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Welcome Back to MA101/102 – Beginning & Intermediate Algebra.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back to MA101/102 – Beginning & Intermediate Algebra."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back to MA101/102 – Beginning & Intermediate Algebra

2 Tracking Your Progress with ALEKS Time on task – mastery is developed through practice. The more time you spend working, the more progress you will make towards completion. Automatic Assessments – can be taken anywhere Progress assessment – happen when you have added at least 20 topics to your ALEKS pie in Learning Mode and logged in at least 5 hours. Login time assessment – happens when you’ve spent 10 hours in ALEKS and haven’t been assessed

3 Tips for Success in MA101/MA102 1.Attend class and work in ALEKS. 2.Ask questions while in class. 3.Put in quality time outside of class. 98% of students who put in at least 80 total hours of work pass the course. 4.Get organized – your notebook is your personal textbook (and part of your grade!) 5.Work consistently – cramming is not the way to go with ALEKS.

4 Your ALEKS Notebook Each student is expected to create and maintain an ALEKS notebook. This 3-ring binder should contain all of the handouts you received as well as 10 dividing tabs. Each tab will correspond to a unit – any notes or worked out problems you have fore a particular unit should go in your notebook behind the correct tab. Graded quizzes also go in the corresponding section. This notebook will be collected and graded twice during the semester. These grades are worth 10% of your overall course grade.

5 Attendance Policy MA101/102 is considered a “developmental course” so class attendance is MANDATORY. Attendance will be taken each class period. If you accumulate the equivalent of one week of non-university sanctioned class absences you will receive a warning e-mail from your instructor. If you accumulate the equivalent of two weeks of non-university sanctioned class absences your name will be submitted to the department chair for withdrawal (drop) from the course. Keep any documentation you have for absences.

6 Your Course Grade 10% - ALEKS Notebook Checks Two checks, 50 points each, grade taken out of 100 points. 10% - Written Quizzes 10 quizzes, 10 points each, grade taken out of 90 points. 10% - Midterm Exam Will be taken on ALEKS during the 7-8 week of class. 70% - Final Exam Will be taken on ALEKS during finals week.

7 Success in MA101 If your final grade is at least 70%, you will earn a grade of “CR” in MA101. You may then enroll in MA102 in your next semester of coursework. Note: A grade of “CR” will not affect your GPA.

8 Early Completion of MA101 It is possible that you may complete the MA101 material early. In this case, you will be expected to work towards completion of MA102. If you should complete all of the MA102 material: Final Score:Grade Received:Enroll In: 90% and above“A” in MA102Logical Systems 80%-89.99%“B” in MA102Logical Systems 70%-79.99%“C” in MA102Logical Systems Below 70%“CR” in MA101MA102

9 Failure in MA101 If your final grade (notebook, quizzes, and final exam) is less than 70%, then you will receive a grade of “F” in MA101. You must then re-enroll in MA101 for the next semester. Note that the “F” will affect your GPA.

10 Success/Failure in MA102 MA102 students will be assigned a standard letter grade based on their overall percentage score. “A”: 90% or better “B”: 80%-89.99% “C”: 70%-79.99% “D”: 60%-69.99% “F”: Below 60%

11 Consistent Work in ALEKS: Good Study Habits

12 Inconsistent Working… Don’t be like this person!

13 Your success or failure in this course is in your hands. We are here to assist, coach, encourage, give warnings, and cheer. You need to commit to coming to class and working, putting in the time outside of class and working, staying organized. Working as a team, we know you can be successful.

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