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Welcome. Mahmuda Hak Setu Assistant teacher Nishanbary govt. primary school Keranigonj, Dhaka. Mahmuda Hak Setu Assistant teacher Nishanbary govt. primary.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome. Mahmuda Hak Setu Assistant teacher Nishanbary govt. primary school Keranigonj, Dhaka. Mahmuda Hak Setu Assistant teacher Nishanbary govt. primary."— Presentation transcript:

1 welcome

2 Mahmuda Hak Setu Assistant teacher Nishanbary govt. primary school Keranigonj, Dhaka. Mahmuda Hak Setu Assistant teacher Nishanbary govt. primary school Keranigonj, Dhaka.

3 Class –three Subject –English Unit 11:Food and hygiene Lesson 01:Food we need Page:75 Class –three Subject –English Unit 11:Food and hygiene Lesson 01:Food we need Page:75

4 Warm up

5 Head line Food we need Head line Food we need

6 Learning outcomes: Students will be able – 1.To say the lesson matter. 2.To read the word with correct pronunciation. 3.To make sentence by the new words Students will be able – 1.To say the lesson matter. 2.To read the word with correct pronunciation. 3.To make sentence by the new words

7 Banana Carrot Mango papaya

8 fish meat egg milk chicken

9 Word meaning Bread –food made of flour, water mixed together and baked Chicken –a domestic fowlkept for its eggs or meat. Meat –the flesh of an animal as food. Bread –food made of flour, water mixed together and baked Chicken –a domestic fowlkept for its eggs or meat. Meat –the flesh of an animal as food.

10 Make sentence banana I like banana mango I eat mango fish There are many fish in the pond

11 Food from plants and trees mango banana carrot rice ruti bread

12 Food from animals meat fish chicken egg milk

13 Group work Food from plants and treesFood from animals Make two lists in your khata

14 Evaluation Make sentence 1.Banana 2.Mango 4.milk 1.Banana 2.Mango 4.milk

15 Thanks to all

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