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Ms Burnham Wild Card Excel and Graphing General Knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms Burnham Wild Card Excel and Graphing General Knowledge."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ms Burnham

3 Wild Card

4 Excel and Graphing


6 General Knowledge

7 Email and the Internet


9 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $200 $100 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

10 The symbol for cut

11 What is CTRL X or  ? ?

12 The key that brings up a HELP menu.

13 What is F1??

14 Five ergonomic hints

15 What is: sit straight, take breaks, wrists straight, sit fully back in chair, prevent glare, clean off workspace??

16 Another name for temporary memory.

17 What is RAM??

18 Four ways to prevent data loss

19 What are backup files, save every 5 min., use an updated antivirus prog., use a firewall, use automatic updates, use a surge protector??

20 Click on the Fx button.

21 What toolbar item finds an unknown formula??

22 What program allows you to change a graph immediately when you change the data sheet.

23 What is an Excel file??

24 A way to look at your files and folders.

25 What is press start/ computer??

26 A way to email many users at once.

27 What is a distribution list??

28 Permanently delete SCS emails.

29 What is press SHIFT and DEL. ? ?

30 An example of an operating system.

31 What is Windows VISTA, XP or MAC OS??

32 Reason for printer to not print.

33 What is no connection to network, or printer jam, or no paper??

34 Approx. a billion bytes.

35 What is a GB or Gigabyte??

36 The kind of logic that allows you to add more than one phrase to a search.

37 What is boolean??

38 This is taking people’s ideas without giving them credit.

39 What is Plagarism??

40 The data that a user keeps online, perhaps in facebook.

41 What is your electronic footprint??


43 What is the name for the policy that every student signs when using the Internet at SCS.

44 What is Code of Conduct or Acceptable Use Policy ? ?

45 Three features of a good password.

46 What is 1.has letters numbers and or symbols fairly long not personal info??

47 A view to see exactly how your document will print.

48 What is Print Preview??

49 The area where the student name and homeform usually placed in a word document.

50 What is the footer?

51 This device can send emails, make phone calls, play games, go on the internet, and listen to music.

52 What is a cell phone or PDA??

53 “Magnification” and “Screen-reader” are examples of this.

54 What special software to help those who cannot see well ? ?

55 You should do this at lest every 5 minutes.

56 What is SAVE??

57 True or false: Keyboard shortcuts (like CRTL A) are useful when using laptops because the built-in mouse is sometimes hard to use

58 What is true??

59 True or False: Keyboard shortcuts can help you type International Characters like é

60 What is True ? ?

61 The formatting needed for the value 5.35.

62 What is number - 2 decimal places??

63 The formatting needed for the value “Mr. Smith”

64 What is text??

65 The formatting needed for the value $ 8.23

66 What is accounting??

67 The formatting needed for the value $4.32

68 What is currency??

69 The formatting needed for 05 MAR 2010.

70 What is date??


72 Final Jeopardy Category Excel

73 An absolute cell reference does not change when it is copied to another cell (TorF).

74 What is true?

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