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CS 598 Scripting Languages Design and Implementation Term project.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 598 Scripting Languages Design and Implementation Term project."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 598 Scripting Languages Design and Implementation Term project

2 Options 1.Implementation of a dynamic language 2.Evaluation 3.Proposal 2

3 1. Implementation of a dynamic language Implement a dynamic language of your choice. Design: – Completely novel – A subset of an existing language – A complete existing language. Implementation strategies – Interpreter On AST On source coude directly – Compiler 3

4 1. Implementation of a dynamic language Final report should contain: – Justification of the project (Why do it?) – The language specification – The implementation – Evaluation of the implementation relative to C. Write as a paper – Clear – Persuasive – Explain performance results. – Suggestions for future improvement (future work-also also persuasive, exciting) 4

5 2. Evaluation An evaluation of a language or features of the implementation of a language. The evaluation must have a goal. – Why are you doing this evaluation? – Why is known and what is not known today regarding the performance of this language and of the feature (literature review). It is ok to evaluate something that has already been evaluated (reproducible results). 5

6 2. Evaluation Final report must include – Justification of the project (Why do it?) – Description of the feature or language – Literature review – Justificaiton of benchamrks used for evaluation – Result of the evaluation – Comparison with results in literature. – Explanation of the results – Future directions (how to improve evaluation, how to improve language or features based on evaluation) 6

7 3. Proposal Write an NSF proposal (8 pages long + Summary). With all characterstics of an NSF proposal – Go to NSF website and find a descriiption of what goes into a proposal. Proposal must include – literature review – Justification of the work (quite persuasive) – Detailed plan of action. Jutification of the need for each part of the plan. – Data justifying work (no need to implement anything, but some measurements could be needed to justify work. Can use data in literature) 7

8 Important dates Letter of intent: – What you want to do and why this is important in your opinion (2 pages) – – Due Oct 28. First progress report. – A 1-2 page discussion of the project. – What has been accomplished (must be ~ 50% of the work to get full credit). – What remains to be done. – Due Nov. 13 th. Final report – A ~5 page report of work (except for proposals which are 9 pages long). – Due Dec. 7 th. Week of Nov. 30 th. Everybody presents their results for 15 minutes in class. 8

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