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AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company ADO.NET Presented By : Muhammad Atif Hussain Deputy Manager IT (Takaful.

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Presentation on theme: "AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company ADO.NET Presented By : Muhammad Atif Hussain Deputy Manager IT (Takaful."— Presentation transcript:

1 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company ADO.NET Presented By : Muhammad Atif Hussain Deputy Manager IT (Takaful Pakistan Limited) Technologies Consultant (AUC Technologies) MCS(KU) MSCS(SZABIST) MCP MCAD MCSD MCTS (Windows, Web, Distributed Applications) MCPD (Enterprise Applications) MCT(Microsoft Certified Trainer)

2 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company Introduce Microsoft® ADO.NET Show the evolution of ADO to ADO.NET Introduce the primary components of ADO.NET Agenda

3 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company Differences Between ADO and ADO.NET Benefits of ADO.NET ADO.NET Core Concepts and Architecture –The ADO.NET Object Model –The DataSet and Data Views –Managed Providers Contents

4 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company Microsoft.NET Framework Common Language Runtime Base Classes Web ServicesUser Interface Data and XML ADO.NET XML... ADO.NET and the.NET Framework

5 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company ADO –Designed for connected access –Tied to the physical data model –The RecordSet is the central data container – RecordSet is one (1) table that contains all the data Retrieving data from > 1 table or source requires a database JOIN Data is “flattened”: lose relationships; navigation is sequential –Data types are bound to COM/COM+ data types –Data sharing via COM marshalling –Problems marshalling through firewalls (DCOM, binary) ADO v/s ADO.NET

6 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company ADO.NET –Designed for disconnected access –Can model data logically! –The DataSet replaces the RecordSet – DataSet can contain multiple tables Retrieving data from > 1 table or source does not require a JOIN Relationships are preserved: navigation is relational –Data types are only bound to XML schema –No data type conversions required –XML, like HTML, is plaintext: “Firewall friendly” ADO v/s ADO.NET

7 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company Interoperability through use of XML (more later!) –Open standard for data that describes itself –Human readable and decipherable text –Used internally but accessible externally Can use XML to read and write and move data Scalability through the disconnected DataSet –Connections are not maintained for long periods –Database locking does not occur Locking support with ServiceComponents Optimistic locking otherwise –Works the way the Web works: “Hit and Run!” Maintainability –Separation of data logic and user interface Benefits of ADO.NET

8 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company Typed programming—a programming style –Uses end-user words: Easier to read and write –Statement completion in Microsoft Visual Studio.NET –Safer: Provides compile-time checking –Examples: Untyped: Table("Customer")("Jones").Column( “ Balance ” ) Typed: myDataSet.Customer("Jones").Balance Wizard support –Generates queries for you –Graphical way to select data you want to work with –XML Designer (for creating DataSets ) Visual Studio Enhancement

9 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company The ADO.NET Object Model –Objects of System.Data –.NET data providers ADO.NET namespace hierarchy –Organizes the object model –Includes: System.Data System.Data.OleDb System.Data.Common System.Data.SqlClient System.Data.SqlTypes System.Data.OracleClient Core Concept and Architecture

10 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company ADO.NET System.Data.OleDb.SqlClient.OracleClient.Common ADO.NET related Namespaces

11 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company Contains the basis and bulk of ADO.NET Data-centric namespace Provides the means to work on and with your data! –Classes and methods to manipulate your data –Ability to create views of your data –Means to logically represent your data –Enables the use of XML to view, share, and store data System.Data Namespace

12 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company Contains the “main” classes of ADO.NET In-memory cache of data In-memory cache of a database table Used to manipulate a row in a DataTable Used to define the columns in a DataTable Used to relate 2 DataTable s to each other Used to create views on DataSets System.Data DataTable DataRow DataRelation DataColumn DataViewManager DataSet Introducing the Objects

13 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company DataSet Tables DataTable Relations DataRelation DataRow(s) DataColumn Constraint(s) DataTable DataView DataViewManager Putting the Object Together

14 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company An in-memory cache of data from a data source Common way to represent and manipulate data –Universal data container –Not just for use with databases Logical or physical representation of data Designed to be disconnected from the data source –Connect, execute query, disconnect Can use XML –To read and write data –To read and write XMLSchema Working Data - The Dataset

15 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company Collections are used to add & remove tables & relations Properties of Interest: – Tables: Returns the collection of DataTable objects – Relations: Returns the collection of DataRelations – Namespace: Gets or sets the namespace of the DataSet Using Properties Samples: –myDataSet.Tables.Add( myTable ); –myDataTableCollection = myDataSet.Tables Properties and Methods of Interest

16 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company Universal Data Container DataSet: It’s not just for Databases Al About Data!

