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Statement of the Work SOW By: Wilmer Arellano FIU Fall 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Statement of the Work SOW By: Wilmer Arellano FIU Fall 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statement of the Work SOW By: Wilmer Arellano FIU Fall 2007

2 Overview  Strategy Plan of Action Statement of Work (SOW) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Project Milestones Results Evaluation

3 References Some Excerpts from the book:  Karl T Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger. (2004). Product Design and Development. Third Edition. Mc Graw Hill, Irwin. ISBN-13: 978-0-07-247146-5. Some Excerpts from the book  “Engineering Design, a Project Based Introduction”, second edition by Clive I. Dym and Patrick Little. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. ISBN 0-471-25687-0 us/assistance/HA011361531033.aspx#Step%201

4 Project management Project management is the activity of planning and coordinating resources and tasks to achieve the project goals.

5 Statement Of Work (SOW) A statement of work (SOW) is a document that contains information about:  Scope of Work,  Location of Work,  Period of Performance,  Deliverables Schedule,  Who is responsible for what.

6 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) The WBS is the hierarchical list of the project's phases, tasks and milestones  Phase: A group of related tasks that completes a major step in a project.  Task: An activity that has a beginning and an end. Project plans are made up of tasks.  Milestone: A reference point marking a major event in a project and used to monitor the project's progress.


8 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) The WBS may describe:  the activities of the project or  of its deliverables. We will base our WBS on deliverables.

9 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 100% rule This is what we want Deliverables based WBS tructure

10 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) The 100% rule  The rule applies at all levels within the hierarchy: the sum of the work at the “child” level must equal 100% of the work represented by the “parent” and the WBS should not include any work that falls outside the actual scope of the project, that is, it cannot include more than 100% of the work  The best way to adhere to the 100% Rule is to define WBS elements in terms of deliverables.


12 Possible Research (Missing Percentages)

13 Documenting (WBS) You need to describe the phases Phase 1.1-Antenna Design  Objective: To produce a 50 Ohm input impedance antenna with a power handling capability of 100 Watts with minimum cost and a minimum power gain of 3 dB  Approach: Two method will be used and compared to select the more economical design. Method 1 will consist of the recently acquired Antenna Design Software and method 2 will be based on newly published formulas by A. Jones [4]  Expected Results: A fully functional transmit antenna with accompanying literature and mounting hardware. This phase will consist of the following tasks:  Antenna Design  Antenna Construction  Antenna Testing Remember this is a deliverable based description

14 Project Timeline/ Sequential Tasks Tasks are sequential when they are dependent on the output of another task. These because the dependencies impose a sequential order in which the tasks must be completed. We do not necessarily mean that the later task cannot be started before the earlier one has been completed

15 Project Timeline/ Parallel task Two tasks are parallel when they are both dependent on the same task but are independent of each other.

16 Project Timeline/ Coupled tasks Coupled tasks are mutually dependent; each task requires the result of the other tasks in order to be completed. Coupled tasks either must be executed  simultaneously with continual exchanges of information or  must he carried out in an iterative fashion.

17 Gantt Charts The traditional tool for representing the timing of tasks is the Gantt chart. The filled-in portion of each bar represents the fraction of the task that is complete. The vertical line shows the current date, so we can observe directly that task D is behind schedule, while task E is ahead of schedule.

18 Gantt Charts (Open Workbench)

19 Milestones Examples:  Prototype Implementation.  Testing.  Documentation.  Demonstration. Each Milestone should be explained with a sentence or two

20 BUDGET (Task Cost)

21 Review Strategy  Plan of Action  Statement of Work (SOW)  Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)  Project Milestones  Results Evaluation

22 Software Open Workbench

23 & & Q uestions A nswers

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