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Daniel Chapter 7: The Ancient of Days. Observations about God One of God’s names is “Ancient of Days” (v9) The Lord will reign on high at the end of time.

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Presentation on theme: "Daniel Chapter 7: The Ancient of Days. Observations about God One of God’s names is “Ancient of Days” (v9) The Lord will reign on high at the end of time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daniel Chapter 7: The Ancient of Days

2 Observations about God One of God’s names is “Ancient of Days” (v9) The Lord will reign on high at the end of time (v9- 10) The “Son of Man” is given dominion (v14). This is accomplished in Jesus in Matthew 28:18. The Lord will judge with favor given to “the saints of the Highest One” v22 One king will initially try to oppose the Lord, but the world will be given over to the Lord (v25,v27)

3 Observations about Daniel Daniel could vividly remember the revelations given to him (all of Daniel 7) Daniel was inquisitive, and desired to know what the visions meant (v19) Daniel was approximately 65-70 years old at this time (v1…timeline) Belshazzar had just come into power at the time of this vision (coinciding with Chapter 5, about 553BC)

4 Chapter 7

5 Group Activity Using a frame by frame, go through this chapter and construct a play by play. Get in groups of 2 to 3.

6 Create Your Frame by Frame Synopsis

7 Daniel’s Vision

8 Each beast is linked to part of the statue of chapter 2

9 The visions of Daniel throughout the book are linked together

10 What do the titles of God mean in Chapter 7? Who is the “Ancient of Days”? Who is the “Son of Man”? We can find the answer by looking at other Scripture: Matthew 26:63-64, 28:18, 9:6-8 Revelation 1:13-20,14:14

11 Group Study Group 1: Read Matthew 26:63-64. What does Jesus call himself? Read Matthew 9:6-8 Who gave Jesus His authority? Read Matthew 28:18. What authority was given to Jesus? Group 2: Read Revelation 1:13-20. How does this description relate to Daniel 7? Read Revelation 14:14. How does this compare to Daniel 7?

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