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Published byElfreda Atkinson Modified over 9 years ago
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication Road Traffic Infringement Agency 2012 – 13 Strategic Plan & Annual Performance Plan Presentation to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Transport Committee Room S35, 1 st Floor, NCOP Building, Parliament 17 April 2012
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication Contents Mandate Strategic priorities AARTO Process Highlights Challenges during 2011/12 Strategic Outcomes Projects and budget for the 2012/13 period Required interventions
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication Mandate Established by section 3 of the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Act, 1998 Main objects are to: -administer procedure to discourage traffic contraventions & support adjudication of infringements -enforce penalties imposed against persons contravening road traffic laws -provide specialised prosecution support -undertake community education and awareness programmes
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication Strategic priorities To increase the Agency revenue share from the outstanding road traffic infringement penalties Implementation of effective governance processes to achieve an unqualified opinion Implementation of AARTO communication campaigns Implementation of effective adjudication processes To develop comprehensive legislative review Full transfer of AARTO functions to the RTIA
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication The AARTO Process It all starts with a traffic violation
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication The AARTO Process
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication The AARTO Process
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication The AARTO Process
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication AARTO Process Courtesy letters Enforcement orders Warrants Notices RTIA Representation Officers Sheriffs Issuing Authorities/ RTMC Arrest driver Enforcement Infringement Notice Infringer Applications: Pay instalments Nominate driver Representations Elect court route Financial Management AARTO Bank account Capturing Transfer AARTO website NCR Tried in court Summonses Post Office Bank ATM Bank transfer Easy Pay points Internet Other
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication Stakeholder Map RTIA - Community Organisations - social formations - media Issuing Authorities Parliament, DoT & Other Transport Entities Courts Banks, Insurance Companies & Financial Institutions Businesses & Operators Road Users - Drivers - Pedestrians - Passengers
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication Highlights Scheduling in terms of the PFMA (31 Dec 2010) Continued operations despite no budget allocation for 2010/11 Creation of separate brand in public space Limited exposure relating to mandate Board appointment Implementation of debt collection processes Funding progress Relentless focus towards clean audits
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication Challenges during 2011/12 Period Critical lack of funding impacted: -SAPO Account (Costs of service) -IT infrastructure -Human capital (critical staff) -Office accommodation and furniture NCR Performance:
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication Challenges during 2011/12 Period continued Non-compliance of Johannesburg municipality Enforcement of role-player’s functions (conflict & confusion) Lack of objective and balanced audit processes (AG disclaimed RTIA but gave clean opinion for Johannesburg) RTIA Board (limited number of Board members)
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication Strategic Outcomes DoT Strategic Outcome : A transport sector that is safe and secure. Strategic Objective: 1 To implement effective governance processes to achieve an unqualified audit opinion Objective Statement Efficient governance framework BaselineThe Board has approved nine policies during the 2010/11 financial year. JustificationImproved service delivery by RTIA towards the realisation of the national goals. Performance Indicators Key Performance IndicatorsAnnual Target 2012/13Annual Target 2013/14Annual Target 2014/15 Unqualified audit opinion achieved Full compliance with the PFMA and the Treasury Regulations Unqualified audit opinion achieved Full compliance with the PFMA and the Treasury Regulations Unqualified audit opinion achieved Full compliance with the PFMA and the Treasury Regulations Risk Matrix Identified RisksRisk Mitigation Accrual Accounting Model Based on the Accountant General’s advice the RTIA has developed a policy that would be used to recognise RTIA accounting model
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication Strategic Outcomes DoT Strategic Outcome : A transport sector that is safe and secure. Strategic Objective: 2 Implementation of effective AARTO communication campaigns Objective Statement To create awareness and form strategic partnerships Baseline Draft RTIA communication strategy developed Justification Improved awareness and brand recognition of RTIA. Performance Indicators Key Performance IndicatorsAnnual Target 2012/13Annual Target 2013/14Annual Target 2014/15 Implement effective AARTO national marketing and education programmes. Implement AARTO media campaigns linked to national road safety programmes Implement effective AARTO national marketing and education programmes. Implement AARTO media campaigns linked to national road safety programmes. Roll out effective AARTO national marketing and education programmes. Implement AARTO media campaigns linked to national road safety programmes strategy Implement AARTO media campaigns linked to national road safety programmes strategy Sustain, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of AARTO marketing and educational programmes. Sustain, monitor and evaluate AARTO media campaigns linked to national road safety programmes Risk Matrix Identified RisksRisk Mitigation Lack of Funding Request for funding has been sent to the Department of Transport and the National Treasury and the other potential sponsors
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication Strategic Outcomes DoT Strategic Outcome : A transport sector that is safe and secure. Strategic Objective: 3 To increase Agency revenue share from the outstanding road traffic infringement penalties. Objective Statement To ensure increased rate of payment of infringement penalties and compliance to road traffic laws. Baseline The RTIA currently receives minimal funding by the DoT/National Treasury and relies on revenue collected from AARTO pilot project sites. JustificationImproved compliance to the Road Traffic Laws by road users. Performance Indicators Key Performance IndicatorsAnnual Target 2012/13Annual Target 2013/14Annual Target 2014/15 Increased Agency revenue share of outstanding infringement penalties Uploading of fines relating to the JMPD on the eNaTis system to facilitate collection of infringement penalties R319.1mR351m Risk Matrix Identified RisksRisk Mitigation Delay by issuing authorities to upload the infringement notices on the National Contravention Register (NCR) Clear timelines have been stipulated in the AARTO Draft Regulations regarding the uploading of infringement notices on the NCR.
