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Fig 8,000 6,000 4,000 ????? 2,000 Exponential growth J curve 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 Label each axis. ?????
Human population (billions)
Fig 7 6 5 4 Human population (billions) 3 2 The Plague 1 8000 B.C.E. 4000 B.C.E. 3000 B.C.E. 2000 B.C.E. 1000 B.C.E. 1000 C.E. 2000 C.E.
What is the carrying capacity?
Fig Exponential growth 2,000 dN = 1.0N dt 1,500 K = 1,500 Population size (N) Logistic growth 1,000 dN 1,500 – N = 1.0N dt 1,500 500 5 10 15 Number of generations What is the carrying capacity?
predator/prey interaction
Fig “Boom & Bust” Indicates close predator/prey interaction Snowshoe hare 160 120 9 Lynx Number of hares (thousands) Number of lynx (thousands) 80 6 40 3 1850 1875 1900 1925 Year
Distinguishing between niches
Fig. 54-3a JH Connell experiment – demonstrating Competition & theoretical vs. realized niches EXPERIMENT High tide Chthalamus Chthamalus ?? niche Balanus Balanus ?? niche Ocean Low tide Distinguishing between niches
Diagram shows that without competition
Fig. 54-3b Diagram shows that without competition the Chathalamus barnacle could occupy its theoretical niche. RESULTS High tide Chthamalus ???? niche Ocean Low tide
Name the trophic levels Quaternary consumers Carnivore Carnivore ????
Fig Quaternary consumers Carnivore Carnivore ???? consumers Carnivore Carnivore ???? consumers Name the trophic levels Carnivore Carnivore ???? consumers Herbivore Zooplankton ????? Plant Phytoplankton A terrestrial food chain A marine food chain
Showing connectedness of organisms using energy arrows
Fig Humans Smaller toothed whales Baleen whales Sperm whales Elephant seals Marine food web Showing connectedness of organisms using energy arrows Crab-eater seals Leopard seals Birds Fishes Squids Carnivorous plankton Euphausids (krill) Copepods Phyto- plankton
What distinguishes primary succession from secondary?
Fig What distinguishes primary succession from secondary? (a) Soon after fire (b) One year after fire
Seral stages of primary succession.
Fig a Seral stages of primary succession. 1 Pioneer stage, with fireweed dominant
Fig b 2 Dryas stage
Fig c 3 Alder stage
Fig d 4 Spruce stage
60 50 40 Soil nitrogen (g/m2) 30 20 10 Pioneer Dryas Alder Spruce
Fig 60 50 40 Soil nitrogen (g/m2) 30 20 10 Pioneer Dryas Alder Spruce Successional stage
Plant material eaten by caterpillar Cellular respiration Feces ?????
Fig. 55-9 Not all energy available from the leaf is used to generate biomass for the caterpillar Plant material eaten by caterpillar 200 J 67 J Cellular respiration 100 J Feces 33 J ?????
Regardless of an ecosystem’s size, its dynamics involve two main processes: energy flow and chemical cycling Energy ___________ through ecosystems while matter _________ within.
Conservation of Energy – The first law of thermodynamics
States that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed Energy enters an ecosystem as solar radiation, is conserved, and is lost from organisms as______ All Life Runs on ????? Energy for all life on earth ultimately come from ?????
Conservation of Mass The law of conservation of mass states that matter cannot be created or destroyed Chemical elements are continually recycled within ecosystems
In a forest ecosystem, most nutrients ______________in rain and are carried away in water
Ecosystems are open systems, absorbing energy and mass and releasing heat and waste products
Energy, Mass, and Trophic Levels
___________build molecules themselves using photosynthesis or chemosynthesis as an energy source. ___________depend on the biosynthetic output of other organisms
What is this an equation for?
???? ????
??? ??? ??? ??? Photosynthesis
Detritivores, or decomposers, are consumers that derive their energy from detritus, nonliving organic matter Prokaryotes and fungi are important detritivores Decomposition connects all trophic levels
How much energy is being transferred to the next trophic level?
Fig Tertiary consumers 100 J Secondary consumers 1000 J Primary consumers 10,000 J Figure An idealized pyramid of net production Primary producers 100,000J 1,000,000 J of sunlight How much energy is being transferred to the next trophic level?
The Terrestrial Nitrogen Cycle
The pathway in which nitrogen moves through the ecosystem Nitrogen is a component of ?????? The main reservoir of nitrogen (N2) is the?????. N2 gas must be converted to other forms.
4 processes of the Nitrogen Cycle
?????????- process converts N2 into NH4+ (ammonium ions). Done by nitrogen fixing bacteria found in soil or nodules on roots of????? Examples: ?????
NH4+ is decomposed to NO2- and often to NO3– by????
Nitrifying ??????convert NH4+ in soils Plants absorb nitrates through????? Bashan, Y. and Levanony, H. (1987)
????????? Breakdown of nitrogen compounds back into ammonia products NO3- → NH4+
?????????? Conversion of NH4+, NO2-, NO3- back to N2 gas (bacteria do this).
Fig Figure Fertilization of a corn crop
Nitrate concentration in runoff
Fig (a) Concrete dam and weir (b) Clear-cut watershed 80 Deforested 60 40 Figure Nutrient cycling in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: an example of long-term ecological research 20 Nitrate concentration in runoff (mg/L) 4 Completion of tree cutting 3 Control 2 1 1965 1966 1967 1968 (c) Nitrogen in runoff from watersheds
The Carbon Cycle Photo- synthesis Cellular respiration Burning of
Fig b The Carbon Cycle CO2 in atmosphere Photosynthesis Photo- synthesis Cellular respiration Burning of fossil fuels and wood Phyto- plankton Higher-level consumers Primary consumers Figure Nutrient cycles Carbon compounds in water Detritus Decomposition
Toxins in the Environment
Humans release many toxic chemicals, including synthetics previously unknown to nature In some cases, harmful substances persist for long periods in an ecosystem One reason toxins are harmful is that they become more concentrated in successive trophic levels Biological magnification concentrates toxins at higher trophic levels, where biomass is lower
PCBs and many pesticides such as DDT are subject to biological magnification in ecosystems
In the 1960s Rachel Carson brought attention to the biomagnification of DDT in birds in her book Silent Spring
Herring gull eggs 124 ppm Concentration of PCBs Lake trout 4.83 ppm
Fig Herring gull eggs 124 ppm Lake trout 4.83 ppm Concentration of PCBs Smelt 1.04 ppm Figure Biological magnification of PCBs in a Great Lakes food web Zooplankton 0.123 ppm Phytoplankton 0.025 ppm
Depletion of Atmospheric Ozone
Life on Earth is protected from damaging effects of UV radiation by a protective layer of ozone molecules in the atmosphere Satellite studies suggest that the ozone layer has been gradually thinning since 1975
Destruction of atmospheric ozone probably results from chlorine-releasing pollutants such as CFCs produced by human activity
O2 Cl2O2 Chlorine atom O2 Chlorine O3 ClO ClO Sunlight Fig. 55-24
Figure How free chlorine in the atmosphere destroys ozone Cl2O2 Sunlight
(a) September 1979 (b) September 2006 Fig. 55-25
Figure Erosion of Earth’s ozone shield (a) September 1979 (b) September 2006
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