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Parents as Partners S Nicolson, HT W Huq, DHT.  OverviewS Nicolson  Progression to the Senior Phase  The New Generation of Qualifications  Process/

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1 Parents as Partners S Nicolson, HT W Huq, DHT

2  OverviewS Nicolson  Progression to the Senior Phase  The New Generation of Qualifications  Process/ TimelineW Huq

3  A coherent curriculum from 3 to 18  A broad general education, including well planned experiences and outcomes across all the curriculum areas.  A senior phase which provides opportunities for study for qualifications and other planned opportunities for developing the four capacities  Opportunities for developing skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work  Opportunities to achieve to the highest levels they can through appropriate personal support and challenge  Opportunities to move into positive and sustained destinations beyond school

4 From a Broad General Education to the Senior Phase

5 StageExperience S1 Broad General Education Experiences and Outcomes 8 Curriculum Areas S2 S3 S4 Senior Phase: Qualifications National 3/4/5 Higher, Advanced Higher S5 S6

6 S1S2S3S4S5S6 All subjects All subject areas - specialisation and choice National 3 National 4 National 5 (Higher) (National 3) National 4 National 5 Higher (National 3) National 4 National 5 Higher A.Higher Broad General EducationThe Senior Phase 13 subjects + core8 subjects + core + electives 7 subjects + core 5 subjects4/5 subjects

7  Based around 4 th level O/E  Specialisation within a range of curriculum areas – personalising the curriculum  Opportunities for depth and progression: preparation for National 4/5  Maintain breadth across curricular areas (courses and electives)  Skills for learning, life and work The expectation is that young people will reach a deeper and more secure level of attainment and achievement at the end of S3 than they do at present. Scottish Government, Building the Curriculum 3 (2008, P6)

8  Core entitlement:  PE(2), PSE, RE  up to 7 SQA subjects:  4 periods per week  Breadth  Challenge  Application  Skills  Extra-curricular activities  Trips/excursions/visits  School events  Work experience breadth — drawing on knowledge and skills from across the Course challenge — requiring greater depth or extension of knowledge and/or skills application — requiring application of knowledge and/or skills in practical or theoretical contexts as appropriate

9 Literacy Numeracy Health and Wellbeing Enterprise Communication Working with others Solving problems Creative thinking Managing, planning and organising time Personal responsibility Creating Evaluating Analysing Applying Understanding Remembering Learning Work Life

10 A Broad General Education and the Senior Phase

11 SCQF Current generation of qualifications 12Doctorate 11Masters 10Honours Degree 9Ordinary Degree 8Higher National Diploma 7Advanced Higher 6Higher 5National 5 4National 4 3National 3 2National 2 1National 1

12 3 Units Internally Assessed SQA Verified Added Value Unit N4:Internally Assessed PASS/FAIL N5: Externally Assessed SQA Exam A/B/C/D/No Award Unit 1 Unit 3 Unit 2 AVU

13 National3 /National 4/National 5

14  Note: in S3:  Core work on 4 th level E/Os (N4 level)  Differentiated to meet pupils’ needs  Designed to lead into S4 courses  Evidence:  Prior attainment – S3  Classwork/ Homework  Coursework  N4 AVU  N5 Unit assessments  November assessments Most S4 pupils will aim towards N5 unless there is clear evidence that they are unlikely to reach this level.

15 N5 Unit 1 N5 Unit 2 N5 EXAM N5 Unit 3 National 4 Pass National 5 A/B/C/D/ No Award

16  Experience  SCQF equivalence  2014, 2015 exam diets  Uptake/pass rates: ▪ Around 58% got 5 or more N5 passes ▪ Almost all got 5 or more N4 or N5  Aim high – aspirational targets ▪ 60-70% aim for N5 ▪ 100% aim for N4

17  Tracking and Moderation  Monitor progress  Intervene: support and challenge  Protect the vulnerable: ▪ gather supporting evidence along the way ▪ recommendations made in collaboration with pupil/parent

18  How are classes organised?  Some N5 only (where numbers permit)  Most N4/N5 (opportunities to ‘move up’)  Some N3/N4 (where support needs are identified early  Will pupils be able to move levels?  Encourage and bring on ‘late developers’  Protect the attainment of those who are struggling

19  Why have S3 Exams?  Mark the ‘End point’ for BGE  Demonstrate how much and how well they’ve done  Contribute to the final profile/report  Support the process of identifying N4/5 candidates  Evidence of N4 attainment  What about S4 Prelims?  Opportunity to gather evidence as ‘insurance’  Exam preparation and practice  Most will sit N5  Some will sit N3 or N4  Timing – subject to review.

20 SAME  Expectations  Aspirations  Progression/careers planning  Next steps  Ethos  Learning and teaching  Shared responsibility  Pupil/parent/school  Support and challenge  Study and work rate  Qualifications levels NEW/ DIFFERENT  Qualifications structure  Curriculum organisation  Qualifications requirements  Presentation levels  Assessment arrangements  Prelims  Study Leave  Report Format  Certification process  Skills/ wider achievement  Operational timeline  Progression pathways

21 S1S2S3S4S5S6 All subjects All subject areas - specialisation and choice National 3 National 4 National 5 (Higher) (National 3) National 4 National 5 Higher (National 3) National 4 National 5 Higher A.Higher Broad General EducationThe Senior Phase 13 subjects + core8 subjects + core + electives 7 subjects + core 5 subjects4/5 subjects


23  Curriculum based on 7 subjects  Continuous assessment  Next steps evening in September, review in January  Main assessments - late November, May  Work related experiences  Report and consultation in January / February

24  13 JanuaryInformation Evening for parents  25 January Information to pupils Subject information available Option form issued  5 FebruaryOption form returned  9 MayNew timetable begins

25  Don’t base choices on your favourite teacher  Don’t base choices on which subjects your friends are taking  Continue with S3 subjects and avoid picking up new subjects

26  To provide key information and acts as a point of contact should you have any doubt about option choices  Expert advice offered to pupils during the guidance interview process  Bigger picture – progression into S5/6 to maximise the chance of success  Support throughout the choices process

27  Discuss career paths with your child  Explore current prospectuses and subject requirements for potential University and College courses  Base your choices on subjects you are good at, enjoy and those which develop relevant skills, to give you the best chance to gain good results

28 Pupils have the opportunity to try out a wide range of jobs in various sectors including leisure, retail, administration, engineering, law, education, beauty and medicine. This is an important part of our pupils’ education which provides an insight into the world of work.

29 Parents as Partners

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