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Racism(s) & discrimination

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1 Racism(s) & discrimination
Unit 3 Racism(s) & discrimination

2 Racism & isms ……… sexism, disableism, ageism, homophobia
Neil Thompson Racism can be defined as an attitude (ideology) or action (behaviour) that disadvantages individuals or groups on the basis of their “racial” inferiority[1], mainly by means of limiting their access to scarce resources. 1] Racial difference or racial inferiority is often perceived or constructed in terms of different culture, ethnicity, religion, language, etc. See Unit 6

3 Explanations of racism:
1. Psychological ”Some people are like that” 2. Lack of knowledge, ignorance „To know is to love“ 3. Intergroup relations ”Birds of a feather” 4. Individuals are racists because the structures, practices, and values of our society are racist. ”Its the system”

4 Discrimination/isms: Personal – Cultural - Structural Neil Thompson

5 Racisms – cont. from violent attacks or scapegoating
to paternalistic crypto-racist assistance to m. tendency to deny racism (unacceptable) two main meanings: 1) ideology (beliefs) about racial superiority 2) “the whole complex of factors which produce racial discrimination” and sometimes also “those which produce racial disadvantage” Cashmore

6 Racism as ideology 1. the so called “scientific racism of the 19th century”, manifested for example in the publication by Herrnstein, Murray, 1995 2. “popular” racism or “common sense” racism that is based on ethnocentrism, a tendency to believe that one´s own cultural paradigm is universal, neutral and superior to any other culture

7 In other words… Racism 1. denies all difference in the name of universality of the human nature, but unconsciously it takes back this universality to the dominant model; 2. uses the obvious differences to turn them into instruments of domination, exploitation, condemnation, exclusion, or extermination.

8 Racisms- cont. Attitudes Behaviour Structures
„Racism, in short, involves stereotypes about difference and inferiority use of power to exclude, discriminate, subjugate“ The Parekh Report, 2000 Attitudes Behaviour Structures Inequality Prejudice Discrimination

9 Racisms – cont. Prejudice Discrimination Exclusion

10 Assimilation and Racism (Bauböck)
Assimilation and Racism (Bauböck) assimilation is possible yes no assimilation is required compulsory assimilation racist double-bind pluralism segregation

11 assimilationist policies inclusiveness

12 Assimilationist model

13 Curriculum (Multiculturalism) model
Cultural Effects  CULTURES LIFESTYLES ATTITUDES PLURALIST TOLERANCE AND HARMONY  Does the organisation of this ‘institution’ recognise Diversity ?   PLURALIST

Social and Political Effects  EQUITY PARTICIPATION ANTIDISCRIMINATORY LIFE CHANCES Are people enabled in this ‘institution’? Do the structures allow for achievement, growth and opportunities? ANTIDISCRIMINATORY

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