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CHEM FINAL CYCLE 2 REVIEW TOPICS. MAIN TOPICS 1 -Matter – definition – classification Element – compounds- mixtures – Homogeneous heterogeneus - representations.

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Presentation on theme: "CHEM FINAL CYCLE 2 REVIEW TOPICS. MAIN TOPICS 1 -Matter – definition – classification Element – compounds- mixtures – Homogeneous heterogeneus - representations."— Presentation transcript:


2 MAIN TOPICS 1 -Matter – definition – classification Element – compounds- mixtures – Homogeneous heterogeneus - representations 2.-Physical and Chemical Properties and changes 3.-Temperature – definition –scales– conversions 4.-Heat problems /heat of fusion / heat of vaporization 5.-Heating curves 6.-Gas problems 7.-Liquids – boiling vs evaporation / Vapor pressure 8.-Solids – definition – sublimation 9- Measuring- units. Density – significant figures Textbook p 1 to 39/ 44 to52 / 569 Measurement

3 9. The atom – history, subatomic particles, isotopes, atomic number, atomic mass, mass number, ground state, excited state. Textbook p 65 to 84 / 99 to 103 10. Periodic Table trends 186 to 190 11. Bonding. Ionic, ionic solids 125-127 12. Covalent Bonding, Covalent Bonding

4 REVIEW BOOK TOPIC 1. THE ATOM PAGE 1 Practice Page 21 Practice questions Questions 1 to 24 – 29 to 33 4. PHYSICAL BEHAVIOR OF MATTER P 57 Practice Page 74 Practice questions Questions 1 to 30

5 5. PERIODIC TABLE P 77 Practice Page 94 Practice questions Questions 1 to 29 6. BONDING Page 98 to 100 and 108 to110 Practice Topic 6 p113 1 to 3, 8, 9, 15,18, 24

6 TASKS WORK ON REVIEW QUESTIONS CHECK ANSWERS IDENTIFY TOPICS THAT NEED TO BE STUDIED Each group will write an important concept on their assigned topic on a post it to share with classmates. Post it will be available for the class during midterm!!!

7 ANSWERS FOR 2484-1 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.3 8.A 9.A 10.C 11.2 12.D 23. B 13.A 24. C 14.C 25. B 15.D 16.B 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.C 21.A 22.D

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