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Hurricane Katrina Foreign Contributions Program February 2007.

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2 Hurricane Katrina Foreign Contributions Program February 2007

3 Background  Foreign governments and international entities U. S. Government Department of Homeland Security Department of Education

4 Purpose  “To support Hurricane Katrina relief and recovery efforts.”

5 Eligibility  Public and nonpublic Orleans St. Bernard Plaquemines The Recovery School District (public only)

6 Use of Funds  Three areas: Libraries Academic Labs Early Learning Centers  Research based  Accessibility

7 Libraries  Classroom/centralized  Research based methodologies to facilitate the development of reading comprehension abilities

8 Suggested Uses  Books, related materials  Electronic media  Instructional technology Hardware and software Computers Printers Servers Related equipment needed for internet access

9 Academic Labs  To establish, replace, update/enhance  Evidence-based research documenting positive student outcomes  Science, math, computer/technology, language acquisition, etc.

10 Suggested Uses  Instructional technology Hardware and software Computers Printers Servers Related equipment needed for internet access

11 Early Learning Centers  To establish, replace/enhance  Strong focus on emergent literacy  Address appropriate standards

12 Suggested Uses  Developmentally and age appropriate Equipment/supplies Computer/instructional technology

13 Coordination of Funds  Hurricane Education Recovery Act  Federal Emergency Management Act  Other federal, state and local

14 Program Monitoring  Program Quarterly Cost Report  Quarterly Progress Report  On-site Visits



17 Application  Due no later than close of business (4:30 p.m.) on Wednesday, February 28, 2007.



20 SCHOOL SITE: PRINCIPAL: ADDRESS: (Street) (City, State, Zip) TELEPHONE: FAX: (Area Code)(Area Code) Hurricane Katrina Foreign Contributions Grant Site Information

21 Allocation Process  Based on the estimated number of eligible schools a target dollar of $198,148 was provided to each individual school.  Funds will be allocated to schools based on the number of approved applications received by LDE.  Consequently, allocations may higher or lower than the target dollar based on the number of applicants.

22 Budget Forms  Budget forms designed for the Foreign Contributions Grant MUST be used.  Budget Revision require LDE approval Website: Note: The Budget Summary and Budget Detail forms must be submitted with the application

23 Financial Reporting  Recipients must submit the Hurricane Katrina Foreign Contributions Program Quarterly Cost Report on a quarterly basis.  Recipients must notify the LDE in the case of problems, delays, or adverse conditions which will materially impair the recipient’s ability to meet the objectives of this award.

24 Contact Information Grants Management Pete Lafleur Budget Management Administrator Lois Azzarello Budget Manager Lashunda Sullivan Budget Analyst Standards, Assessments, and Accountability Marybeth Ridgel Program Officer


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