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Fill the Frame Shooting Assignment #1 Photo II. Why? Adds instant impact Excludes clutter Creates drama Includes more detail Captures mood and emotion.

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Presentation on theme: "Fill the Frame Shooting Assignment #1 Photo II. Why? Adds instant impact Excludes clutter Creates drama Includes more detail Captures mood and emotion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fill the Frame Shooting Assignment #1 Photo II

2 Why? Adds instant impact Excludes clutter Creates drama Includes more detail Captures mood and emotion

3 Technical Issues How close will the lens focus? Depth of Field – Stationery subject use a tripod, shoot at a slow shutter speed and a small aperture. – Otherwise, you need a lot of light. Get the aperture closed down to f22 or whatever your smallest aperture setting is. – If part of your subject is still out of focus make a decision about which parts of the subject must need to be in focus – Get the parts nearest to the camera in focus and let the background and parts furthest from the camera go out of focus.

4 Tina Modotti 1896 –1942 Italian Born photographer, model, actress, and revolutionary political activist. Influenced by Edward Weston

5 Tina Modotti: Hands SearchBox&biw=1255&bih=782&tbm=isch&prmd=imvnso&tbnid=wamM9ABKwqSOsM:&imgrefurl= 4JM&imgurl= Moz6rAH4poH4Aw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=548&vpy=296&dur=7889&hovh=201&hovw=251&tx=115&ty=113&sig=102922693213505308870&page=1&tbnh=140&tbnw =180&start=0&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:0,i:107




9 0823234039_thumb.jpg

10 Tina Modotti. Staircase.


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