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Welcome to Fort Sam Houston Elementary 5th Grade Parent Orientation “ Engaging Student, Engaging Minds” September 9, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Fort Sam Houston Elementary 5th Grade Parent Orientation “ Engaging Student, Engaging Minds” September 9, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Fort Sam Houston Elementary 5th Grade Parent Orientation “ Engaging Student, Engaging Minds” September 9, 2015

2 FSHISD Belief Statement We exist to serve the military child. We are a family of lifelong learners who respect and honor individual differences, diversity and talents. We believe a safe and caring environment fosters the emotional and social well-being of students. We believe that every teacher is a leader; every leader is a teacher We inspire our students to their highest level of learning. We, the school community, provide engaging, challenging, and meaningful work for learners. We prepare students to be leaders by instilling character, competence, and creativity.

3 Monday - Friday 7:30 – 7:45 – Morning with a Purpose 7:45 – 7:55 – Morning Program 8:00 – 8:45- Fine Arts Rotation/Teacher Conference 8:45– 10:50 ELAR/SS 10:50– 12:50 – Math 12:55 – 1:25 Lunch 1:30 – 2:15 PE/Library Rotation 2:15 – 2:50 – Enrichment and Intervention (Friday – Recess/Study Hall/Detention) 2:55 – 3:00 – Get ready for Dismissal 5th Grade Schedule

4 Agendas Primary means of communication: homework, events and discipline notes Please go over with student and sign a minimum of 3 times per week. It is students responsibility to share notes with parents and teachers.

5 Dress Code Student dress code guidelines can be found in the Parent Student Handbook on page 28. Finger tip rule for shorts and skirts. No spaghetti straps No saggy pants or shorts If you have questions or concerns about the district dress code, please call the administration at 368-8800.

6 Attendance Please see the Parent Student Handbook for guidelines regarding state attendance policy. Page: 14 Please notify me of absences of more than one day so we can develop a plan to make up missed work. Please send in an excuse note as soon as possible following absences.

7 Student Conduct Daily conduct will be reflected on the report card. At the end of each nine weeks, the number of discipline signatures will be totaled for each student. 0 - 3 discipline marks = Excellent 4 -7 discipline marks = Satisfactory 8-10 discipline marks = Needs Improvement 11 or more discipline marks = Unsatisfactory If a student receives an office referral for a severe offense such as fighting, he/she will receive an automatic N for the nine weeks. Any student who is suspended will receive an automatic U for the nine weeks. Also, as stated in the handbook, citizenship grades of N or U can prevent a student from achieving Honor Roll.

8 Discipline Each fifth grade teacher has the classroom rules posted in her classroom. The rules are: “BEE” SAFE be safe by keeping hands, feet, and objects to yourself “BEE” RESPONSIBLE be responsible for your own behavior be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings have all needed supplies each day follow directions at all times “BEE” RESPECTFUL no rude gestures, cruel teasing, bad language, or put-downs When a student chooses not to follow classroom rules, he/she will receive a discipline signature in the agenda.

9 Friday Recess  When a student chooses to follow all classroom rules, he/she will receive extra social time with other students for a 15 minute Friday Recess. Friday Study Hall Any missing homework not signed off by teacher. Incomplete classwork will result in study hall. Friday Detention Three or more discipline signatures from faculty/staff for the week Less then 3 parent initials for the week No agenda on Friday

10 Grading Policy Our grading policy is stated in the Student/Parent Handbook. It is as follows: 90 - 100 - A 80 - 89 – B 75 - 79 - C 70 - 74 – D 69 or below - F Reports Cards go home four times a year at the end of each quarter and progress reports are sent home during each quarter. You can find TxConnect Parent Portal on the school home page under Parent Resources.

11 Morning with a Purpose Within the classroom, meaningful activities begin taking place at 7:30. Instructional Recovery Please refer the Student/Parent Handbook. After school detention may result when a student has been tardy three times in a four-week period. Parents must provide transportation from after school detention. Teacher Webpage

12 5th Grade Curriculum Math Major Focus: Multi-step problem solving using various strategies, models and traditional methods. Skills Covered: Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers, decimals and fractions. Progress in math will be monitored using unit assessment, Aimsweb and Think Through Math. Science Major Focus: Life Science- ecosystems and life cycles Earth Science- land forms, climate/weather effects and energy resources Physical Science- force, motion and energy.

13 Language Arts and Reading In Language Arts students will cover spelling, grammar and word usage as well as writing fiction and non-fiction texts. In reading students will work on reading comprehension strategies and skills in a variety of ways. The reading selections will come from fiction and non-fiction genres. Student progress will be monitored using in class assessments and IStation Reading. Social Studies Major Focus: American History from Exploration to Present Day

14 We believe a safe and caring environment fosters the emotional and social well- being of students. Students participate in a weekly anti-bullying program. For more information: “Bullies are a Pain in the Brain” at Field Trips, Fun, and More Field Trips (typical): 1 or more Fine Arts field trips, Science field trip to Medina River Natural Area Special Days: Science in Action Day, Living History Fun: Field Day, tour of Cole Middle School, 5 th grade pool party Exemplary Fine Arts- Drama, Art, Music and Book Club Science Club, Student Council and Robotics- after school activities

15 Texas Student Success Initiative This initiative states that all 5 th graders MUST pass the Math and Reading STAAR test by the end of their fifth grade year in order to be promoted to the 6 th grade. They have three opportunities to pass the test. We will discuss the STAAR test during conferences in October.

16 Parent Teacher Conferences Early Release Days on Oct 8 & 9, 2015 Please watch for invitation to sign up for conferences from me through Sign Up There will be several after-school spots as well as the slots available the two early release days. If you need an alternate time such as before school or late afternoon, please let me know as soon as possible.

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