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Lesson 9: Marriage and the Family

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1 Lesson 9: Marriage and the Family
Family Matters Lesson 9: Marriage and the Family

2 The Family A social unit of related people
The main function is to bear and raise children Biologically, this behavior would be selected for Family units Conjugal Nuclear Extended

3 How are we related? Kin are people we call relatives
Consanguine – “Blood” relatives Are we actually related by blood? Affine – “In-Laws” Related by marriage How else can we be related?

4 Ancestry through Descent
Descent groups are permanent social units whose members claim a common ancestry Lineage Knows all ancestors back to the first ancestor and can recite these ancestors Clan People who claim to be descended from the same ancestor but cannot recite these ancestors Example – Family last names

5 Ways of Tracing Descent
Bilateral Emphasizes both sides of the family Unilineal Emphasizes ties to one side of the family Two types – Patrilineal and Matrilineal

6 Patrilineal Descent Emphasizes a person’s ties to their father
Pater is Latin for “father” Males are essential to maintaining the patrilineage With only daughters the line dies out Marriage Not a matter of a man getting a wife Bringing a child bearer into the family

7 Patrilineal Kinship Chart
Family Not Family

8 Matrilineal Descent Emphasizes a person’s ties to their mother
Mater is Latin for “mother” Not the opposite of patrilineal A group of males who are related to each other through the female line A man inherits his property from his mother’s brother The biological father is an outsider because he is a part of another matrilineage

9 Matrilineal Kinship Chart
Not Family Family

10 Does Biology Prove Bilateral Descent is Right?
Many in the US would use biology to justify Bilateral Descent We are biologically related by chromosomes

11 Using the Chromosomes 46 Mom Dad 1 0

12 Marriage Can be defined in many ways, but we’re not going to define
Instead we will look at the various marriage practices throughout the world

13 How do we select potential marriage partners?
By capture Bride kidnapping not practiced anymore By arrangement The most common method Either match maker or parents make the match By choice Not as common as you may think

14 Does an exchange need to take place?
Bride service The groom will work for the bride’s family before marriage Bride wealth Exchange from the groom or groom’s family to the bride’s family Not “buying the bride” Dowry Wealth given to the bride from her family

15 How many spouses are we permitted?
Monogamy One spouse at any given time Serial Monogamy? Polygamy Multiple spouses at any give time Two Types: Polygyny – one man with multiple wives Polyandry – one woman with multiple husbands

16 Who can marry whom? Within or outside groups
Endogamy – marriage within Exogamy – marriage outside Marriages can be both at the same time Within or outside one’s sex A hot button issue in the U.S. There are cross-cultural examples Female husband among the Nuer

17 Exam Review Questions What are the terms for the following marriage practices? Within groups/outside groups? Single/multiple spouses? Marriage exchanges? What is descent? What are the three ways for tracing descent?

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