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Summer 2014 New Specification GCSE Art and Design Autumn 2015.

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1 Summer 2014 New Specification GCSE Art and Design Autumn 2015

2 INTRODUCING EDUQAS In light of the diverging qualifications between England and Wales, WJEC has developed a new brand: Eduqas. Eduqas will be the brand that provides schools with WJEC’s newly reformed Ofqual regulated GCSEs, AS and A levels. Eduqas enables teachers to clearly distinguish between legacy qualifications in Wales and reformed qualifications in England. Eduqas qualifications will primarily be available in England but also in Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and the Channel Islands at any schools offering Ofqual regulated qualifications.

3 Introducing the new WJEC Eduqas GCSE Art & Design specification We are really pleased to finally be unpacking our new GCSE Art & Design qualification for you today. This time last year we were at the stage where the subject criteria had just gone out to consultation with Ofqual and DfE and we were seeking advice from you about the kind of GCSE you wanted to teach. WJEC has been at the very forefront of the new GCSE Art & Design reforms and developments. We have worked with the regulators and stakeholders, listened carefully to feedback, and created the kind of GCSE that meets your needs and you will be able to confidently deliver.

4 The WJEC Eduqas GCSE Art and Design In developing this specification, following extensive consultation with a variety of stakeholders, WJEC has been mindful to include the following features: opportunities for flexible teaching approaches allowing teachers to make the most of the resources and expertise available at their centres content which enables teachers to continue with best practice and confidently plan and deliver programmes that work to their strengths and the interests and abilities of their students breadth of study within a range of titles designed to enable students to develop and demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and skills discipline-specific guidance, which provides supportive amplification of the specialist processes related to each title within the context of the criteria rewarding, enjoyable and immersive programme of study which broadens experience and develops imagination and technical skills, encouraging students to experiment and work innovatively through a variety of media and technologies. Integrates practical enquiry with the critical and contextual study of relevant artists, craft-workers and designers. 3

5 Principles underlying the design of the assessment system: Specification structure which is such that students have opportunities to develop a broad foundation of critical, practical and theoretical skills with holistic understanding of a range of art, craft and design practices and contexts. This provides a sound basis for progression to more confident navigation through students’ creative journeys during the mid to latter part of the course. This specification encourages students to develop an understanding of the formal elements through practical application, thus ensuring a grasp of core creative concepts. Equal value placed on creative processes and their outcomes. Emphasis on drawing. The specification requires the inclusion of drawing as an integral part of the development process and/or as an outcome in itself within the context of each title and its associated disciplines. This ensures that students gain confidence and competence in this fundamental aspect of visual language. Supports progression to AS/A level.

6 GCSE - Emphasis on the value of drawing skills. This focus should encourage students to appreciate the significance of drawing in the widest sense, by recognising and reviewing how it feeds the creative process across disciplines. Principles based on the ‘best practice’ model that Foundation represents. Meets DfE requirement - in response to demand from teachers, Foundation Course Leaders, HE, CLA, NSEAD, ACE, ENGAGE, UAL and OFSTED -‘Making a mark’ report.

7 ComponentAO1AO2AO3AO4 1: Portfolio 60% of GCSE 120 marks 15% 30 15% 30 15% 30 15% 30 2. Externally Set Assignment 40% of GCSE 80 marks 10% 20 10% 20 10% 20 10% 20 Total weighting Total Marks (200) 25% 50 25% 50 25% 50 25% 50 Assessment Summary

8 Component 1 consists of a portfolio which integrates practical and critical and contextual study through the Assessment Objectives. Visual and written references should clearly relate to practical and theoretical work so that learning experiences are mutually supportive. The subject matter of the Portfolio should gradually show increased personal significance for students as the course progresses, thus increasing the relevance and independence of their study and promoting their interest and application.

9 Course Content GCSE Art and Design will be made up of two components: Component 1 : Portfolio 60% - 120 MARKS Coursework - The PORTFOLIO will be internally determined, teacher assessed and externally moderated A major practical investigative project/ portfolio which encourages adventurous and open programmes of study Provides ample time to instil a foundation of important skills, knowledge and understanding through a variety of experiences Promotes purposeful exploration, experimentation and opportunities for productive personal expression flexibility and capacity to build and extend the breadth and depth of students’ creative practice No specified time limit. 4

10 Course Content Component 2 : Externally Set Assignment 40% - 80 MARKS Consists of two integrated constituent parts, namely the supporting studies and preparatory work followed by a 10 hour period of sustained focus work, which are assessed together. This places equal value on creative processes and their outcomes.. Part 1: Supporting studies/preparatory work based upon a student selected externally set stimulus. Responses should take the form of integrated practical and critical preparatory work which informs and relates to part 2. Assignment papers released to students on or after January 2 nd in the year of moderation. Part 2: 10 hour period of sustained focus in which the student brings their work to a conclusion under supervised conditions. Teacher assessed and externally moderated. Both parts will be assessed together. Start and finish dates to be determined by the Centre, taking into account the May deadline for submission of internal marks. 5

