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Jeopardy Misc. Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Misc. Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Misc. Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200
Types of Fossils Types of Fossils 2 Becoming a Fossil Vocabulary Misc. Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from Vocabulary
An animal track left in mud which after time turns into rock.

3 $100 Answer from Vocabulary

4 $200 Question from Vocabulary
A group of living things that is no longer living.

5 $200 Answer from Vocabulary

6 $300 Question from Vocabulary
The shape of a plant or animal left in sediments when the rock formed.

7 $300 Answer from Vocabulary

8 $400 Question from Vocabulary
The hardened remains of a living thing that died long ago.

9 $400 Answer from Vocabulary

10 $500 Question from Vocabulary
A fossil that looks exactly like the actual organism, but it is made when mud or clay fills a mold.

11 $500 Answer from Vocabulary

12 $100 Question from Types of Fossils
What type of fossil is shown below?

13 $100 Answer from Types of Fossils

14 $200 Question from Types of Fossils
What type of fossil is shown above?

15 $200 Answer from Types of Fossils

16 $300 Question from Types of Fossils
What type of fossil is shown above?

17 $300 Answer from Types of Fossils
True to Form or Preserved Part

18 $400 Question from Types of Fossils
What type of fossil is shown above?

19 $400 Answer from Types of Fossils
mold fossil

20 $500 Question from Types of Fossils
Which type of fossil looks just like an actual body part of a once-living thing?

21 $500 Answer from Types of Fossils
Cast Fossil

22 $100 Question from Misc. What are organisms that lived during the time that dinosaurs lived and are still living today called?

23 $100 Answer from Misc. Living Fossils

24 What do mammoths and elephants have in common?
$200 Question from Misc. What do mammoths and elephants have in common?

25 $200 Answer from Misc. The both have tusks.

26 Tree sap hardens and becomes __________.
$300 Question from Misc. Tree sap hardens and becomes __________.

27 $300 Answer from Misc. Amber

28 If the fossil below was found in a desert, what does that tell you?
$400 Question from Misc. If the fossil below was found in a desert, what does that tell you?

29 The area used to be under water.
$400 Answer from Misc. The area used to be under water.

30 $500 Question from Misc. If a fossil has really sharp teeth, what can we infer that the organism ate?

31 $500 Answer from Misc. Meat

32 $100 Question from Types of Fossils 2
Which type of fossil is featured below?

33 $100 Answer from Types of Fossils 2
Mold Fossil

34 $200 Question from Types of Fossils 2
Which type of fossil is pictured below?

35 $200 Answer from Types of Fossils 2
Petrified Wood

36 $300 Question from Types of Fossils 2
Are plant fossils or animal fossils more common? Why?

37 $300 Answer from Types of Fossils 2
Animal fossils – plant parts are destroyed easier

38 $400 Question from Types of Fossils 2
What type of fossil is pictured below?

39 $400 Answer from Types of Fossils 2
Amber Fossil

40 $500 Question from Types of Fossils 2
Which type of fossil is pictured below?

41 $500 Answer from Types of Fossils 2
Cast Fossil

42 $100 Question from Becoming a Fossil
In which type of rocks are fossils most commonly found?

43 $100 Answer from Becoming a Fossil

44 $200 Question from Becoming a Fossil
What happens to the soft parts of an animal when it dies?

45 $200 Answer from Becoming a Fossil
They decompose or rot away.

46 $300 Question from Becoming a Fossil
Why do fossils not form in metamorphic rocks very often?

47 $300 Answer from Becoming a Fossil
The fossil is destroyed under heat and pressure as the metaphoric rock forms.

48 $400 Question from Becoming a Fossil
Why don’t all fish become fossils?

49 $400 Answer from Becoming a Fossil
Many answers… 1 reason is the fish could have been eaten by another animal.

50 $500 Question from Becoming a Fossil
If an animal is eaten, will there be a fossil left behind?

51 $500 Answer from Becoming a Fossil
No, there wouldn’t be anything left to become a fossil.

52 Final Jeopardy Horseshoe crabs still look like they did millions of years ago. What can we infer about the horseshoe crab fossil?

53 Final Jeopardy Answer It looks the same as a horseshoe crab does today.

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