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The 3-dimensional description of the physical features such as electric fields and magnetic fields can be seen by AVS/Express, VRML, OpenGL and so on.

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2 The 3-dimensional description of the physical features such as electric fields and magnetic fields can be seen by AVS/Express, VRML, OpenGL and so on. Using the CAVE, we can see the 3-dimensional description and experience like entering the room of screens. Using these the idea is to development research and get deep knowledge of electromagnetic for students. By using CAVE, the undergraduate student understand electricity and magnetism more deeply and development of research are an aim. The VR system (CAVE) The VR system(CAVE) has the screens, the dimension of which is 2.5-3.0m, with a floor face, a front face and both sides. (For more about this photograph, see the top page.) We can see the detailed 3-dimensional images by using these four screens and the position sensor of liquid crystal shutter glasses, when we can walk around in the screens. Objective Method Using AVS/Express we can experience the virtual reality. The 3-dimensional visualization can be shown for the data of 3-dimensional physical value such as magnetic flux density. The example of CAVE usage will be seen in the following pages.

3 AVS - CAV E Open GL + CAVE ‐ Lib OpenGL Programs AVS VRML Java conversion 3-dimensional data To display a 3-dimensional visualization in CAVE, there are the methods of AVS-CAVE and OpenGL+CAVE-lib. VRML data can be changed into AVS/Express data. In this text, the 3-dimensional visualization in CAVE by AVS is introduced. From 4 page to 12 page the CAVE gallery is shown, where the upper photograph is the 3-dimensional image by AVS and the lower photograph is the display by CAVE. Relation between CAVE and 3-dimensional tools

4 Equipotential Surface

5 The lines of magnetic force by a baseball coil

6 The potential flow by 3-D Finite Element Method



9 The magnetic mirror field calculated by Biot-Savart law The magnetic mirror field calculated by Biot-Savart law


11 The magnetic fields in an ion source The magnetic fields in an ion source

12 The Mt. Aso’s graphics of the numerical map data with the height added to 2-D area data

13 Significance By using CAVE, the undergraduate students can understand electricity and magnetism more intelligibly with a lot of interest. Since the 3-dimensional visualization was shown in CAVE immersively, we know that CAVE is greatly helpful in our present research.

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