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Install BIRT viewer to WAS 6.1 Prepared by: Daron Whitehouse Notes: Tested on WAS v6.1 and v7.0 (windows) using BIRT runtime engine v2.3.0.

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Presentation on theme: "Install BIRT viewer to WAS 6.1 Prepared by: Daron Whitehouse Notes: Tested on WAS v6.1 and v7.0 (windows) using BIRT runtime engine v2.3.0."— Presentation transcript:

1 Install BIRT viewer to WAS 6.1 Prepared by: Daron Whitehouse Notes: Tested on WAS v6.1 and v7.0 (windows) using BIRT runtime engine v2.3.0

2 Login to WAS admin console – https://server:9044/ibm/console/logon.jsp https://server:9044/ibm/console/logon.jsp - or - – From workbench > Servers tab > right click server > run Administrative console

3 Install new application – Expand Install New Application – Browse to locate birt.war from BIRT runtime folder – Specify Context root (“viewer” in this example) – Click Next until the Summary page (next slide)

4 Finish Installation – Click Finish

5 Save installation Click Save

6 Install jdbc jar(s) – Copy jdbc jar to BIRT viewer driver folder – ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}\installedApps\{node}\birt_war.ear\birt.war\WEB-INF\platform \plugins\\drivers – Use Environment > WebSphere Variables to check ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT} value

7 Start BIRT viewer web application – Expand Applications and click Enterprise Applications – Check off birt_war and press Start

8 Install BIRT report(s) into viewer web – Copy/Move any BIRT report – *.rptdesign into birt.war folder where deployed on server – Better yet, create folders to organize reports by business unit Excecute report via URL – http://server:port/viewer/frameset?__report=myReport.rptdesign http://server:port/viewer/frameset?__report=myReport.rptdesign – Pass parameters: &parm1=somevalue&parm2=anothervalue – Specify render format: &__format=pdf, or &__format=xls – Check out the following link for further options:

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