17 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company May be mapped to a physical table in the data source Can be related to one another through DataRelation s Optimistic concurrency or locking - model Properties of Interest: – Columns: Returns ColumnsCollection of DataColumns – Rows: Returns DataRow objects as a RowsCollection – ParentRelations: Returns the RelationsCollection – Constraints: Returns the table’s ConstraintsCollection – DataSet: Returns the DataSet of the DataTable – PrimaryKey: Gets the DataColumns that make up the table’s primary key The DataTable

18 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company Create a DataTable and add it to a DataSet DataSet ds = new DataSet(); // Create DataTable object: “Customers”. DataTable dt= new DataTable( “Customers” ); // Create and add columns to the table // 1. Explicitly create and Add a DataColumn DataColumn dc; dc = new DataColumn( “CustID”, Type.GetType("System.Int16")); dt.Columns.Add( dc ); // 2. Implicitly Create and Add columns (DataColumn). dt.Columns.Add( “First_Name”,Type.GetType("System String”)); dt.Columns.Add( “Last_Name”, Type.GetType("System String”)); // Add the DataTable object to the DataSet ds.Tables.Add( dt ); System.Data -- Dataset and DataTable

19 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company Used to create logical relations between your data – Create relations between two (2) DataTable objects – Requires a DataColumn object from each DataTable – The DataType of both DataColumns must be the same Cannot relate a Int32 DataColumn and a String DataColumn – The relation is named (by you!) DataRelation dr=new DataRelation( “ myRelation ”,...) Makes relational navigation possible RelationsCollection used to hold/group them – Accessed through the DataSet ’s Relations property Relating Data - The DataRelation

20 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company // Building on the DataTable example earlier... // Get the DataTable DataColumns we want to relate... DataColumn parentCol, childCol; parentCol= DataSet.Tables["Customers"].Columns["CustID"]; childCol = DataSet.Tables["Orders“].Columns["CustID"]; // Create DataRelation with the name “CustomerOrders”... DataRelation dr = new DataRelation("CustomersOrders", parentCol, childCol); // Add the relation to the DataSet... ds.Relations.Add( dr ); Creating Relations with DataRelation

21 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company DataSet can read/write XML for its data and/or schema – You can create or modify data in a DataSet using XML – You can create or modify the DataSet s schema using XML XML-related DataSet methods for reading: –ReadXml : Reads an XML schema and data into the DataSet –ReadXmlSchema : Reads an XML schema into the DataSet And for writing: –WriteXml, WriteXmlSchema –GetXml, GetXmlSchema Namespace property: sets the namespace for serialization Full support for SQL Server-style DiffGrams XM and the Dataset

22 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company // Code for creating the DataSet mds and loading the // DataSet from a data source not shown. String oFile = “C:\\My_ADO.NET\\myXmlOutput.xsd”; String iFile = “C:\\My_ADO.NET\\myXmlInput.xsd”; // Write the DataSet’s XMLSchema to an XML Document mds.WriteXmlSchema( oFile ); // Read/Upload XML Data into the DataSet mds.ReadXml( iFile); // modify the data //... // Write the existing Data to an XML Document mds.WriteXml( "C:\\My_ADO.NET\\myXmlData.txt", XmlWriteMode.DiffGram); Methods of Reading and Writing XML

23 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company DataViewManager DataViewSettings DataSet Tables DataTable Relations DataRelation DataRow(s) DataColumn Constraint(s) DataTable DataView DataViewSetting Dataset, DataRelation, DataView…

24 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company Create multiple views on DataTable objects Bindable to user interface controls Properties of Interest: –Table : Retrieves or sets the associated DataTable –Sort : Gets or sets the table’s sort columns and sort order –RowFilter : Gets or sets the expression used to filter rows –RowStateFilter : Gets or sets the row state filter None, Unchanged, New, Deleted, ModifiedCurrent, and others Viewing Data - The DataView

