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U.S. Political Parties Our 2 Party System. Joining #1 Do you have to? #2 Why would I?

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Political Parties Our 2 Party System. Joining #1 Do you have to? #2 Why would I?"— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Political Parties Our 2 Party System

2 Joining #1 Do you have to? #2 Why would I?

3 The “Specific” Definition A group of people joined together on the basis of common principles who seek to control government and affect certain public policies through winning elections and obtaining public office

4 Are today’s Dems and Repubs.. Issue-orientated? Principle-orientated? OR Election-orientated?

5 Two-Party System Why? Historically Speaking…..

6 “the baneful effects of the spirit of party” --George warning against the formation of political parties

7 Two-Party System- WHY? Force of Tradition: --We have a 2 party system because we HAVE a two party system.

8 Two-Party System – WHY? Our Electoral System For example: Single Member districts Ballot laws

9 Two-Party System- WHY? The American Ideological Consensus --We generally agree on major fundamental issues Economic class, social status, religion, national origin

10 Two-Party System – WHY? Both parties generally the same; both tend to be moderate There are differences, as we discussed earlier (remember, we covered ideology first thing this year, that is technically part of these topic)

11 Two-Party System – WHY? Some argue we’re BECOMING more polarized. Agree?

12 Other Alternatives? One-Party System….. Multi-Party system?? --Absence of a majority --Single member districts --Our Ideological Consensus makes this difficult here

13 What does a Party do? Nominate Candidates Inform and Activate Supporters “Bonding Agent” (good character) Governing the country Watchdog

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