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8-3&4 Political geography Key Issue: Why do States Cooperate with Each Other? (Supranationalism)

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Presentation on theme: "8-3&4 Political geography Key Issue: Why do States Cooperate with Each Other? (Supranationalism)"— Presentation transcript:

1 8-3&4 Political geography Key Issue: Why do States Cooperate with Each Other? (Supranationalism)

2 Easy Answer!  There are 2 reasons: Security (Political/Military)Security (Political/Military) Wealth (Economic)Wealth (Economic)

3 I. Security  A) The United Nations 1 – WWII1 – WWII 2 – If at first you don’t2 – If at first you don’tsucceed… 3 – Better but limited3 – Better but limited 4 – Neutrality4 – Neutrality 5 – Critics5 – Critics

4 Where is the UN located????

5 B) Cold War  1 – prior to WWII  2 – post WWII a. NATO a. NATO b. Warsaw Pact b. Warsaw Pact  3 – Both Superpowers  4 – 1980’s – 1990’s  Warsaw Pact  NATO

6 Copy the following, skip one line between each.  5 – Other Regional Organizations: AU AU OAS OAS OAU OAU Commonwealth of Nations Commonwealth of Nations *For Homework –(just identify to be familiar with them) *For Homework –(just identify to be familiar with them)

7 II. Economic  A) Prior to WWII (1900 – 1940)  B) Bipolar World (1945 – 1980’s)  C) Post Cold War (mid-1980’s – today) 1 – State power today increasingly ___________ rather than ___________. Example:1 – State power today increasingly ___________ rather than ___________. Example: 2 – Leading Superpower is NOT a single sate but an ______________ Union. Called the EU – stands for ____________________. What country is the strongest industrially in the EU?2 – Leading Superpower is NOT a single sate but an ______________ Union. Called the EU – stands for ____________________. What country is the strongest industrially in the EU? economic military economic European Union

8 This One!!! What’s This region Called? A B C D E As a group What are These countries Called?

9 D) Facts About The European Union (EU)  Due as Homework – Skip number of lines found in red after each heading. Highlight the heading. Fill in with notes for homework. (284-287) 1 – Date Established: (1) 1 – Date Established: (1) 2 – Expansion of EU over time (why)(3) 2 – Expansion of EU over time (why)(3) 3 – Political Organization (1) 3 – Political Organization (1) 4 – Main Goal/Task (1) 4 – Main Goal/Task (1) 5 – Benefits of the Union (3) 5 – Benefits of the Union (3) 6 – Result of the “Union” (1) 6 – Result of the “Union” (1)

10 Key Issue 4: Why Has Terrorism Increased?  Point 1 – Terrorism is the systematic use of violence by a group in order to intimidate a population or coerce a government into granting its demands.  Point 2 – Terrorists believe that violence is necessary to bring widespread publicity to goals and grievances that are not being addressed through peaceful means.  Point 3 – Terrorists may strongly believe in their cause to the point of freely and purposely committing suicide to commit violent acts.

11  Point 4 – Terrorism differs from assassinations and other acts of political violence because attacks are aimed at ordinary people rather than military targets or political leaders. Terrorists consider all citizens responsible for the actions being opposed so all citizens qualify as targets.  Point 5 – Terrorism is not always easy to define. What is considered a terrorist attack by one group is NOT necessarily looked at that way by another group.

12 I. Terrorism by Individuals and Organizations  A) Many terrorist attacks against US during the 1990’s: (DO NOT NEED TO COPY ALL) Pan Am Flight 103 over Scotland (1988) – 270 dead Pan Am Flight 103 over Scotland (1988) – 270 dead Car bomb in World trade Center (1993) – 6 dead, 1000 injured Car bomb in World trade Center (1993) – 6 dead, 1000 injured Car Bomb in Oklahoma City (1995) – 168 dead Car Bomb in Oklahoma City (1995) – 168 dead US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania (1998) 190 dead, 5000 injured US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania (1998) 190 dead, 5000 injured World Trade Center (2001) – almost 3000 dead World Trade Center (2001) – almost 3000 dead *Truck bomb in Saudi Arabia (1996) killed 19 US soldiers *Truck bomb in Saudi Arabia (1996) killed 19 US soldiers *Boat bomb in Yemen (2000) – killed 17 US soldiers on board USS Cole *Boat bomb in Yemen (2000) – killed 17 US soldiers on board USS Cole

13 B) American Terrorists(examples)  1 – Unabomber killed 3,  injured 17  2 – Timothy McVeigh

14 C) Al-Qaeda  1 – Founder – Osama bin Laden  2 – Afghanistan  3 – Organization  4 – 1996 Fatwa (Declaration of Holy War)

15 5 – 9/11 Details  3,000 fatalities 93 on American Airlines Flight 11 – WTC Tower 1 93 on American Airlines Flight 11 – WTC Tower 1 65 on United Airlines flight 175 – WTC Tower 2 65 on United Airlines flight 175 – WTC Tower 2 2,605 in the WTC 2,605 in the WTC

16  64 on American Airlines Flight 77 – crashed into Pentagon  125 in Pentagon itself  44 on United Airlines flight 93 – crashed in Penn. field

17 What type of technology? World Trade Center 2000

18 September 15, 2001

19 6) Challenges for 2 groups:  Can Muslims worldwide still express disagreement with US policies/popular culture yet not support the terrorist approach?  Can Americans distinguish between the peaceful 1.9 billion Muslims worldwide and the abuse of Islam by a small minority?

20 New slide added this week: Osama bin Laden killed by US Military- May 2011

21 Homework (Purple 290 – 292) (283 brown edition- 264-White edition )  II. State Support of Terrorism A) 3 levels of support for terrorism (3 lines) A) 3 levels of support for terrorism (3 lines) B) State Sponsors of terrorism (2 lines each) B) State Sponsors of terrorism (2 lines each) 1 – Libya 1 – Libya 2 – Afghanistan 2 – Afghanistan 3 – Iraq 3 – Iraq 4 – Iran 4 – Iran 5 - Pakistan 5 - Pakistan The End!

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