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 Although the castle now stands in one of the islands of Lake Galve, studies show that prior to the start of construction there were three small islets.

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3  Although the castle now stands in one of the islands of Lake Galve, studies show that prior to the start of construction there were three small islets and swamp space between them. Complicated geological conditions led to the castle structure.

4  The other fact of Trakai castle is that, there, in 1430 October 27 died Lithuanian grand duke Vytautas.  Later, the castle was used as a prison. The Renaissance castle was carried out small reconstruction and repair work. Moscow during the war (1655-1660 m). Destroyed and was a long standing unattended, its ruins were on the decline

5  Now the castle restored and is one of Lithuania's most popular tourist attractions. Castle hosts various festivals, archaeological and historical displays, hunting museum. The castle on the island located in the park.


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