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On Distributing a Bayesian Network

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Presentation on theme: "On Distributing a Bayesian Network"— Presentation transcript:

1 On Distributing a Bayesian Network
Thor Whalen Metron, Inc.

2 Major discussion points
Functionality afforded by old code Issues and problems with old approach Functionality trying to add Functionality successfully added What is not yet working correctly What sill have to try to add

3 Outline Need a Review of JT? Distributing a BN using the JT: Issues.
Directions for Solutions Matlab: New functionality and experiments And now what?

4 Bayesian Network Secondary Structure/ Junction Tree abd ade ace ceg
egh def ad ae ce de eg a b c d e f g h Bayesian Network • one-dim. random variables • conditional probabilities Secondary Structure/ Junction Tree • multi-dim. random variables • joint probabilities (potentials)

5 Building a Junction Tree
DAG Moral Graph Triangulated Graph Identifying Cliques Junction Tree

6 Step 1: Moralization G = ( V , E ) GM 1. For all w  V:
b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h G = ( V , E ) GM 1. For all w  V: • For all u,vpa(w) add an edge e=u-v. 2. Undirect all edges.

7 Step 2: Triangulation GM GT
b c d e f g h GM GT Add edges to GM such that there is no cycle with length  4 that does not contain a chord. NO YES

8 a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h a b d c e f g h
Bayesian Network G = ( V , E ) Moral graph GM Triangulated graph GT a b d c e f g h abd a ace ad ae ce ade e ceg e de e eg seperators def e egh Cliques e.g. ceg  egh = eg Junction graph GJ (not complete)

9 There are several methods to find MST.
Kruskal’s algorithm: choose successively a link of maximal weight unless it creates a cycle. abd ade ace ceg egh def ad ae ce de eg abd ade ace ceg egh def ad ae ce de eg e a Junction tree GJT Junction graph GJ (not complete)

10 GJT a b d c e f g h abd ade ace ceg egh def ad ae ce de eg
In JT cliques becomes vertices sepsets Ex: ceg  egh = eg

11 Propagating potentials
Message Passing from clique A to clique B 1. Project the potential of A into SAB 2. Absorb the potential of SAB into B Projection Absorption

12 Global Propagation 1. COLLECT-EVIDENCE messages 1-5
2. DISTRIBUTE-EVIDENCE messages 6-10 Root abd ade ace ceg egh def ad ae ce de eg 3 2 7 9 6 5 1 8 4 10

13 Using the JT for the MSBN
How? Issue: Clique Granularity Issue: Clique Association Issue: MSBN must have tree structure

14 Take a JT

15 Partition JT into sub-trees

16 Issue: Clique Granularity

17 Issue: Clique Granularity

18 Issue: Clique association

19 Issue: Clique association

20 Issue: MSBN has a tree structure

21 Issue: MSBN has a tree structure
Can’t communicate here!

22 Issue: MSBN has a tree structure
Can’t communicate here! Though these two subnets may share many variables.

23 Directions for Solutions
Controlling Granularity Increasing Granularity Choosing the JT Alternative communication graphs

24 Controlling Granularity
Moralization and Triangulation → Cliques Moralization: No choice. Triangulation: Some choice. Triangulate keeping the subnets in mind.

25 Increasing Granularity
Can we break down cliques? Conjecture: Given two sets of random variables X and Y, let Given a clique Z whose set of random variables Z is covered by sets X and Y. If ∆(X,Y) is small enough then we may replace Z by X and Y. Y Z X

26 Choosing The JT Once the cliques have been formed (hence the JG), any maximal weight spanning tree of the JG will do for the JT. Again, we should choose this tree so as to reduce the overhead when connecting subnets internally.

27 Alternative communication Graphs
We raise the question as to wether it is possible to perform intra- and extra-subnet calibration using some non-tree sub-graph of the JG…

28 MatLab: The new Stuff: Netica can talk to the Matlab tool.
View/Interact tool is nicer JG for communication graph… (or not) Query cliques

29 Propagating with cycles

30 Mysterious convergence

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