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INTERACTIVE LEARNING RESPONSE SYSTEMS Bringing 21 st Century technology into the Classroom.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERACTIVE LEARNING RESPONSE SYSTEMS Bringing 21 st Century technology into the Classroom."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERACTIVE LEARNING RESPONSE SYSTEMS Bringing 21 st Century technology into the Classroom

2 What is it?  Interactive Learning Response Systems  Interactive Student Response Systems  Personal Response Systems  Clickers/Remotes/Responders It’s a wireless response device that looks and acts like a TV remote.

3 How Can It be Used?  Take attendance  Develop and present a lesson  Determine student understanding of a lesson  Collect Student Responses  Display the results in a graph  Perform lesson reviews/quizzes

4 Studies have shown that the use of interactive teaching methods in the classroom significantly increase student learning. Why do we need it?

5 Improves the Classroom Learning Environment  Engage Students  Collaborative Learning - entire class participation  Responses are confidential  Instant Feedback  Provides Automatic Grading  IT MAKES LEARNING FUN!

6 Here’s an example: The Eiffel Tower is located where? A.Germany B.France C. Sweden 5 12 3 Answer is B. France

7 Beyond Question vs. iRespond  Infrared (IR)  One standard responding device  Integrates with Microsoft and Mac and classroom integration software  Radio Frequency (RF)  A chose of 3 clickers of differing complexity  Integrates with Microsoft and Mac and classroom integration software  Share content with other users Beyond Question iRespond

8 Testimonials  Dr. Marilyn Rhea, director of Northwest Missouri State University's PRISM Project says, "the added feature of saving the student responses made it much easier for our teachers to accurately track student progress." She would like to see the system add the "capability for students to create short answers and submit them."  LaMarr Broughton, a math teacher in Tulsa, OK, says the iRespond system motivates his class by giving them immediate feedback and a chance to improve on the next question. He would like to see more games developed for the system, and additional test banks available. Beyond QuestioniRespond

9 What’s it going to Cost? 20 base set 20 student users $995 30 base set 30 users $1,295  Ultralite:  16 users $745  24 users $905  Lite 16 users  16 user $1,223  24 user $1,665;  Touch  16 users $2795  24 users $3704 Beyond QuestioniRespond

10 What’s the learning curve for students and staff? How easy is it to use? Are there tutorials, technical support? How compatible is it to existing software? How quickly will this technology be outdated? What additional expenses are there? Things to Consider:

11 It’s a WIN:WIN with ISRS  Fully engaged and group participation  Instant feedback  Confidential responses  Investment in the answers  Mistakes immediately corrected  Confidence in providing correct answers  Familiar technology  A fun and exciting learning environment  100% student participation  Instant feedback  Validation of student understanding of the lesson  Increased awareness on student progress  Immediate grading  User-friendly technology  Software that is compatible to existing class materials and PowerPoint  An effective way of teaching Benefits to the Students:Benefits to the Teachers:

12 Bibliography Branzberg, Jeffrey. " Student response systems get smarter." Tech Learning. 2008. New Bay Media. 23 Sep 2008. "HITT Classroom Response Systems." Best Practices. 2007. H-ITT LLC. 21 Sep 2008. "i-Respond." K-12 Solutions. 2007. i-Respond. 21 Sep 2008. "Improving the classroom learning environment." Smartroom Learning Solutions K- 12 Education. 2005. Smartroom Learning Solutions. 21 Sep 2008.

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