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B i l l G r i f f i n D a n n y K y l e C a m  What are 3 major types of wind erosion?  What are 2 things that wind deposited materials can form?

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2 B i l l G r i f f i n D a n n y K y l e C a m

3  What are 3 major types of wind erosion?  What are 2 things that wind deposited materials can form?

4 The process of wind erosion Saltation is the movement of very small particles caused by wind. Deflation is the fine sediment being removed by wind. It can cause dessert pavement, a surface mode of pebbles and small broken rocks. Abrasion is the rubbing and wearing of rock surfaces on other rock particles.

5 Wind-Deposited Materials Loess: Very fine sediments deposited by the wind. Dunes: A mound of wind- deposited sand that keeps its shape even though it moves.

6 Loess is fine-grained sediment. Loess feels like talcum powder someone might use after a shower. Since wind carries fine-grained material much higher and farther than it carries sand deposits of loess are found far from it’s original source. In the US, loess is mostly in the Midwest and in eastern Oregon and Washington

7 Loess in the U.S. is derived from glacial outwash. The loess was blown directly from glacial deposits in the Rockies, and also carried by rivers to be blown off the flood plains. The loess in western Wisconsin is thick. It is virtually absent in eastern Wisconsin partly because the loess blanket naturally tapers, built also because most of eastern Wisconsin was still ice-covered at the time, so loess was intermingled with other materials.

8 Dunes Dunes are formed by wind slowing down to go over obstacle and drops heavier materials Dunes move on the same direction as a strong wind Winds can form different shapes of dunes

9 Barchan - Little Sand Transverse - Lots of Sand Longitudinal - Steady Winds Parabolic - Transitional between transverse and longitudinal Star - Several Wind Directions

10 WWhat are three major types of wind erosion? SSaltation, deflation, abrasion WWhat are two things that wind deposited materials can form? LLoess and dunes


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