25 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company // Code for myTable “Customers” with “Name” column not shown DataView view1 = new DataView( myTable ); DataView view2 = new DataView( myTable ); // Creates Ascending view of Customers by “Name” view1.Sort = “Name ASC”; // Set the view to show only modified (original) rows view2.RowStateFilter= DataViewRowState.ModifiedOriginal; // Bind to UI element(s)... DataGrid myGrid = new DataGrid(); myGrid.SetDataBinding( view1, “Customer”); //... Creating DataView by Example

26 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company Similar to a DataView but DataSet oriented Used to create multiple views on a DataSet – Ability to automatically set filters on the tables Properties of Interest: –DataViewSettings : Gets the DataView for on each DataTable –DataSet : Gets or sets the DataSet to be viewed CreateDataView method – Creates a DataView on a DataTable Viewing More Data - DataViewManager

27 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company // Create the DataViewManager & views... DataViewManager dvMgr = new DataViewManager( myDS ); dvMgr.CreateDataView( ds.Tables[“Orders"] ); dvMgr.DataViewSettings[“Orders"].Sort = “CustID ASC"; dvMgr.CreateDataView( ds.Tables[“Customers"] ); dvMgr.DataViewSettings[“Customers"].Sort = “Name DESC"; // Bind to a UI elements/controls... dataGrid1.DataSource = viewMgr; dataGrid1.DataMember = "Table1"; dataGrid2.DataSource = viewMgr; dataGrid2.DataMember = "Table2"; // Update the control with the data... dataGrid1.Update(); dataGrid2.Update(); DataViewManager By Example

28 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company A collection of classes for accessing data sources: – Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000-2005, SQL Server 7, and MSDE – Any OLE Database (OLE DB) providers – Including: Oracle, JET, and SQL OLE DB Providers – Establish connection between DataSet s and data stores Two.NET data providers: – ADO: via the System.Data.OleDb namespace – SQL Server: via the System.Data.SqlClient namespace System.Data.OleDb is the.NET data provider The (ADO).NET Data Provides

29 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company System.Data.OleDb.SqlClient OleDbCommand OleDbConnection OleDbDataReader OleDbDataAdapter SqlCommand SqlConnection SqlDataReader SqlDataAdapter.Common Contains classes shared by both.NET Data Providers Hierarchy

30 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company Represent a unique session with a data source Create, open, close a connection to a data source Functionality and methods to perform transactions OleDbConnection example: String conStr="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "Data Source=NWIND_RW.MDB"; OleDbConnection aConn = new OleDbConnection(conStr); aConn.Open(); // Execute Queries using OleDbDataAdapter Class aConn.Close(); OleDBConnection and SqlConnection

31 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company Data-driven applications – Fetch data – Format data in a programmer-friendly way – Format data in a user-friendly way – Forward data to the browser – Submit data – Catch server-generated values – Refresh the view for the user ADO.NET and ASP.NET

32 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company Data-Binding – DataGrid and other controls Sorting and Filtering – ADO.NET views Aggregates – ADO.NET in-memory objects (DataColumn, DataTable, DataRelation) User Interface – ASP.NET controls and state maintenance Technical Aspects

33 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company Automatic association between a data source and the user interface of a control – Definition of a set of feasible sources ADO.NET container objects can be associated with data-bound controls Iterative and list-bound controls Data-Bindings

34 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company DataSource property DataBind method // data loading// data loading DataTable __dataTable;DataTable __dataTable; __dataTable = __dataHandler.Load();__dataTable = __dataHandler.Load(); // data binding// data binding DDList.DataSource = __dataTable;DDList.DataSource = __dataTable; DDList.DataTextField = "Name";DDList.DataTextField = "Name"; DDList.DataValueField = "empID";DDList.DataValueField = "empID"; DDList.DataBind();DDList.DataBind(); Building data to controls

35 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company The DataGrid Control – Elements: header, footer, items, pager – Columns: bound, button, hyperlink, template, edit – Cell customization using templates and data-bound expressions – Paging and sorting – Store the value of the key field per each displayed row Bindable Grids of Data

36 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company Can you afford caching? – The Cache object for data storage – Let the grid do the hard work – The output caching mechanism for pages Do you need up-to-date information? – Minimize the bandwidth for SQL queries – Need sorting? – Do the hard work of pagination yourself – Let the grid do the annoying work Pagination

37 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company

38 AUC Technologies Projects Consulting, Development, Mentoring, and Training Company Questions ?

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