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication Strategic Outcomes DoT Strategic Outcome : A transport sector that is safe and secure. Strategic Objective: 4 To develop efficient adjudication process in line with the AARTO Act Objective Statement To ensure compliance with the AARTO Act Baseline The RTIA currently receives minimal funding by the DoT/National Treasury and relies on revenue collected from AARTO pilot project sites. Justification Improved compliance to the Road Traffic Laws by road users. Performance Indicators Key Performance IndicatorsAnnual Target 2012/13Annual Target 2013/14Annual Target 2014/15 Number of representations adjudicated within the legal framework 179 520 AARTO representations adjudicated 380 000 AARTO representations adjudicated 780 000 AARTO representations adjudicated Risk Matrix Identified RisksRisk Mitigation Lack of adequately skilled technical, human capital and financial resources to support the national rollout of the AARTO; The agency has identified and prioritised the key positions required. In the exercise of prudence, a phased approach will be implemented for the acquisition of the required skills, based on the volumes experienced with national rollout.
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication Strategic Outcomes DoT Strategic Outcome : A transport sector that is safe and secure. Strategic Objective: 5 To develop comprehensive legislation review Objective Statement To ensure aligned road traffic legislation Baseline Draft AARTO regulations finalised and submitted to the Minister for approval. Request for review of the AARTO Act has been enlisted on the Parliamentary schedule. Justification Harmonisation of systems and procedures to enable smooth roll-out of AARTO Act to the remaining eight provinces. Performance Indicators Key Performance IndicatorsAnnual Target 2012/13Annual Target 2013/14Annual Target 2014/15 Reviewed AARTO Act properly aligned to the Regulations Implementation of the AARTO Regulations Draft AARTO Amendment Bill approved by Parliament Implementation of the AARTO Regulations Implementation of the AARTO Amendment Act Implementation of the AARTO Regulations Implementation of the AARTO Amendment Act Risk Matrix Identified RisksRisk Mitigation Lengthy approval period Department of Transport to approve the AARTO Regulations and the Bill within stipulated timeframes.
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication Strategic Outcomes DoT Strategic Outcome : A transport sector that is safe and secure. Strategic Objective: 6 Full transfer of AARTO functions to RTIA Objective Statement To ensure capacitation of the RTIA to execute its legislative mandate of implementing the AARTO Act Baseline Request for review of the AARTO Act has been enlisted on the Parliamentary schedule Justification Harmonise systems and procedures to enable smooth roll-out of AARTO Act to the remaining eight provinces. Performance Indicators Key Performance IndicatorsAnnual Target 2012/13Annual Target 2013/14Annual Target 2014/15 MoU signed with RTMC & DoT as a declaration for the transfer of AARTO functions to the RTIA Final preparation for the national roll-out of AARTO Act in the remaining eight provinces National roll-out of AARTO Act National implementation of the AARTO Act continues Risk Matrix Identified RisksRisk Mitigation Lack of cooperation Engagements between the RTMC and the Department of Transport are underway. Clear description of RTMC’s role in AARTO
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication Budget for the MTEF Period (ENE) Revenue itemProjected 2010/112011/2012 (R000) 2012/2013 (R000) 2013/2014 (R000) Government allocation05,000 Infringement penalty after courtesy letter 4,000 151,728 166,900 183,590 Courtesy letter fees 73,248 80,572 88,630 Enforcement order fees 58,598 64,458 70,904 Representation fees 6,540 7,194 7,913 ESTIMATED REVENUE 4,000 295,114 324,125 356,038
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication Expenditure Budget for the 2012/13 Period Expenditure item (R000) Compensation of employees (111 staff compliment)35, 000 Goods and services 187.3 - Service of Courtesy Letters (200 K p/m) 46,800 - Service of Enforcement Orders (160 K p/m) 37,440 - Service of other notices 8,400 - Communication programmes 90,000 - Consultative workshops (Legislation) 2,500 Capital expenditure 20, 000 - Furniture & IT infrastructure 15,000 - Vehicles (communications) 5,000 Total expenditure 242.3
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication Unrealized Value of the RTIA RTIA’s operations are funded through collection of penalties from infringers These mechanisms grossly inadequate in current framework Costs of service provision far outweighs revenue generated Implementation has benefited service providers financially
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication Critical risks faced Insufficient funding Lack of institutional capacitation Unaccomplished mandate Loss of credibility to AARTO & stakeholders Service delivery failure Audit queries
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication Mitigation Plans Basis of Accounting for clean audit opinion On-going engagements with Joburg Debt collection process implemented Draft regulations amendments developed Capacitation of entity – secondment of 4 staff from DoT Urgent funding secured from DoT – (R12 million) Implementation of enforcement orders
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication Interventions Required Urgent increased budget allocation -required allocation for 2012/13 – R 242m to support national rollout in 2013/14 Political interventions with Johannesburg Urgent support for legislative amendments -Regulations -Act amendments (2012/13) Enforcement of mandate & transfer of certain AARTO functions from RTMC
RTIA - Justice in Adjudication Conclusion Thank you!
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