 Northern Kettle Moraine -


21 Devils Lake – End moraine

22 Recessional Moraine Sediment dumped by retreating ice

23 Recessional moraine - Alps

24 Inter-lobate Moraine Kettle Moraine state forest is an example
Built between two lobes of ice.




28 Kettle Depressions on outwash plain that often fill with water.
Caused by stranded ice blocks and erosion


30 Kettle

31 Kettle

32 Madison, WI

33 Greenbush Kettle

34 Esker Look like inverted streams
Winding ridges of glacial drift deposited by melt-water in tunnels under the glacier A stream under a glacier

35 Esker

36 Esker Parnell esker

37 Kame Cone shaped hill of sand and gravel;reverse funnel Two types:
Delta – meltwater deposited sediments off the top of a glacier Moulin Kame – base of a shaft through a glacier.

38 Kame formation



41 Drumlin Look like upside down teardrops
Tapered end shows the direction the glacier moved in . Formed from till

42 Drumlin formation


44 Drumlins in background

45 Topographic map - drumlins


47 Chatter Marks Rocks dragged by glacier left these marks

48 Chatter marks

49 Calving calving glacier: glacier that loses material by calving, usually a glacier that terminates in sea, lake, or river water


51 Glacial Milk Glacial meltwater Looks cloudy like milk

52 Glacial potholes – formed from melt water of glacier
                                                     Baraboo, Wisconsin

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