11 3. You may wish to consider how light can change the mood and appearance of things Course Content Component 2 : Externally Set Assignment 4 You told us there is too much choice in the current paper so we have reduced the number of assignments down to 15 - open to all disciplines - contemporary and relevant. Contextual reference s appropriate to each discipline listed to aid student research. The Externally Set Assignment encourages students to: respond to one of a wide variety of visual and written stimuli. develop this response over a preparatory period and resolve ideas developed in the preparatory period during a 10 hours sustained focus study under controlled conditions. All stimuli are designed to: encourage primary research from direct observation and personal experience which can give rise to a considerable range of individual interpretations provide the basis for students to realise personal intentions. Visually engaging and accessible paper comprises: 5 one word themes 5 visual assignments 5 written briefs

12 8 Additional Support Materials Indicative content for Titles Art, Craft & Design Fine Art Graphic Communication Textile Design Three-Dimensional Design Photography Critical & Contextual Studies Helpful guidance to teachers and students relating to the kinds of evidence that should be provided for each assessment objective specific to the title entered for. Relates to careers in the creative industries to support research and promote the subject.

13 Additional Support Materials AO checklist for teachers and students Clearer mark scheme with assessment guidance 9

14 10 What’s changed?What’s the same? Slight change to language – unit is now component. Component names have slightly changed. Candidate Portfolio is now the Portfolio Externally set task is now the Externally set assignment The new GCSE continues to be linear (assessments are in the final year of the course). We have retained the component weightings = 60% Portfolio and 40% Externally set assignment. Use of the term 'endorsement‘ has gone - now 'title'. Photography replaces Photography Lens and Light Based Media. The ‘Art and design’ option is now entitled ‘Art, craft and design’. 7 Title options provide opportunities for departments to devise courses to suit their equipment, resources, expertise and budgets. The Applied option is no longer available in the suite of options. (DfE and Ofqual decision). Therefore the specific applied visual and written briefs available in the current externally set task paper will not be available in the new Externally Set Assignment paper. We have retained the open format of the externally set paper whilst adding a design brief option across all assignments. Students/teachers can continue to devise a brief in response to ANY assignment. Subject content has been updated to reflect current practice and align with undergraduate courses. Terms such as ‘new media’ have been removed. Whilst the subject content has been refreshed in response to feedback from stakeholders, it will still be reassuringly familiar. The changes have been made to better reflect current creative practice and language. Introduction of new term – NEA Non-exam assessment. The new GCSE is 100% NEA The new GCSE will continue to be 100% non-exam assessed. Work will be internally assessed by the centre and externally moderated by WJEC.

15 12 What’s changed?What’s the same? Drawing requirement The importance of drawing in its widest sense as a recording tool and means of exploring visual language is emphasised in the new subject content. In every title, students must show evidence of drawing within Component 1 and Component 2. As in the current specification, drawing is encouraged and emphasised as a design process and / or fundamental means of visual language, which is not separately assessed. New grading system 1-9 9 is the top grade Replaces current A* to G No changes to the 60%/40% assessment structure. Component marks remain familiar: 120 Maximum marks for the Portfolio 80 Maximum marks for the Externally Set Assignment New authentication and evaluation paperwork – My Creative Statement to be completed and counter-signed for each component. Helps the moderator to understand the student’s working and thinking processes. Possible changes to May deadline for submission of internally assessed marks to WJEC – common date across all boards will be subject to JCQ review. Visiting moderation. Administration and arrangements for making entries, moderation, awarding and results will be the same, as in current specification. Moderation will take place in June.

16 12 What’s changed?What’s the same? Annotation/writing with use of specialist vocabulary is now a requirement in all GCSE Art & Design specifications. In ours, it is designed to integrate with students’ practical and contextual investigation. It does not apply specifically to any AO but will be assessed holistically across the creative, investigative processes students pursue. As explained in our guidance on writing, it can apply to any or all AOs. The written element is very much in keeping with the approach of the current Portfolio and EST2. Where both written and practical responses should be purposefully integrated, should complement each other, and will be assessed holistically Slight changes to the assessment objectives. They have been simplified and made more concise, whilst retaining their meaning and encapsulating the integrated parts which make up the sustained creative process or cycle. The new assessment objectives and assessment criteria are similar to the current ones, but we’ve clarified and improved them. 4 familiar assessment objectives with equal weighting, as in current specification. The assessment objective headings below continue to be provided to assist teachers and students: AO1Critical understanding AO2Creative making AO3Reflective recording AO4Personal presentation

17 12 AO Current Assessment Objectives New Assessment Objectives AO1 Develop their ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding. Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources. AO2Refine their ideas through experimenting and selecting appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes. Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques and processes. AO3Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions in visual and/or other forms. Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses. AO4Present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating analytical and critical understanding, realising intentions and where appropriate, making connections between visual, written, oral or other elements. Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language.

18 Draft A Level and AS Art and Design13 First teaching September 2016. First GCSE qualification award Summer 2018 Transition to the new specification

19 Eduqas Additional Support Online Teacher Guides Marked examples of work from all disciplines areas with senior moderator commentaries - to help you with your internal marking Sample Assessment materials Light Box assessment videos Free CPD/ Training Events Centre Support Secure Website Draft A level and AS Art and Design14

20 Contacting Us Mari Bradbury Subject Officer, 029 2026 5138 Anna Parker Subject Support Officer, 029 2026 5123 Email: Draft A Level AS Art and Design15

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